Define the the following:
Raw materials
Industrial Revolution
When and where did it begin?
Cottage industries
Sum up the following (pp. 498-499):
First Industrial Revolution:
Second Industrial Revolution:
Third Industrial Revolution:
Fourth Industrial Revolution (p. 503):
Read through “Industrial Diffusion and Population” (pp. 500-502), then answer the following:
Why is the Industrial Revolution the MOST IMPORTANT event for us to learn about in AP Human Geography?
Read Chapter 18.2: page 504-508
Define the the following:
Economic sectors
Primary sector
List some examples
Secondary sector
List some examples
Tertiary sector
List some example
Quaternary sector
List some examples
Quinary sector
List some examples
Postindustrial economy
List some countries that have a postindustrial economy
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Dual economies (expand on this definition–look at the next 2 sentences)
Use page 505 to answer the following
Peripheral countries will have a high percentage of _________ (primary, secondary, tertiary) jobs.
Semi-peripheral countries will have a high percentage of ________ (primary, secondary, tertiary) jobs.
Core countries will have a high percentage of ________ (primary, secondary, tertiary) jobs.
Use page 506 to answer the following
Primary sector jobs will normally be found in the _________ (urban or rural) area.
Secondary sector jobs will normally be found in the ________ (urban or rural area.
Tertiary sector jobs will normally before in the ________ (urban or rural, or wherever) area.
Sum it up: How does economic development/majority of jobs impact urbanization?
Use page 507-508 to answer the following
How does the role of women change as a result of economic development?
18.3 Patterns of Industrial Location
Read Chapter 18.3: page 512-517
Define the the following:
Least-cost theory
(p. 513) What are the 3 factors that influence this decision?
(Circle which of the 3 is more important–according to creator)
Break-of-bulk points
Bulk-reducing industries:
Closer to raw materials or markets?
Bulk-gaining industries:
Closer to raw materials or markets?
Industrial parks
Where are they typically found?
Use page 512 to answer the following:
Capitalists seek to minimize ________ so they can maximize _________.
In addition to the above guidance, take notes over the entire reading. Keep in mind that you will have a Learning Check soon. The more notes you have, the more you have to work with
19.1 How is Development Measured
Read Chapter 19.1: page 521-526
Define the the following:
Human development
Gross Domestic Product
Gross National Product
Gross National Income
Formal Sector
Informal Sector
Human Development Index (HDI)
Purchase Power Parity (PPP) (not highlighted–look for it)
Use page 521 to answer the following:
Core countries represent the most ___________ (finish the sentence).
Countries in the periphery have less __________ (finish the sentence).
Countries in the semi-periphery have growing _______ (finish the sentence).
Some high-income economies seem prosperous, but _________ (finish the sentence).
Use page 523 to answer the following:
How does fossil fuel use connect to development?
Use page 523-524 to answer the following:
Explain how each of the following are good indicators for development:
Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)
Life Expectancy
Literacy Rates/Education Standards
Use page 525 to answer the following:
Explain why having a high GNI does not always mean you will have a high HDI score.
What are some limitations of using HDI?
19.2/.3 Measuring Gender Inequality
Read Chapter 19.2&3: page 527-538
Define the the following:
Gender Development Index (GDI):
Gender Inequality Index (GII):
A GII of 0.0 means:
A GII of 1.0 means:
Afghanistan’s GII:
Belgium’s GII:
Mexico’s GII:
Canada’s GII:
The United States’ GII:
Women’s Empowerment:
Labor-market Participation (LMP):
Reproductive Health-Use page 528 to answer the following:
What is maternal mortality rate (MMR)?
Maternal mortality rate is considered a good indicator of women’s access to _______ (finish the sentence).
What is adolescent birth rate (ABR)?
Empowerment-Use page 528 to answer the following:
How is political representation measured?
Summarize the progress of women empowerment in U.S. politics.
How is educational attainment measured?
Labor-Market Participation-Use page 530 to answer the following:
(This is long, but good information to have written down. Every time there is a blank, it means to continue writing and finish out the sentence).
Core countries usually have ______________________.
Women in core countries are able to pursue careers in the _______________.
Women in peripheral and semi-peripheral countries participate mainly in the _______________. These same groups of women also have _____________.
At the same time, female labor-market participation does not solely describe a ______________.
Interestingly, the female LMP is lowest in countries that are _______________.
Economic Opportunities–Use page 534-535 to answer the following:
Why are more women working in Japan today?
Educational Opportunities–Use page 535 to answer the following:
In most cases, women with more education tend to marry __________ (finish the sentence).
It is important to note, though, that studies show that __________ (finish the sentence).
But ________ certainly plays a role.
Microloans-Use pages 537-538 to answer the following:
What is the purpose of microloans?
Give an example of where microloans have been successful.
In your opinion: Are microloans the answer to fixing gender-wage gap issues in less developed countries?
Investing in Girls and Women-Use page 538 to answer the following:
According to the OECD, four key strategies need increased investment:
19.4 Theories of Development
Read Chapter 19.4: page 540-543
Define the the following:
Dependency theory:
Commodity dependence:
Rostow’s Stage of Economic Growth-Use page 540-41 to answer the following:
Rostow suggested that all countries could be categorized on a spectrum from traditional to modern and that to become modern, countries needed to ______________ (finish the sentence).
Stage 1: ___________
Stage 2: ___________
Stage 3: ___________
Stage 4: ___________
Stage 5: ___________
Limitations of of the Stages of Economic Growth Model-Use pages 540-541 to answer the following:
Summarize some of the limitations of Rostow’s Model:
Wallerstein’s World System Theory-Use pages 541-542 to answer the following:
According to Wallerstein, countries are dependent on one another and don’t develop in isolation: Some countries _________(finish the sentence).
His theory illustrates global inequality through a social structure, dividing the world into a three-tiered structure consisting of _______ (finish the sentence).
In your opinion: Are countries able to move from periphery to semi-periphery/ semi-periphery to core? (Basically, is there room for movement) Why or why not?
Limitation of World System Theory-Use page 542 to answer the following:
Summarize some of the limitation of the World System Theory:
Dependency Theory-Use page 542-543 to answer the following
Read the first paragraph on page 543 (Starts “ According to dependency theory”). Now answer the following
Summarize the vicious cycle that exists between core and peripheral countries that perpetuates the continued dependence between them.
20.1 Trade Relations
Read Chapter 20.1: page 547-551
Define the the following:
Comparative advantage:
Growth poles:
Interdependence of Core, Periphery, and Semi-Periphery-after reading this section (page 547-548, and using previous knowledge) answer the following:
How does modern globalization/world trade/interdependence perpetuate the core-periphery dependency relationship previously discussed in this unit?
How does modern globalization/world trade/interdependence lead to commodity dependence?
Neoliberal Policies-after reading this section (page 548) answer the following:
What is your opinion on neoliberal trade policies? (To what extent do you believe they have been successful/not successful?)
Supranational Organizations-use pages 548-549 to answer the following:
List out examples of supranational organizations that were created to to support neoliberal policies and foster greater globalization through trade networks:
What is the goal and purpose of the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
What is the primary mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
List out other goals:
What are some criticisms of the WTO?
What are some criticisms of the IMF?
What is the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ (OPEC) mission?
Deindustrialization-usage page 549-550 to answer the following:
Identify some consequences (good and bad) of deindustrialization:
20.2 Connected Economies
Read Chapter 20.2: page 552-559
Define the the following:
Just-in-time delivery:
Offshore Outsourcing:
International Division of Labor:
Multiplier Effects;
Special Economic Zones (SEZs):
Export Processing Zones (EPZs):
Free Trade Zones (FTZs):
Impacts of the Global Economy-page 552
List some positives for periphery countries that are home to multinational corporations:
Can you think of some negatives for periphery countries that are home to multinational corporations?
List some positives for periphery countries that receive loans from the IMF & World Bank:
Can you think of some negatives for periphery countries that receive loans from the IMF & World Bank?
The Financial Crisis of 2007-2008–page 553
Explain how the financial crisis of 2007-2008 was an indication of globalization.
The Great Recession, 2007-2009 map–page 554
Explain what might have caused countries in Africa to be spared the worst of the Great Recession. (think about what you know about globalization and interconnectivity)
Changes in the Economic Landscape–page 555-556
Compare the goals and operations of Fordism and post-Fordism.
Outsourcing–page 556
Explain the degree to which offshore outsourcing has increased the use of English as a lingua franca.
Explain why companies in core countries outsource manufacturing operations to countries in the periphery.
Division of Labor-pages 556-558
Summarize the evolution from the initial international division of labor to the new international division of labor.
Explain the degree to which outsourcing helps and hinders peripheral and semi-peripheral countries.
Special Economic Zones-page 558
What is the goal of SEZs?
What is a criticism of SEZs?
Since the 1980s, where are SEZs mostly found?
What country is the most successful with SEZs?
Export Processing Zones-pages 558-559
What is the purpose of EPZs?
How do EPZs differ from SEZs?
Geographically, where are EPZs found within a country?
Free Trade Zones-page 559
How do FTZs differ from SEZs and EPZs?
How do Free Trade ZONES differ from Free Trade AREAS?
20.3 Developing a Sustainable World
Read Chapter 20.3: page 560-564
Define the the following:
Natural Resources, Development, and Consumption-page 560
List some environmental costs of extracting natural resources:
List some social costs of extracting natural resources:
Explain why pollution and environmental issues might be more difficult to address in peripheral and semi-peripheral countries than in core countries.
Sustainable Development Goals-pages 560-562
What is the intended purpose of the U.N.’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals?
The sustainability goals address global challenges related to _________ (finish the sentence).
Ecotourism-pages 563-564
Read through the “Principles of Ecotourism” box on the right hand side of page 563. List 3 principles you feel like are most important for countries to adhere to when developing ecotourism experiences:
What are some concerns about ecotourism?