
Chapter 5: Discrete Probability Distributions

Overview of Discrete Probability Distributions

  • Key Topics:

    • Description of discrete random variables and their probability distributions

    • Summary measures for discrete random variables

    • Calculation and interpretation of probabilities for:

      • Binomial random variables

      • Poisson random variables

      • Hypergeometric random variables

5.1 Definition of Discrete Random Variables

  • Random Variable: Function that assigns numerical values to outcomes of an experiment.

    • Captures uncertainty and summarizes outcomes using numerical values

    • Denoted conventionally by X.

Types of Random Variables

  1. Discrete Random Variables

    • Assume a finite number of values or an infinite countable sequence.

    • Examples: Number of correct answers on an exam.

  2. Continuous Random Variables

    • Can assume any numerical value in an interval.

    • Example: Average score on an exam.

Infinite Values in Discrete Random Variables

  • Example: Number of cars arriving at a toll booth.

    • Let x = number of cars arriving in one day, where x = {0, 1, 2, ...}.

    • Infinite potential without finite upper limit.

Characteristics of Random Variables

  • Experiment: e.g., inspect shipment of radios, operate a restaurant, fill a soft drink can, operate a bank.

  • Each scenario yields possible values of the random variable:

    • Inspect radios: 0-50 defective (discrete finite).

    • Restaurant customer count: 0 to infinity (discrete infinite).

    • Can volume: 0 ≤ x ≤ 12.1 ounces (continuous).

    • Time between customer arrivals: x ≥ 0 (continuous).

Discrete Probability Distributions

  • Describes how probabilities are distributed across values of a random variable.

  • Can be represented in tables, graphs, or formulas.

  • Types of Distribution:

    • Based on rules for assigning probabilities (empirical).

    • Uses mathematical formulas to determine probabilities.

Definition of Probability Function

  • Probability distribution defined by a probability function, denoted P(X = x).

    • Gives probability that random variable X equals a specific value.

    • Conditions:

      • 0 ≤ P(X = xi) ≤ 1

      • Total probability = 1.

Methods for Assigning Probabilities

  1. Classical Method

  2. Subjective Method

  3. Relative Frequency Method.

Example: DiCarlo Motors Sales Data

  • Sample data showing number of cars sold vs. frequency:| Cars Sold | Days | P(X = x) | |-----------|------|-----------| | 0 | 54 | 0.18 | | 1 | 117 | 0.39 | | 2 | 72 | 0.24 | | 3 | 42 | 0.14 | | 4 | 12 | 0.04 | | 5 | 3 | 0.01 | | Total | 300 | 1.00 |

Graphical Representation

  • Probability distribution graphically represented, showing relative likelihoods of various sales outcomes.

Probability Mass Function

  • A formula that assigns probabilities to values of X in case of discrete variables.

  • Common discrete distributions:

    • Discrete Uniform Distribution

    • Binomial Distribution

    • Poisson Distribution

    • Hypergeometric Distribution.

Expected Value of a Random Variable

  • The expected value (mean) measures a random variable's central location.

  • Calculated as:

    • E(X) = Σ xP(X = x)

  • It reflects a weighted average considering probabilities.

    • It need not be an actual value that the random variable can assume.

Variance and Standard Deviation

  • Variance: Measures variability and is computed as:

    • Var(X) = Σ [X - E(X)]² P(X = x)

  • Standard deviation:

    • S(X) = √Var(X).

Example Calculation: DiCarlo Motors

  • Expected number of cars sold: E(X) = 1.50.

  • Variance: Var(X) = 1.25.

  • Standard deviation: S(X) = 1.118 cars.

Binomial Probability Distribution

  • Based on Bernoulli process conditions:

    • Identical trials, independence, two outcomes (success/failure), constant probability for success.

  • Focus on number of successes in n trials.

    • Binomial random variable, X, can take values from 0 to n.

Binomial Probability Function

  • Formula: P(X = x) = (n! / (x!(n-x)!)) p^x (1-p)^(n-x).

Examples in Context

  • Example of customer purchases at a store with calculated probabilities for different outcomes and expected values versus actual observed results.

Excel Application

  • Use of Excel to calculate probabilities, expected values, variance, and standard deviation.

  • Functions include:

    • BINOM.DIST for specific probability calculations.

    • Formulas derived from data to summarize and analyze business outcomes.


  • Key understandings about discrete probability distributions facilitate better decision-making in business contexts through probabilistic modeling.
