Pervious research suggested more dream activity in REM than NREM
Data was based in self-report
Why is this a problem?
EEG would allow for objective measure of REM and dreaming
To find the relationship between REM sleep and dreaming.
H1- There will be a significant association between REM sleep and dreaming.
H2 - There is a significant positive correlation between the estimate of time spent dreaming and the measuremnet of REM sleep.
H3 - There is a relationship between the pattern of eye movement and reported content of the dream.
Research Method: “Natural” lab experiment in a controlled setting
Repreated measures design
Carried out at the U of Chicago
IV= Woken in rem or NREM
DV = Self report of Dreams
Controls: Standerdized procedure, woken Ps to the same sound of doorbell, used recording device for dream recall
Why do we consider a “natural” experiment?
The IV’s are naturally occurring
Opportunity Sample
7 Males & 2 Females
Ps interested to avoid alchohol and caffeine but were told to eat normally
Ps reported to the lab just before regular bedtime
Slept in a quite dark room.
H1- Quantitative - measured EEG patterns in REM & NREM sleep as reported by Ps recall
H2 - Quantitative - EEG patterns in REM sleep and Ps estimate time of dreaming compared for correlational data (5 vs 15 min)
H3 - Qualitative - Data on dream content compared to observationas on the movement of Ps eyes.
Reposted to lab right before normal
No alchohol or caffeine; eat normally
2-3 electrodes placed nar eyes
Taken to a quite,dark room to sleep
EEg run though the night in nextroom
Woken at various times during REM and NREM with doorbell
Had to say into recorder in they were dreaming, if it had been 5 or 15 min.
Only counted if it was detailed and Coherent
Sometimes Es entered the room ro question them further.
The Ps were woken up one minute after 1 to 4 patterns of eye movement
A- mainly vertical
B - Mainly horizontal
C - Both Ver & Hor
D - Little / No eye movement
The Ps were to tell what they were dreaming about
D&K then analyzed data to see if correlation existed
REM never occured at the start of the sleep cycle.
All Ps showed periods of REM, characterized by a low voltage, relatively fast pattern EEG
The avg. occurrence of REM sleep was once every as minutes, with range of group between 70-104 min.
REM lasted between 3-50 min, and increased in time as might progressed.
H1: Dream recall occurred mostly in REM vs NREM
Recall for REM 80% vs NREM 7%
H2: Ps could accurately determine if they had been dreaming for 5 or 15 minutes
Correct 83% from 111 awakenings
Correlations were found to be significant, ranging from .40 to .71 for each Ps
Findings show that we dream relatively in real time
H3: Findings suggest eye movement is related to dream content
e.g. vertical = climbing a cliff or ladder
horizontal = throwing tomatoes
both = searching for something or fighting with someone
no eye movement = drivin
Need to be able to say if hypotheses were supported.
Please discuss with your partner if you think they were or were not supported.
Results obtained from waking Ps strongly supports the correlation b/w REM sleep & dreaming
Based on data, dreams occur in real time
Dreaming can be objectively measured by recording REM cycles during sleep
Lab exp = more controlled (ex. extraneous variables, no alchohol or caffein, dark room, doorbell, same machine, standerdized procedure)
No participant varuables due to repeated measures
Quantitative data
Low ecological validity
Low mundane realism (wires)
Small sample size = harder to generalize
Doorbell could have interfered w/ their dreams
No background on participants
Correlation does not prove causation
When we evaluate studies we are going to use the GRAVE method.
Generalizability: Problem because of small sample size, nor more males than females.
Reliability: Yes, lots of controls, EEG = objective measurement, quantitative data, standerdized procedure.
Application: Use it to see sleep cycles (are they getting enough), can help with sleep disorders, pilor study helps generate new research.
Validity: Yes, people were abke to say whether they were in REM or NREM, IV was opperationalized, Used EEG to see NREM or REM, DV opperationalized = coherent and detailed
Ethics: No mention of informed consent, Ps to withdraw, no significant harm/stress possible sleep deprivation.