
Nuclear radioactivity: 

  • Natural radioactivity; spontaneous emission of particles or energy from an unstable nucleus

  • Discovered by becquerel

  • Three types of radioactive decay

    • Alpha decay nucleus

    • Beta decay high energy electron

    • Gamma decay high energy electromagnetic radiation

Half life: the time it takes for something to decay to 50% of the sample 

decay products over time: determine half life and how much times has gone by

  • Outermost layer of earth constantly repairs it self

  • Rocks and melt to reform new, so then we cant tell the age of them

  • Zircon: can tell the time of which the planet formed due to parts of it not decaying 

The earth interior:

  • Crust (lithosphere) 0-100km

    • Mostly basalt and granite

  • Upper mantle (asthenosphere) 100-200km

  • Mantel ( molten) 200 km-3000 km

  • Outer core (semisolid) 3000-5000 km

  • Inner core (solid) Ni, Fe 5000 km and greater-6400 km in depth 

How do we know?

  • P waves, primary wave or longitudinal waves are a pressure wave that travels through solids, liquids and gases when travels through different media or densities the wave may bend/be refracted

  • S waves, secondary waves of elastic waves may travel through solids and semi solid, but not liquid

The interior of the earth:

  • The molten rock underneath the crust of the earth circulates due to convection currents caused by the difference in temperatures between the earth's core and the outer layers

  • The thermal energy is left from the earth's formation and the short lived radioactive elements

  • This circulations cause two major effects on the planet

    • Couples with the earth fast rotations-dynamo theory

    • Plate tectonics 

Magnetic differences:

  • Smaller planets cool faster thus halting most tectonic activity

    • Moon-small remnant field

    • Mercury-very small (about 1% of earth's magnetic field)

    • Venus-no (slow rotation in retrograde. dormant?)

    • Mars- small remnant (core)

According to the dynamo theory: a planet will have a strong magnetic field if it has a fast rotation and liquid core

Plate tectonics:

Diverging boundaries-when tectonic plates are driven apart by convection currents in the earth a divergent boundary is formed

<- icelandic rift and the mid atlantic ridge seafloor spreading 
