Class Interaction
Encouraged students to talk and connect with each other, fostering relationships in a large class setting.
Highlights the importance of introductions in building rapport.
Course Introduction
Lecturer introduces himself as Edache, a PhD graduate from New Zealand, now part of the School of Accounting and Commercial Law.
The School of Business is recognized as one of the top 1% globally, holds triple crown accreditation (AACSB, Equis, Amber).
Teaching Team
Key members include:
Edache: Course coordinator and lecturer.
Isabella: Instructor for weeks 7-12.
Lee Vasiliades: Course administrator, handles general administration.
Flexible office hours for student consultation.
Encouraged communication via email for scheduling appointments.
Guest Lectures
Nicola Lancaster from CANS is scheduled for week one to discuss accounting profession insights.
Perry Thomas from CPA Australia in week two.
Crystal Nelson (former student) will share her industry experience at KPMG.
Roles and Responsibilities
Emphasized importance of knowing which lecturer to contact regarding specific issues.
Requests for assessment considerations should go to Edache.
Tutors are not responsible for reconsiderations or administrative issues.
Course Content and Support Structure
Emphasis on contacting the correct person (Edache for weeks 1-6 and Isabella for weeks 7-12).
Tutorials will offer assistance with course content—students should adhere to their assigned tutorial slots.
Class Times
Lectures will be hybrid: in-person and online.
Attendance in person recommended for better engagement; lectures will be recorded.
Assessment components are crucial; students should be aware of deadlines and dates.
Attendance andTutorials
Importance of attending assigned tutorials and contacting Lee for scheduling changes.
Materials and announcements are essential for students’ learning experience.
Course Platforms
Use of Canvas (also known as Nuku) for accessing course materials, updates, and announcements.
Lectures are structured to guide students through learning objectives, starting with what accounting is.
Understanding Accounting
Definition: Accounting is the process of collecting, analyzing, summarizing, and communicating financial data.
It tracks events and transactions that can be accurately quantified.
Financial Events
Events tracked by accounting include sales, purchases, and asset depreciation.
Importance of accounting as a process rather than just record-keeping.
Benefits of Understanding Accounting
Useful for individuals and organizations alike, aiding in tracking performance and making informed decisions.
Accountants are trained professionals who manage these tasks.
Stakeholder Engagement
The shift in accounting roles to include considerations for various stakeholders (e.g., employees, customers, future generations).
Stakeholders now encompass a broader range beyond traditional financial providers, including social and environmental interests.
Accounting Information Needs
Stakeholders require various types of information, including profitability, tax obligations, and operational efficiency.
Definition of Stakeholders
Stakeholders are individuals or groups that can affect or are affected by an organization’s activities.
Interactive Discussions
Engaging format encouraged participation, with students highlighting various stakeholders.
Overview of lectures and insights for upcoming lectures.