Nuclear radioactivity:
Natural radioactivity; spontaneous emission of particles or energy from an unstable nucleus
Discovered by becquerel
Three types of radioactive decay
Alpha decay nucleus
Beta decay high energy electron
Gamma decay high energy electromagnetic radiation
Half life: the time it takes for something to decay to 50% of the sample
decay products over time: determine half life and how much times has gone by
Outermost layer of earth constantly repairs it self
Rocks and melt to reform new, so then we cant tell the age of them
Zircon: can tell the time of which the planet formed due to parts of it not decaying
The earth interior:
Crust (lithosphere) 0-100km
Mostly basalt and granite
Upper mantle (asthenosphere) 100-200km
Mantel ( molten) 200 km-3000 km
Outer core (semisolid) 3000-5000 km
Inner core (solid) Ni, Fe 5000 km and greater-6400 km in depth
How do we know?
P waves, primary wave or longitudinal waves are a pressure wave that travels through solids, liquids and gases when travels through different media or densities the wave may bend/be refracted
S waves, secondary waves of elastic waves may travel through solids and semi solid, but not liquid
The interior of the earth:
The molten rock underneath the crust of the earth circulates due to convection currents caused by the difference in temperatures between the earth's core and the outer layers
The thermal energy is left from the earth's formation and the short lived radioactive elements
This circulations cause two major effects on the planet
Couples with the earth fast rotations-dynamo theory
Plate tectonics
Magnetic differences:
Smaller planets cool faster thus halting most tectonic activity
Moon-small remnant field
Mercury-very small (about 1% of earth's magnetic field)
Venus-no (slow rotation in retrograde. dormant?)
Mars- small remnant (core)
According to the dynamo theory: a planet will have a strong magnetic field if it has a fast rotation and liquid core
Plate tectonics:
Diverging boundaries-when tectonic plates are driven apart by convection currents in the earth a divergent boundary is formed
<- icelandic rift and the mid atlantic ridge seafloor spreading