Chapter 1 - Ten Principles of Economics

  • management of society’s resources is important; resources are SCARCE

  • SCARCITY: limited nature of society’s resources

    • society cannot produce all the goods and services ppl wish to have

  • ECONOMICS: study of how society manages its scarce resources

    • study how people make decisions, how people interact w/ each other and how economy as a whole works

  • TWO AGENTS: firms and consumers

    • FIRMS: what to produce, how much to produce, how many workers to hire, etc.

    • CONSUMERS: what to buy, how much to save, how many hours to work, etc.

1-1 How People Make Decisions

1-1a Principle 1: People Face Tradeoffs

  • to get one thing, we usually have to give up something else

    • e.g. allocations of your time & money etc.

      • if you buy a new iPhone today, you have to wait before buying a new laptop

      • if u invest in TFSA, you are giving up other forms of investments

      • for every hour you spend on studying, you could have worked

  • society faces the tradeoff between efficiency and equity (they clash)

    • EFFICIENCY: getting the most out of resources

      • represents the economic pie

    • EQUITY: fairness of economic allocation

      • represents how economic pie is divided among society’s members

1-1b Principle 2: The Cost of Something is What You Give Up to Get It

  • OPPORTUNITY COST: what you give up to obtain something

    • to become a doctor, you need to go to medical school

      • in addition you are giving up other careers

    • waiting in a long line for a free item costs your time

1-1c Principle 3: Rational People Think at the Margin

  • RATIONAL PEOPLE: someone always tries to do their best to achieve their objectives

    • usually assume the following:

      • firms’ objective is to maximize profit

      • consumers’ objective is to achieve highest level of satisfaction

  • MARGINAL CHANGES: small incremental adjustments to an existing situation or plan

  • Rational people make decision by comparing marginal benefits and marginal costs

    • e.g. you’ve eaten 3 tacos

      • should you eat another taco?

        • depends on price of the taco (marginal cost)

        • and extra satisfaction it gives (marginal benefit)

1-1d Principle 4: People Respond to Incentives

  • INCENTIVE: something that induces action (punishment or reward)

  • RATIONAL PEOPLE respond to incentives

    • price of gasoline rises, people drive less

    • neighboring country lets people visit without a visa, # of tourists increase

    • famous food critic is waiting for dinner, chef tries their best

  • when governments change rules, it gives an incentive to (some) people to change their actions

    • however, if incentives not thought about clearly, unintended consequences can happen

1-2 How People Interact

1-2a Principle 5: Trade can Make Everyone Better Off

  • Trade allows each individual to specialize in activities they do best

    • by doing so, everyone will be better off

    • countries benefit from this too!

    • SEE CHAP 3

1-2b Principle 6: Markets Are Usually a Good Way to Organize Economic Activity

  • MARKET ECONOMY: an economy that allocates resources through market forces

    • firms and households make self-interested decisions guided by the market price

    • price reveals buyer’s valuation of the good and the seller’s cost of producing it

  • prices adjust to guide the economy to the outcome that maximizes society’s economic well-being (resources allocated efficiently)

  • “households and firms interacting in markets act as if they are guided by an INVISIBLE HAND that leads them to desirable market outcomes”

1-2c Principle 7: Governments Can Sometimes Improve Market Outcomes

  • MARKET FAILURE: refers to a situation where allocation of resources of market outcome is not efficient

  • can happen if:

    • EXTERNALITY: one person’s action affects bystander positively or negatively (e.g. pollution)

    • MARKET POWER: an ability of a single (or small # of) firm (or buyer) to influence market price (e.g. monopoly)

  • thus, government can intervene in economy to improve market outcome

    • intervention promotes efficiency

  • government can take actions to promote equity (e.g. income tax, welfare systems, etc.)

  • one of the most important government role: enforce PROPERTY RIGHTS by law

    • PROPERTY RIGHTS: ability of someone to own and exercise control over scarce resources

1-3 How The Economy as a Whole Works

1-3a Principle 8: A Country’s Standard of Living Depends on Its Ability to Produce Goods and Services

  • living standards vary a lot across countries and over time

  • main determinant of living standard: PRODUCTIVITY

  • PRODUCTIVITY: quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time

    • depends on tech, skills of workers and equipment
