Comparative Theology Final: Judiasm

  1. Core Ideas of Jewish Belief:

    • Belief in one God (monotheism).

    • The covenant between God and the Jewish people.

    • The importance of following God's laws (Torah).

  2. Biblical History:

    • Abraham: Seen as the father of Judaism, made the first covenant with God.

    • Moses: Led the Israelites out of Egypt, received the Ten Commandments.

    • Prophets: Messengers of God's will (e.g., Isaiah, Jeremiah).

    • Diaspora: The dispersion of Jews outside Israel.

    • Apocalypticism: Belief in an ultimate divine judgment and end times.

  3. Role of God in Jewish History:

    • God actively intervenes in the world, guiding the Jewish people and history.

  4. Sources and Understandings of Law in Judaism:

    • Torah: The first five books of the Hebrew Bible, central to Jewish law.

    • Pentateuch: Another term for the Torah.

    • TANAKH: Hebrew Bible, composed of the Torah, Prophets (Nevi'im), and Writings (Ketuvim).

    • Halakhah: Jewish legal tradition.

    • Talmud: Commentary on the Torah, providing interpretations.

    • Midrash: Rabbinic commentary on biblical stories.

  5. Jewish Dietary Code:

    • Kashrut: Dietary laws (e.g., prohibition of pork, separation of meat and dairy).

  6. Jewish Festivals and Rituals:

    • Passover: Celebrates the Exodus from Egypt.

    • Yom Kippur: Day of atonement and repentance.

    • Sabbath (Shabbat): Day of rest from Friday evening to Saturday evening.

  7. Denominations/Branches of Judaism:

    • Orthodox Judaism: Adheres strictly to traditional beliefs and practices.

    • Conservative Judaism: Balances tradition with modernity.

    • Reform Judaism: Liberal interpretation of Jewish laws.
