Material to Study: Lecture material and Required readings.
Introduction to Philosophy & Logic
text, 1-18, Copi’s Rules, reserve.
I did not lecture on some material in the text for logic and informal fallacies, but you should know all required readings. Copi’s rules are mostly for your benefit. Just focus on the rules discussed in lecture, and know the valid rules versus the invalid rules.
The Cosmological Argument, text, 252-4, 256-9, 268, 290-292, Craig, The Kalam Cosmological Argument, e-reserve
For Craig, I only lectured on support concerning Craig’s claim about the impossibility of an actually infinite number of things, which includes Hilbert’s Hotel (pp.56-58); support by the Big Bang (pp.60-61), and Hawkings alternative model (pp.64-68). But you should also know the once popular oscillating model (pp.62-63).
The Teleological Argument, text, 270-276, 292-294.
Pascal's Wager, text, 283-286,
Paradoxes of Theism, text, 256, Hoffman and Rosenkrantz, Omnipotence, SEP, 1, 2
Hoffman and Rosenkrantz is a technical reading. Do your best.
The Problem of Evil, text, 257-263, 307-316.