Dement and Kleitman (1957)

Context/ Background

  • Pervious research suggested more dream activity in REM than NREM

    • Data was based in self-report

    • Why is this a problem?

    • EEG would allow for objective measure of REM and dreaming


To find the relationship between REM sleep and dreaming.


H1- There will be a significant association between REM sleep and dreaming.

H2 - There is a significant positive correlation between the estimate of time spent dreaming and the measuremnet of REM sleep.

H3 - There is a relationship between the pattern of eye movement and reported content of the dream.

Method and Design

  • Research Method: “Natural” lab experiment in a controlled setting

  • Repreated measures design

  • Carried out at the U of Chicago

  • IV= Woken in rem or NREM

  • DV = Self report of Dreams

  • Controls: Standerdized procedure, woken Ps to the same sound of doorbell, used recording device for dream recall

    • Why do we consider a “natural” experiment?

    • The IV’s are naturally occurring

Sample and Participants

  • Opportunity Sample

  • Participant

    • 7 Males & 2 Females

    • Ps interested to avoid alchohol and caffeine but were told to eat normally

    • Ps reported to the lab just before regular bedtime

    • Slept in a quite dark room.

Data Collection

H1- Quantitative - measured EEG patterns in REM & NREM sleep as reported by Ps recall

H2 - Quantitative - EEG patterns in REM sleep and Ps estimate time of dreaming compared for correlational data (5 vs 15 min)

H3 - Qualitative - Data on dream content compared to observationas on the movement of Ps eyes.

Procedure Testing H1 and H2

  • Reposted to lab right before normal

  • No alchohol or caffeine; eat normally

  • 2-3 electrodes placed nar eyes

  • Taken to a quite,dark room to sleep

  • EEg run though the night in nextroom

  • Woken at various times during REM and NREM with doorbell

  • Had to say into recorder in they were dreaming, if it had been 5 or 15 min.

  • Only counted if it was detailed and Coherent

  • Sometimes Es entered the room ro question them further.

Procedure Testing H3

  • The Ps were woken up one minute after 1 to 4 patterns of eye movement

    • A- mainly vertical

    • B - Mainly horizontal

    • C - Both Ver & Hor

    • D - Little / No eye movement

  • The Ps were to tell what they were dreaming about

  • D&K then analyzed data to see if correlation existed

Results of REM Sleep

  • REM never occured at the start of the sleep cycle.

  • All Ps showed periods of REM, characterized by a low voltage, relatively fast pattern EEG

  • The avg. occurrence of REM sleep was once every as minutes, with range of group between 70-104 min.

  • REM lasted between 3-50 min, and increased in time as might progressed.

Results for Hypotheses

  • H1: Dream recall occurred mostly in REM vs NREM 

    • Recall for REM 80% vs NREM 7%

  • H2: Ps could accurately determine if they had been dreaming for 5 or 15 minutes

    • Correct 83% from 111 awakenings

    • Correlations were found to be significant, ranging from .40 to .71 for each Ps

    • Findings show that we dream relatively in real time

  • H3: Findings suggest eye movement is related to dream content 

    • e.g. vertical = climbing a cliff or ladder

    • horizontal = throwing tomatoes

    • both = searching for something or fighting with someone

    • no eye movement = drivin


  • Need to be able to say if hypotheses were supported. 

  • Please discuss with your partner if you think they were or were not supported.

  • Results obtained from waking Ps strongly supports the correlation b/w REM sleep & dreaming

  • Based on data, dreams occur in real time

  • Dreaming can be objectively measured by recording REM cycles during sleep  

Strenghts and Weaknesses


  • Lab exp = more controlled (ex. extraneous variables, no alchohol or caffein, dark room, doorbell, same machine, standerdized procedure)

  • No participant varuables due to repeated measures

  • Quantitative data


  • Low ecological validity

  • Low mundane realism (wires)

  • Small sample size = harder to generalize

  • Doorbell could have interfered w/ their dreams

  • No background on participants

  • Correlation does not prove causation

Evaluation: GRAVE

When we evaluate studies we are going to use the GRAVE method.

Generalizability: Problem because of small sample size, nor more males than females.

Reliability: Yes, lots of controls, EEG = objective measurement, quantitative data, standerdized procedure.

Application: Use it to see sleep cycles (are they getting enough), can help with sleep disorders, pilor study helps generate new research.

Validity: Yes, people were abke to say whether they were in REM or NREM, IV was opperationalized, Used EEG to see NREM or REM, DV opperationalized = coherent and detailed

Ethics: No mention of informed consent, Ps to withdraw, no significant harm/stress possible sleep deprivation.
