Raccoons Build a Bookshelf- Amesville
Ohio became a state in 1803
Amesville Ohio located in Athens county
European settlers settled in Amesville cleared land and created Amesville
Settlers realized they needed books
Books were seen as luxury items
Overcome lack of money…
Go into the forest and capture animals like raccoons, skunks, deer
Take animal's fur to create things (hats, coats, bags)
Trade for goods and money
Hunting could become dangerous
Got an average of $74 per wagon load and travel to trade in Northeastern part of the United States
Got books like encyclopedias, history, philosophy, Shakespeare
First public library in Hamilton in 1866
The Great Apple Planter of 1806
Took place in Muskingum Valley
John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed)
Born in Leominster, MA
Orchard Farm apprentice
Left for Pennsylvania at 18 y/o
Ventured to Ohio
Ohio River
Spring of 1806
What: Apple trees
Plant seeds
Arrange sellers
Move on to the next area
How: Planting Process
Pick seeds out of pomace
Transport them
Claim land
Plant nurseries
Why: Pioneer Americans
Apples were household staple
Trade for other staples
Homestead laws
Over 100,000 sq miles of apple trees
Tree he planted in Nova, Ohio
Jacksonville Fl sells apple jelly from Johnny Appleseed trees
William Tecumseh Sherman
Born in Lancaster Ohio
Shawnee Native Chief
Folk Hero
Civil War General
Banker, Superintendent, Author
Politically prominent family
West Point Cadet
Known for Total War Strategy
Battle of Shiloh (Civil War)
Met General Ulysses S. Grant
Post Civil War
Protecting Railroads
Indian Wars- Commanding General
Bicentennial Barnstorm (1997-2003)
Bicentennial Committee: Nichola Moretti
88 Counties… 88 billboards
Harley Warrick
Painted 20,000 Barns
1939-1993 54 years
Company for chew mail pouch tobacco
Scott Hagen
From Barnesville
Apprenticed by Warrick at 22 years old
A Trip to the Indian Arsenal: Licking County
800 A.D- 1,225 years ago
The shape of flint was very sharp
Useful for tools, weapons and trade
Indian Arsenal in Flint Ridge (Licking County)
Flint Ridge along shoreline
Hopewell utilized the ridge and used flint for offerings
Key resource for 11,000 years and used for flint rock rifles
Flatboating to the Future 1810
Flatboats were large, rectangular wooden boats
Packed with supplies, food, animals and families
Used by pioneers to transport goods and families
Ohio as America
Chapter 3.1
Lived in groups of about 20-60 people
Were nomadic (moved from place to place and never settled in one area)
Hunted megafauna (mastodons, caribou or buffalo)
Tools were made of flint which can be found in modern-day Coshocton and Licking county
Clothes made of animal hide and bones were sharpened into needles for sewing
Bering Strait
Landbridge between Russia and alaska that native Americans used to get to America
Archaic Period
Around 8000 B.C the Ice Age ended
People moved less from place to place and settled in areas for longer periods of time. People settled where food was available
During this time, people continued to hunt animals, fish in lakes and streams and gather fruits and nuts
New axes made of granite came about during this time as well as basket weaving using plant fibers
Atlatl, Axe, Basket Weaving
Atlatl which is a wooden shaft with a handle on one end and a hook at the other. It is a spear thrower that catapults spears much further than before
New axes made of granite came about during this time as well as basket weaving using plant fibers