management of society’s resources is important; resources are SCARCE
SCARCITY: limited nature of society’s resources
society cannot produce all the goods and services ppl wish to have
ECONOMICS: study of how society manages its scarce resources
study how people make decisions, how people interact w/ each other and how economy as a whole works
TWO AGENTS: firms and consumers
FIRMS: what to produce, how much to produce, how many workers to hire, etc.
CONSUMERS: what to buy, how much to save, how many hours to work, etc.
to get one thing, we usually have to give up something else
e.g. allocations of your time & money etc.
if you buy a new iPhone today, you have to wait before buying a new laptop
if u invest in TFSA, you are giving up other forms of investments
for every hour you spend on studying, you could have worked
society faces the tradeoff between efficiency and equity (they clash)
EFFICIENCY: getting the most out of resources
represents the economic pie
EQUITY: fairness of economic allocation
represents how economic pie is divided among society’s members
OPPORTUNITY COST: what you give up to obtain something
to become a doctor, you need to go to medical school
in addition you are giving up other careers
waiting in a long line for a free item costs your time
RATIONAL PEOPLE: someone always tries to do their best to achieve their objectives
usually assume the following:
firms’ objective is to maximize profit
consumers’ objective is to achieve highest level of satisfaction
MARGINAL CHANGES: small incremental adjustments to an existing situation or plan
Rational people make decision by comparing marginal benefits and marginal costs
e.g. you’ve eaten 3 tacos
should you eat another taco?
depends on price of the taco (marginal cost)
and extra satisfaction it gives (marginal benefit)
INCENTIVE: something that induces action (punishment or reward)
RATIONAL PEOPLE respond to incentives
price of gasoline rises, people drive less
neighboring country lets people visit without a visa, # of tourists increase
famous food critic is waiting for dinner, chef tries their best
when governments change rules, it gives an incentive to (some) people to change their actions
however, if incentives not thought about clearly, unintended consequences can happen
Trade allows each individual to specialize in activities they do best
by doing so, everyone will be better off
countries benefit from this too!
MARKET ECONOMY: an economy that allocates resources through market forces
firms and households make self-interested decisions guided by the market price
price reveals buyer’s valuation of the good and the seller’s cost of producing it
prices adjust to guide the economy to the outcome that maximizes society’s economic well-being (resources allocated efficiently)
“households and firms interacting in markets act as if they are guided by an INVISIBLE HAND that leads them to desirable market outcomes”
MARKET FAILURE: refers to a situation where allocation of resources of market outcome is not efficient
can happen if:
EXTERNALITY: one person’s action affects bystander positively or negatively (e.g. pollution)
MARKET POWER: an ability of a single (or small # of) firm (or buyer) to influence market price (e.g. monopoly)
thus, government can intervene in economy to improve market outcome
intervention promotes efficiency
government can take actions to promote equity (e.g. income tax, welfare systems, etc.)
one of the most important government role: enforce PROPERTY RIGHTS by law
PROPERTY RIGHTS: ability of someone to own and exercise control over scarce resources
living standards vary a lot across countries and over time
main determinant of living standard: PRODUCTIVITY
PRODUCTIVITY: quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time
depends on tech, skills of workers and equipment