1. | abrasive | uh BRAY siv | harsh, causing irritation, rough ; anything that grates or irritates — physically or metaphorically | |||||||||||
What does an obnoxious person have in common with sandpaper? Both are abrasive. Anything that grates or irritates — physically or metaphorically — can be described using this adjective. The history of the word abrasive illustrates how a word typically enters the English language and then changes with time. The English verb abrade "to wear down by scraping" entered the language from Latin abradere "to scrape off" in the late 1600s. Some 200 years later, the adjective form of the word — abrasive — came into use to describe a type of grinding tool. By the 1920s, abrasive had acquired the more figurative sense of annoying and infuriating. If you find someone abrasive, he or she grinds away at your nerves. | ||||||||||||||
2. | appease | uh PEES | to pacify, to be conciliatory in a manner that sacrifices principles | |||||||||||
Appease means to make or preserve peace with a nation, group, or person by giving in to their demands, or to relieve a problem, as in "the cold drink appeased his thirst." Appease often implies abandoning your moral principles to satisfy the demands of someone who is greedy for power: think of British Prime Minister Chamberlain's attempt to appease the Nazis at Munich. The verb appease comes from the Old French apaisier, "to pacify, make peace, or be reconciled," from the phrase "a paisier," which combines a-, or "to," and pais, "peace," from the Latin pax. | ||||||||||||||
3. | bewail | buh WALE | to deplore, to express deep sorrow; regret strongly | |||||||||||
The verb bewail means to lament or express great sorrow. When your big brother or sister starts kindergarten, you may bewail the fact that they can't play with you all day anymore but you'll be excited when you get to go to school also! The verb bewail is from the Old Norse word væla, meaning to lament. The prefix be- is added when you want to make something stronger or more intense. So bewail means to greatly lament and when compared to bemoan, a word with similar meaning, bewailing would be louder and more intense. You can bewail the death of a friend, but if you bewail a minor irritation like a broken nail, people will accuse you of being overly dramatic. | ||||||||||||||
4. | cleft | CLEFT | a space or opening made by cleavage, a split; a long narrow opening | |||||||||||
If you're looking for an indentation or opening in something, you're looking for a cleft (noun). A person with a cleft (adjective) chin has a little dent in the middle of their chin. Most superheroes have one. Superman is known for his ability to leap tall buildings, his crush on Lois Lane, and the cleft in his chin. For some reason, that cleft is supposed to make him look strong. Some clefts are not so nice. A cleft palate is an upper lip with a deep indentation in it that should be fixed by a surgeon. You may know the verb cleave, which means to cut down the middle. If you cleave something but don't finish the job, you've probably left a cleft in it. | ||||||||||||||
5. | countermand | koun ter MAND | to revoke, to cancel, or to reverse; cancel officially | |||||||||||
When an officer in the military shouts, “Belay that order, Private!” that is a countermand. A countermand is an order that cancels or reverses an earlier command. Countermand is also used as a verb meaning “to cancel or revoke.” Counter means “opposing” or “opposite,” and mand is short for “mandate” or “command.” Put them together and you’ve got countermand — an “opposing command.” When you issue a countermand, you cancel the original command and usually replace it with a new one. Countermand is often used in a military context, but it can be applied more widely. If your parents tell you to take out the trash, you might countermand these orders by telling your little brother to do it instead. | ||||||||||||||
6. | defraud | deh FRAWD | to deal with deceptively; deprive of by deceit | |||||||||||
To defraud is to con someone out of money. Defrauding is a sneaky crime. | ||||||||||||||
7. | disavowal | dis uh VOW ul | Denial of any connection with or knowledge of | |||||||||||
A disavowal is a strong denial of any knowledge about something. You might use it to get across the point that you have no idea how that window got broken. | ||||||||||||||
8. | eclipse | eh KLIPS | to cast a shadow upon; to darken; to make dim or obscure by comparison; the phenomenon when one celestial body obscures another | |||||||||||
Have you ever seen an eclipse? That's when the sun, earth or moon cross paths and cover each other up temporarily. | ||||||||||||||
9. | ellipsis | eh LIP sis | omission of words necessary for complete construction | |||||||||||
An ellipsis is punctuation that is used to show where words have been left out. The ellipsis is usually formed by three periods (four if the ellipsis comes at the end of a sentence). | ||||||||||||||
10. | fussbudget | FUS buj it | One who worries about unimportant things; thinks about unfortunate things that might happen | |||||||||||
My sister is earning a reputation as a fussbudget because she constantly complains. | ||||||||||||||
11. | idolatry | eye DOLL uh tree | worship of idols, excessive devotion; the worship of images that are not God | |||||||||||
Idolatry means the worship of images as if they were gods. Many religions prohibit idolatry, some even to the extent of forbidding any representational objects in houses of worship. | ||||||||||||||
12. | malicious | muh LISH us | motivated by hate or deliberate intent to harm | |||||||||||
Someone who is malicious enjoys hurting or embarrassing others. If you're writing a book about good and evil, you'll want to come up with a truly malicious character to do all the bad stuff. | ||||||||||||||
13. | mote | MOTE | a particle or speck of dust; a tiny piece of anything | |||||||||||
Say the word: mote. It's short and quick, isn't it? The word corresponds to its meaning, which is something tiny: a speck of dust, a bit of fluff, a speckle of gold in the prospector's pan. | ||||||||||||||
14. | optimum | OP tuh mum | most favorable, best or greatest degree attainable; best condition or highest extent of something | |||||||||||
An optimum is the best condition or highest extent of something. He didn't mean to create a science experiment, but the unwashed coffee cup under his desk became the optimum dark, wet environment for growing lots of mold. | ||||||||||||||
15. | personification | pur son uh fuh KAY | attribution of personal qualities; a person who represents an abstract quality | |||||||||||
Personification means "giving humans qualities to an abstract idea," as in a movie villain who is the personification of evil. | ||||||||||||||
16. | pertinacity | pur tuh NAS eh tee | stubborn persistence or act of refusing to yield on an opinion or belief | |||||||||||
Pertinacity is a quality of sticking with something, no matter what. It's a type of persistent determination. | ||||||||||||||
17. | prate | PRATE | to talk idly or foolishly at great length; speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly | |||||||||||
To prate means to talk on and on about something. While it may be interesting to hear about other people’s vacations, when they prate about them until the wee hours, it becomes intolerable. | ||||||||||||||
18. | precept | PREE sept | a rule guiding conduct or imposing a standard | |||||||||||
A precept is a rule or direction, often with some religious basis, dictating a way you should act or behave. | ||||||||||||||
19. | repulse | reh PULSE | to repel or to rebuff (usually with rudeness); force or drive back | |||||||||||
To repulse something is to repel it or drive it back. When you repulse your sister, you disgust her. When you repulse the enemy in battle or someone in conversation, you force them back or make them turn away. | ||||||||||||||
20. | scribe | SKRIBE | a journalist, a public secretary or clerk; someone employed to make written copies of documents and manuscripts | |||||||||||
A scribe is a term for someone employed to make written copies of documents. Before printing was invented, the busy scribes in a village would write copies of all the legal documents. | ||||||||||||||
21. | sophistry | SOF eh stree | practice of intentionally misleading arguments that seem to be plausible; a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone | |||||||||||
Sophistry is tricking someone by making a seemingly clever argument, such as telling your mom you must have candy before dinner because if you don't you'll die and then the protein and vitamins won't get eaten at all. | ||||||||||||||
22. | supplication | sup luh KAY shun begging, humbly asking for a favor | ||||||||||||
Think of a supplication as sort of a prayer, a request for help from a deity. The word carries a sense of awe and adoration with it, suggesting something tentative, even servile, a respectful appeal to a higher power. | ||||||||||||||
23. | traducer | truh DOOS ur | one who slanders or speaks falsely about someone | |||||||||||
After hearing the gossip, the woman confronted the traducer face to face to stop the vicious slander. | ||||||||||||||
24. | venturesome | VEN chur sum | being bold and taking risks | |||||||||||
The adjective venturesome describes someone who is willing to take risks, someone brave. If you have a venturesome child, you may worry because she's the one you find on top of the playhouse instead of inside it. | ||||||||||||||
25. | waylay | WAY lay | to ambush or to attack unexpectedly;wait in hiding to attack | |||||||||||
When you waylay someone, you stop them from doing what they were going to do, either by using violence or some other tactic. |