Evolution of Healthcare and Radiologic History Worksheet
Time Period | Thought Process and Key Ideas Brought from these Eras and Civilizations |
Prehistoric and Ancient Medicine | Believed disease was caused by sin, emphasis on anatomy & physiology, diet, massage, drugs |
Ancient Egyptians | Associated deities (gods) with health, illness, and death Embalming practices allowed for knowledge of anatomy |
Ancient India | Believed in a cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction Religion allowed secular medicine to be sound and rational |
Ancient China | Medicine focused on disease prevention, 5 methods of treatment, developed smallpox inoculation |
Ancient Greece | Healing temples, basic elements in all animal life and plants were water, based on elements |
Christianity | Constantine founded a hospital in the 4th century, spread of disease & plague through crusades |
Renaissance | Flourishing period Ambroise Pare was a forerunner in clinical surgery |
17th Century | William Harvey found continuous blood circulation was present in a contained body, Hugens developed centigrade system of measuring temperature, Fahrenheit developed system named after him, Malpighi & Leeuwenhoek invention of microscope, Quinine treatment for malaria, da Vinci explored anatomy |
18th Century | Von Haller discovered relationship of brain cortex to peripheral nerves, founder of modern physiologic theory, Hales demonstrated dynamic of blood circulation, capillary system, record blood pressure, Edward Jenner formulated smallpox vaccination |
19th Century | Autopsies major focus of medicine, Virchow professed “all cells come from other cells,” J Marion Sims gynecology, invented catheter, Sims, speculum, Lister discovered bacteria origin, Pasteur formulated germ theory, |
20th Century | Walter Reed discovered yellow fever, 1st artificial kidney, basis of dialysis, eliminated polio |
21st Century | Robot surgeries, genetics and DNA code, electrical system of heart is mapped, WHO, |
Who is the father?
Person: | Father Of: |
Andreas Versalius | Anatomy |
Paracelsus | Pharmacology |
Hippocrates | Medicine |
Paul Ehrlich | Chemotherapy |
Wilhelm Roentgen | X-ray |
Giovanni Morgagni | Pathology |
Give the Definitions for Mortality AND Morbidity.
Mortality – Death Rate
Morbidity – Occurrence of disease or conditions
Give the Definitions for Epidemic AND Pandemic.
Epidemic – widespread disease within a given geographical area
Pandemic – infectious disease of global proportions that crosses boundaries, and becomes worldwide
What is the Life expectancy for:
Males – 76.1 years
Females – 81.1 years
Causes of death in U.S.
Ages 1 – 44: Accidents
Ages 45 – 64: Cancer
Ages over 65: Heart Disease
Cancer and heart disease account for over 50% in the US
Radiology History
Extra Notes:
Ernest Lawrence invented the cyclotron
Godfrey Hounsfield, founder of Computed Assisted Tomography
MRI taken 1977
Raymond Vahan Damadian, Paul Christian Lauterbur, Sir Peter Mansfield founded MRI