Page 1: Importance of Modesty and Chastity

  • Hadith Reference: Al-Hoya is from faith, and rude behavior leads to punishment.

  • Self-Respect: A believer recognizes the rights and status of others, particularly scholarly individuals, as a matter of respect for knowledge.

Stages of Modesty

  1. Following Divine Commands: Adherence to Allah's orders while avoiding forbidden acts involves self-control over desires. This includes a consciousness of death.

  2. Avoiding Harm: Believers should not harm others.

  3. Awareness of Allah's Presence: Individuals feel shame in solitude, avoiding sins by recognizing Allah's omnipresence.

Modern Challenges

  • Vulgarity and obscenity are pervasive in today’s world, creating a challenge for believers.

  • Major Sin: Engaging in or spreading indecent behavior is a significant sin according to Islamic teachings, as highlighted in Surah Al-Noor 24:19.

Page 2: Life and Teachings of Imam Hussain

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the lineage and significance of Imam Hussain.

  • Describe his childhood and the teachings he imparted.

  • Recognize the greatness and religious contributions of Imam Hussain.

Ancestry of Imam Hussain

  • Full Name: Hussain bin Ali bin Abi Talib, born into a distinguished family with ties to the Prophet Muhammad through both parents (Hazrat Fatima Zahra).

  • Birth: Born in Madinah in 3 or 4 A.H. His birth was celebrated by the Prophet, who performed religious rituals.

Page 3: Childhood of Imam Hussain

  • Grew up under the care of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Fatima Zahra. The early loss of his grandfather (the Prophet) and mother shaped his upbringing.

  • Exhibited moral brilliance early on, demonstrated through interactions where he corrected others politely.

  • High Moral Character: Imam Hussain showcased compassion and righteousness, influencing those around him during his youth.

Page 4: Excellence of Imam Hussain

  • Lineage: Grandson of Prophet Muhammad makes his status significant.

  • Moral Character: Known for valor, piety, and devotion, as well as exemplary conduct in religious teachings.

  • Hadith on Love: Love for Imam Hussain translates to love for the Prophet as narrated in multiple sources.

Page 5: Religious Services and Advocacy of Imam Hussain

  • Public gatherings were common where Imam Hussain shared profound knowledge from the Quran and Sunnah.

  • Character of Worship: Engaged in sincere worship, performed numerous pilgrimages, and his overall demeanor was of remarkable moral standing.

  • Family: Had several wives and children, including Hazrat Ali Akbar and Hazrat Ali Asghar, known for their roles during the events of Karbala.

Page 6: Events Leading to Karbala

  • The political scenario in Kufa led to significant developments concerning Imam Hussain's leadership.

  • Refusal of Allegiance: Imam Hussain declined to pledge loyalty to Yazeed, which set the stage for conflict.

  • Journey to Kufa: Initial call to lead the community went unmet as he arrived in Karbala to find an army against him.

Page 7: The Battle of Karbala

  • Date of martyrdom: 10 Muharram in 61 A.H.

  • The battle was characterized as a symbolic fight between truth and falsehood under Yazeed's oppressive rule.

  • Imam Hussain's stand is revered in Islamic history as a sacrifice in defense of Islamic principles.

Page 8: Legacy of Imam Hussain

  • Shrine: Karbala signifies a place of pilgrimage for millions, reflecting his sacrifices.

  • Teaching and Influence: His life continues to inspire discussions on righteousness, justice, and defiance against tyranny.

Page 9: Introduction to Hazrat Ubaidah bin Jarrah

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding Ubaidah's history, virtues, and contributions to Islamic teachings.


  • Known as "Abu Ubaidah"; descendant of the Quraish tribe.

  • Early acceptance of Islam and a prominent role in Islamic military campaigns.

Page 10: Characteristics of Ubaidah

  • High moral standards; simplicity despite being in leadership roles.

  • Exemplary Services: Contributed notably to the expansion of Islam during the caliphates.

Page 11: Contributions of Ubaidah

  • Recognized among the ten distinguished companions by the Prophet.

  • Fought in battles, exhibiting loyalty and bravery.

Page 12: Death of Ubaidah

  • His death in 18 A.H. marked a significant loss as he was among the best companions.

  • Buried in the region near Baalbek, remembered for his contributions.

Page 13: Jabir ibn Hayyan: Father of Chemistry


  • Jabir's innovations in chemistry established foundational principles still recognized today.

  • Born in Khurasan, his works paved the way for future scientific explorations.


  • Developed processes for extracting essences, acids, and chemical reactions.

Page 14: Jabir's Scientific Influence

  • Author of over 232 works, contributing significantly to various sciences.

  • His texts influenced medieval scholars in Europe and beyond, transitioning knowledge from Arabic to Latin.

Page 15: The Life of Hazrat Muhammad Rashid Raudhe Dhani

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding his character, teachings, and spiritual legacy.

Ancestry and Birth

  • Connection to Hazrat Imam Hussain, raised in Sindh.

Page 16: Education and Spiritual Growth

  • Emphasis on early religious education and moral upbringing.

Page 17: Career and Contributions

Literary Works

  • Engaged in extensive writing and publishing, promoting Islamic teachings and knowledge.

Page 18: Religious Impact

  • His teachings influenced spirituality and morality across regions.

Page 19: The Quran: Structure and Importance

  • Overview of the Quran’s structure (30 parts and over 6000 verses).

Page 20 and 21: Revelation Process

  • Details the gradual revelation of the Quran over 23 years, addressing various aspects of life.

Page 22: Women's Rights in Islam


  • Explanation of Mahr and its significance; a compulsory marriage gift from a husband to wife.

Page 23: Essence of Good Deeds

  • Surah Reference: Call for righteous conduct, reinforced throughout Quranic teachings.

Page 24: Unity of Humanity

  • Importance of maintaining family ties and being kind in relationships, reflecting the creator's expectation.

Page 25: Rights of Orphans

  • Strong emphasis on protecting the rights and properties of orphans as integral to Islamic values.

Page 26: Financial Rights in Inheritance

  • The importance of fairness and kindness in the distribution of inherited property is outlined.

Page 27: Treatment of Property of Orphans

  • Guardians must handle orphans’ assets with care and integrity to ensure their future security.

Page 28: Legal Status of Inheritance

  • Legal guidelines for inheritance distribution laid out to uphold justice.

Page 29: Interaction with Guardians

  • Responsibilities of guardians towards orphans clarified, emphasizing fairness.

Page 30: Injustice in Handling Inheritance

  • Warning against unjustly using orphans’ property and the consequences thereof.
