Robert McKee - Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today
Orson Welles - If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story
Piet Sonck - It is in the Cannes
Een verhaal/anekdote als basis van een nieuw verhaal maken
→ transmediaal: een meme/liedje van maken “Eating the pets”
→ het publiek doet er iets nieuws mee
Visual stories
wandschilderij → filling peoples needs
Spoken words
Grieken → muziek erbij
Written words
5th Century
Wide audience
Shakespeare → theater
→ head and heart
Shared events
Industrieel tijdperk → movies & radio
Brand storytelling
Web video
→ Mensen reageren emotioneel op video
The art of storytelling is a fundamental aspect of human communication and has been an integral part of our cultural heritage for centuries. It is a way for individuals to share experiences, emotions and ideas through narrative form. Whether it is through oral tradition, written literature, theater, film, or any other medium, storytelling has the power top captivate, inspire, and provoke thought.
Here are some key elements and techniques that contribute tot the art of storytelling:
A well-crafted story typically follows a structure that includes an introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. This structure helps to build tension, engage the audience, and provide a satisfying narrative arc.
Characters are the heart of any story. They should be relatable, well-developed, and possess distinct personalities, motivations, and conflicts. Strong characters evoke empathy and enable the audience to connect with the story on an emotional level.
Conflict is essential to create tension and drive the story forward. It can be external (such as a physical obstacle or antagonist) or internal (such as a character’s inner struggles or moral dilemmas). Conflict introduces obstacles and challenges that the characters must overcome, leaidng to personal growth
Stories often explore deeper themes or messages that resonate with the audience. Themes can encompass universal concepts like love, friendship, justice, or personal growth. They provide depth and meaning to the narrative, allowing readers or viewers to reflect on their own lives and experiences
Pacing refers to the rhythm and tempo of the story. It involves managing the speed at which events unfold, balancing moments of action, tension, and reflection. Effective pacing keeps the audience engaged and ensures a smooth flow of the narrative
Imagery and Description
Vivid descriptions and sensory details help create a visual and immersive experience for the audience. By painting a picture with words, storytellers can transport their listeners or readers to different times, places, and emotions, making the story come alive in their minds
Dialogue plays a crucial role in storytelling by revealing character traits, advancing te plot, and conveying emotions. Well-written dialogue should be authentic, engaging, and move the story forward.
Point of View
The choice of a narrative perspective, whether it’s first person, thirdperson, limited, or omniscient, influences how the story is perceived. Each point of view offers a unique vantage point and affects the reader’s connection with the characters and events
Suspense and Surprise
Building suspense and incorporating unexpected twists and turns keeps the audience engaged and eager to know what happens next. Strategic placementof surprises can create memorable moments and leave a lasting impact.
Emotional Resonance
A powerful story elicits emotional responses from the audience. Whether it’s joy, sorrow, fear, or hope, the ability to evoke genuine emotions helps forge a deep connection between the storyteller and the audience
Authenticity is key to a compelling story. It involves crafting genuine characters, sincere emotions, and relatable situations. The audience can sense when a story feels contrived or lacks truth, so maintaining athenticity is crucial for effective stroytelling
The art of stroytelling is vast and diverse, encompassing various techniques and styles. Each storyteller brings their unique voice, creativity, and perspective, making storytelling a rich and endlessly fascinating art form.
Books, short stories, flash fiction
Focus on language and narration
Enables internal exploration
Able to be stopped and started
Highly flexible structure
Films, television series, short films
Uses images and sound
Forces writers to understand pacing
Helps convey information efficiently
Highlights core story elements
Full-length plays, one-act
Live perfomance
Direct interaction with audience
Flexible storytelling
Human-to-human connection
Computer games, console games
Ability to seek out more story
Interactive environment
Introduces endless possibility
Prewriting → writing → revise → rewrite → proofread → publish
Begin with a thought web or word list and brainstorm ideas; decide on a purpose, audience, format and tone
Write out the details with concern for the ideas; you will make improvements later
Revise your first draft with a partner, paying attention to vocabulary, content and organization; the details that you need to change, move, add or remove
Rewrite your draft including the changes identified in the revision stage
Proofread your second draft, correct conventions: spelling, grammar, punctuation and mechanical errors
Share/publish the completed story
The story begins
Chapter one
Introduce key characters: What are their wants/goals?
Chapter two to four
Develop opening scenario -What’s at stake?
Chapter five to six
Make characters grow - What do they learn/dicover?
Chapter seven to eight
Ensure ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘where’ and ‘when’ develop
Chapter nine to ending
Build to a satisfying story climax and resolution
Many theories about storytelling but… they all have the same foundation
Act 1 - Introduction
Act 2 - Rising action
Act 3 - Crisis
Inciting incident
Inciting incident
Plot Point 1
Pinch 1
Pinch 2
Plot Point 2
Act 1
new situation
Act 2
Act 3
final push
Great stories are universal
Great stories have a clear structure & purpose
Great stories have a character to root for
Great stories appeal to our deepest emotions
Great stories are surprising & unexpected
Great stories are simple & focused
Admireer het verhaal, niet de formule
Je bewondert een karakter meer door te zien hoe ze worstelen dan hoe ze succesvol zijn.
Het doel van een verhaal is om te ontdekken
Een verhaal moet altijd gaan over iets dat je wilt begrijpen en een vraag die je probeert te beantwoorden.
Bouw rondom wat je interessant vindt
Niet wat je denkt dat het publiek leuk zal vinden. Het zijn je interesses die het verhaal authentiek maken.
Simplificeer en focus
Knip weg wat je niet nodig hebt. Je zou een verhaal moeten kunnen vertellen in de kortst mogelijke vorm zonder de kern ervan te verliezen.
Karakters moeten actief zijn
Je karakters moeten zelf de regie nemen over hun leven, niet passief door gebeurtenissen geleid worden.
Wat is jouw personage goed in? Waar falen ze in?
Focus op hun kracht en zwakte, dat maakt ze interessant.
Kijk naar je verhaal vanuit verschillende perspectieven
Vraag jezelf af hoe het verhaal anders zou zijn als je het vertelt vanuit een ander standpunt.
Je moet weten hoe het verhaal eindigt voordat je begint
Je moet het einde kennen om te weten hoe je het verhaal effectief kunt opbouwen.
Focus op thema, niet de plot
Wat is het thema van het verhaal? Dit bepaalt waar het over gaat, meer dan de plot zelf.
Maak het geloofwaardig, zelfs in fantasie
Zelfs in fictie of fantasie moet je verhaal logisch en consequent zijn binnen de wereld die je creëert.
Trek aan de emotionele kern
Zoek naar de reden waarom dit verhaal belangrijk is en waarom het impact heeft op de emoties van het publiek.
Probeer falen niet te vermijden
Laat je personages falen. Dit maakt ze menselijker en geeft hen ruimte om te groeien.
Hou van het proces, niet alleen het eindproduct
Geniet van de reis van het maken van het verhaal, want daar ligt de echte creativiteit.
Waarom moet het publiek om je personages geven?
Wat maakt dat mensen met ze meevoelen of zich met ze kunnen identificeren?
Ontwikkel een duidelijke motivatie voor je personages
Wat willen ze en waarom? Dit moet helder zijn voor zowel de schrijver als het publiek.
Gebruik "en toen" niet om je verhaal te vertellen
"En toen gebeurde dit" maakt je verhaal zwakker. Gebruik oorzaak en gevolg: "Daarom gebeurde dit."
Geef je personages keuzes
Laat je personages beslissingen nemen. Dit drijft het verhaal en maakt het spannender.
Elke scène moet essentieel zijn
Als een scène of moment niets bijdraagt aan het verhaal of karakterontwikkeling, knip het eruit.
Test verschillende verhaallijnen
Je eerste idee is misschien niet het beste. Blijf itereren, veranderen en aanpassen.
Doe onderzoek naar mensen en echte situaties
Echte ervaringen en mensen zijn een oneindige bron van inspiratie voor het creëren van geloofwaardige karakters en verhalen.
Simplificeer complexe emoties
In plaats van ingewikkelde emotionele toestanden te presenteren, zoek naar eenvoudige maar krachtige emoties.
Vertrouw op je eerste intuïtie
Vaak is je eerste instinct goed, zelfs als je het later probeert te veranderen.
Laat de controle los en laat het verhaal groeien
Je kunt niet alles beheersen. Sta het verhaal toe om te evolueren terwijl je het schrijft
Don’t sell your story, just tell your story ~ J.J. Abrams
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in reality, it often speaks even louder. Images have a remarkable ability to convey emotions, capture attention, and leave a lasting impression. In a world bombarded with information, where attention spans are dwindling, the power of visual storytelling has emerged as a driving force in communication. In this article, we explore why an image holds a potency that surpasses words, and how visual content has become a dominant and influential medium in our society
An image has the uncanny ability to evoke emotions instantaneously. A single photograph can capture a range of feelings, from joy and awe to sadness and empathy, with remarkable efficiency. The visual cues, colors, composition, and expressions depicted in an image can resonate deeply with viewers, bypassing the need for lengthy explanations or descriptions. Emotionally charged images have the power to stir our souls and create connections that transcend language barriers
When information is presented in a visual format, it tends to be more memorable and impactful. Research shows that people remember only 10% of the information they hear after three days, but when an image is added, the retention rate jumps to 65%. The combination of visuals and words enhances comprehension, making complex concepts easier to understand and recall. In a cluttered digital landscape, where attention is fleeting, compelling images have a better chance of capturing and retaining audience attention.
Images possess a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries. While words can be limited by regional dialects, translations, or nuances, an image can convey its message to anyone, regardless of their native language. Visual content has the power to bridge gaps, fostering understanding and creating connections among diverse communities. This makes images a valuable tool for global communication, enabling brands and individuals to reach a wider audience and leave a lasting impact
An image has the ability to ignite the power of imagination in ways that words alone cannot. When we look at an image, our minds automatically start to create narratives, fill in the gaps, and ecplore the possibilities hidden within the frame. This engagement of the imagination creates a sense of involvement and personalization, allowing viewers to form their interpretations and emotional connections with the image. This active participation strengthens the impact of visual storytelling, making it a powerful and memorable experience.
In an era of information overload, where we are bombarded with vast amounts of content on a daily basis, visuals offer a reprieve. Images can convey complex ideas or messages succinctly, cutting through the noise and capturing attention in an instant. In a world where time and attention are limited resources, visuals allow us to absorb information efficiently and make an impact in a shorter timeframe.
In a society that is increasingly driven by visuals, the power of visual storytelling cannot be overstated. Images possess an emotional resonance, memorable impact , universal language, imaginative stimulation, and the ability to break through information overload. As individuals, brands, and organizations seek to communicate effectively and leave a lasting impression, understanding and harnessing the power of visual content becomes paramount. So, let us embrace the captivating strength of images, as they continue to shape and transform the way we perceive and communicate in a visually driven world.
Do’s | Don’ts |
Use visuals to show your ideas | Use jargon or business-speak |
Know your audience | Focus too much on yourself or your brand |
Outline your plot and core message | Leave plot holes |
Be honest | Make your characters too perfect |
Go deep | Skim over the details |
Make it useful | Sell your Call-to-action too hard |
Leave room for imagination | Overcomplicate the story |
Storytelling = Joke telling
Stories make you connect/care, through the promise of storytelling
Unifying theory of 2+2
Change is fundamental for your story
Storytelling has guidelines, not rules
Stories should invoke/infuse wonder
use the stories (& what) you know)
Act 1
Setting (place where the story happens)
Act 2
Act 3
Resolution/solve the problem
Physical and emotional end
The most powerful person in the world is the story teller. The stroyteller sets the vision, values and agenda of an entire generation that is to come. ~Steve Jobs
No! Try not! Do or Do not, there is no try. ~Yoda