1850: New generation of conservative leaders
Elected as president in 1848
wanted lots of power (more)
won the support of the French
Seized the government when they didn’t want him to get reelected/ rerun in 1851
restored universal male suffrage and “forced” the people to vote for him.
restored the empire in 1852
became Napoleon III
The second empire begins …
authoritarian government
controlled armed forces, police, and government
Only he could pass laws and declare war
legislative corporation- an appearance of a representative government
but ultimately, they have no power
Early domestic policies:
The first 5 years were a success
worldwide economic prosperity
used government resources to stimulate the economy and foster industrialization
railroads, harbors, road canals
Provided hospitals and free medicine for workers
advocated for better working-class housing
Paris reconstruction:
broad streets, spacious buildings, and public squares
underground sewage
public water supply
gas lights
All the extra space makes it easier for troops to put down any revolts
liberalization of the regime
liberalizes regime in 1860s in response to opposition
cause and effects
legalized trade unions
right to strike
liberalize political process
more say, debate, etc
Foreign policy: The Mexican adventure
Not as great at foreign policy
tried to colonize Mexico
wanted to dominate Mexican markets ()
installed Archduke Maximilian as emperor of Mexico
had no army
no power
surrenders in 1867// executed
blow to power of napoleon
wanted to free France from the Congress of Vienna settlements
wanted France to be the dominant European power (Goal)
the ottoman empire
The Ottoman Empire declined from the 17th century - on
lost territory. to Austria, Russia
nationalism is growing
greek revolt 1830
Serbia autonomous
Authority dwindling (getting smaller)
means the European powers are interested (more land)
(next to ottoman)
religious affiliation
Russian Orthodox and Greek Orthodox = similar
can influence area
other european powers dont like this
all want a peice (ottoman land)
war in the crimea
russia and ottoman go to war in 1853
russians demand right to protest christian shrines in palastine (ottoman land and france is overlooking atm)
otooman refused, russians occupy// invade
ottomans declare war
march 1854 britian and france aldo declare war on russia
why (france and britian)?- concerned over the balance of power
britian - feared russia would profit from the otooman emipre, seize terrtory to make ruissia a major power
challaged britains naval control of eastern meddiatrranian
economic concerns
france - russia instluted them by wanting mroe power
russia had to fight alone
no support from austria (known // assumed)
battle of balaklava
britian and france attack russias crimean peninsula at balck sea
many deaths
sevastopol (russian fortress) falls in 1855
tsar nicholas dies in 1855 tsar alexander II - new
sues for peace
led to treaty of paris 1856
treaty of paris 1856
russia gives up land
neutrallity of black sea
moldavia and wallachia- under conroll by the 5 great powers ( austria, france, russia, britian, prussia)
Changes from the war
250k dead
diseases (cholera)
fram=nce, british, and ottomans side won// russia lost
effectivly disrtoyed the concert of europe and balance of power
austria and russia - now enimes, hate eachother..
russia now weak and embarrassed
widthdraws from eurpoe affairs for 20 years
britian pulls back
austria has no friends
now other countires can make changes
flournace nightingale - british nurse
forced strict sanitary conditons - saving many lives
transforms nursing into a more trained profession
nationalism rises
revolution of 1848
popular nastionalist movements: demands for unifoed italy and freedom ausrtian rule
war in northern italy ends in defeat of republicans by austria
only kingdom of piedmont retains a liberal constitution
piedmont becomes center of italian hopes for unification
young italy - est. 1831 -
giuseppe mazzinis nationalist society (mainly students)
pledged to make italy a united, free, indepenednt republican nation where everyman would be considered equal
guiseppe garibaldi
follower of mazzini
embraced the republican nationalism of the younf italy movement
supported italian unification under a democratic republican government
allied himslef with the monacharchist cavour
cavour was ruler of piemont - sardina
subordinated republican ideals to nationalist ones until italy was unified
switched priorities for a min…
camillo cavour
politicion prom piedmont
wanted to defend austria with frances help to unite italy
advocated for constitutional monarchy
become the prime minitster under king victor emmanual II
like a president
war with austria
cavour and napoeleon III (itallian and french) plot to provoke a war to weaken austria
itallians of piedmont defeat austrians, moving the austrians from northern italy
PLOT TWIST: france betrays italy and leaves lomardy under austrians conrol
napoleon III fears a unified italy would upset the balance of power
unification and conflict
vicotr emmanual II is named the king of italy in 1861
garibaldi: itailian unification > republic
parlament filled with corruption - compromismo
tenstion between industrial north and rual, poor southern italy
unification complete in 1866 venetia and 1870 rome becaome part of italy
pre 19th century - little concept of being “german”
HRE replaced with german confederation
product of congress of vienna
rise of nationalism and romanitcism
used by politicions like bismark
created a national identity and move towards unification
otto von bismark
conservitive stateman and junker (nobility of prussia)
assosiated with “realpolitik” and “blood and iron”
realpolitik- using politics to your advantage, doing what the people want (even if it is agianst your views)
main priority - german unification
used nationalism to advantage
outmaneuver the liberals of the parla ment by co-opting (supporting) liberal ideas
such as welfare state to gian support for a i=unified germany
path to unification
the danish war (1864) - prussia allied with austria to defeat denmark
took over // dived northern states
asutro-prussian war (1866) - fought eachother and austria loss
outcome - prussia was the dominant central european power
kleindestche (small germany) excludes austria from unification
north germatic confederation
formed in 1867, after austro-prussian are
establsihed a constitutional monarchy led by prussia
executive power in the president (hereditary head of the house of hohenzollern)
assisted by a chanccelloe
2 house legislature
bundersrat - appointed by state government
reichstag - choosen by universal male sufferage
replaced by the german empire 1871
Franco-prussian war
prussias victory over austria increased tention with france
france declres war on prussia when bismark made it look like wilhelm I of prussia insulted him in a telegram
prussia crushes france and captures napeoplen, annexed Alsace-lorrain and ends frances 3rd emipire
wilhelm proclimed pemeror of united germany
the german empire
led my kaiser wilhelm I
bismark attempted to create stablility and peace (balance of power) through his development of an allinece system
bismarks system of allinece
fought to limit the influence of the catholic church
appeal to luverals by creating a welfare system (government spinsered supports) and universal male sufferage
effects and significants
upsets the balance of power created the 2 nwe european powers
italy and germany
germany emerges as an economic powerhouse and rapidly industrializes
the raise of germany and (lesser) italy will increase insternaional competition
increases the desire ot colonize
lead ot the development of the allience system, will set off ww1
bismarks system
othe states undergoing transformation at the time
war, civil war, changing politcal alignments
the austrial empire: toward a dual monarchy
habsburgs centuralized autocratic government
crushed revolutions is 1848
outcome of 1848 revolutions - freedom for the serfs and labor services
industrailizationn speeds up after the 1850s
bring major ecom=nomic and socail chamge
changes: development of an urban proletarint, labor unrest, and new indurstial middle class
1851 - revolutionary constitutions abolished
centralized autocrats resumes alexander von bach (conservitive)
hungary subject to rule of miliatary officers
catholic church made state church
controlled education
austria defeat in itallian war 1859 - emperor fansis joseph tries to creat an impartail parlament
parlament controled by crown
with some eleced
supposed to lead to more representaion bu favored german officals
ethinc minorities with little say
esp the hungarians (conflict brewing)
ausgleich 1867
austro prussain war - need to deal with nationaslistic hungarians
cause and effect
results - ausgleich
compromise 1867
created dual monarchy of austria and hungary
each part now has a cahnge
own bicameraral legislature
own government for domestic affairs
own capital
vienna, budapest
single monarch francis joseph is holding them together
cmmon army
foriegn policy
however this compromise does not consider the other many natioalities in the reigon
poles, craots, czechs, serbs, slovaks, etc
problem will exist until the end of ww1 (when emipre breaks down)
russia defeat in crimean war shoed deficancies in absolute power and how far behind they are
compared to western powers
tsar alexander II foucused on over hauling russian system
serfdom was the biggest problem
corrupt and failing system
russian landowners could not compete with forigen production
serfs uneducated and unable to deal with more complex machines and weapons
peasents dissatisfaction led to local revolts
abolition of serfdom
emancipation edict
peasents can now
own property
marry who they want
sue people
still limited benifits
got the worst of the land
hard to make useful
peasent pop rising led to hardships
peasants still not completely free
state gave landowners for peasent land
peasents need to repay
village communes (authority) still keep peasents in order and restricted
other reforms
local assembles// governmant
representative eleceted property owners had an advantage
limited power
provied public services, levy tax
dont have a ton to say
legal reform 1864
equality before the law
russias many reform movements 1870:
liberals vs conservitives
populism - ideology that emphasizes the poepl against the eleites
belif: russian peasents as the chief instrament for social reform
populism amis to create a new society through revolutionary acts of the peasents
violent revolts did break out
peoples will
radicals anti tsar
assassinates alexander II 1881
son tsar alexander III comes in
anti reform
back to tradition
no revolts in 1848
relativly stable
reform act 1832
parlament continues to make good reforms to keep britian stable and prosperous
whys so stable? - continued economic growth
middle class proserity
some improvements for the wroking class
wadges increase
natioal pride queen victoria
some politcal instabliloty
aristrocrats and upper middle class dominate parlament
some inernal conflict, henry jonh temple, lord palmerson
prime minister
not reform minded
whig - liberal
disraeli and teh reform act of 1867
palmerson died in 1865
tories (conservitives) pass reform act 1867
step towards democratization
lowered manertary requirments for voting
voters 1 mil» 2 mil
ends up benifitting liberals
forces both parties to orginize for wins
politics as more part of daily life
liberal policies of gladstone
william gladstone
new pm
losts of reforms
open civil service
education act 1870 - try and have elementry education for all
politicak/ social
overall goal - strengthen nation and institutions
issue of slavery threating national unity
north: anti slavery
south: pro slavery
differnce also in economic development
north : indusrtial
south : rual, farming, cotton, cash crops
depended on slave labor
1850s: president andrew jeckson
issues of slavery caused a split
kansas nabraska act 1854 - pro or anti slaves is up to the state
more issues - less likely to have a compromise
lincoln president 1860
states secede from 1860-1861
the civil war
1861- 1865
very bloody
600k dead
battle infections
effects pop and opion
north - more anti slavery
emancipation proclaimation makes slaves couth free
union (north) wins 1865 (civil war)
the emergence of a canadian nation
treaty of paris 1763 - canada is now british terretory
englsiha dn fremch speaking
1837 - rebel against british government
turinging point - american cw
britian gave into canadians commands// demands
gets own nation constitution etc…
foreign affairs still controlled by british
1850 - 1870 — continental industrilization
age of considerable economic prosperity
industiralization fueled by rail roads
continental iron industry
change form iron smelling to coke blast smelling
expanding markets- eliminating barriors to international trade
cause and effects
trade treaties - reduce // eliminate protective tariffs in much of western europe
more open to trading and access to waterways etc
government aid - encouraging joint-stcok investment
used capitol for investmenst
aloows for railroad construction, factories, etc
key for industrialization
factory owners
trade unions form to fight for better conditions and wadges
real change - socialist parties and unions
marx and marxism '
the communist manifesto 1848
1847 - join german socialist
advocate of radical working class movement
rousing working class to action
ideas // points of communiest manifesto
hisory of class struggle
oppressed and opressor have alwaysed been in conflict
bourgeois v proletariat
bourheois own and control means of production
proletariats working class do not own means of production, sell thier labor to bour
government of the staes reflects the middlle clas and alies
dont care ab the working classs
struggle will rsult in workers overthrowing thier bourgeois masters
thenworkign class will form a government to recognize means of production
orginizing the working class
socailism transforms into national socailist parties
eventual outcome
marxs idea of communism never fully reached anywhere
1850 -1870 : 2 major intellectual developments
growth of scientific knowlage
shift from romanticism to realism
now taking a more rational approach to the study of the natural world
no longer rooted from religon
stll mainly beiniftted the elites
fed intrest in basic scientific reasreach- more practical
increase in material gains generated by scinece and tech led to growing faith in the benifits of science
widespread acceptance of scientific method
increase in secularization
outcome: belif that everything mental, sprititual, or ideal is the result of physical forces (theory of evolution)
charles darwin and the theory of orgainsic evolution
embraced the idea that amianls evolve over time in response to thier enviorment … natural slecetion
the theory of evolution
all plants and amimals have evolved over a long periodof time
makes humans ordinary
eliminates the purpose and design form the universe
used to justify//prove european and whicte surperiority and dominace
begains in paris
pasteur, koch, and germs
discovery of microorgianisms as an agent of disease
1863 - pasteurization
heating products to dystroy organism, causing spoilage
vaccinations for more using his theory
robert koch
german doctor
came up with the scientific method
identified many dieasese
impact of bacteriology rational - treating and preventing infectious diesease - transforms medical world
new sergical practices
antiseptic principle - bacteria + wounds = not good
new public health measure
1840s- 1850s cholora happend and with that we learned
hygine as prevention
clean water
sewage diposal
less crowded housing
preventative measures
pasteurizing milk
pure water
new medical schools
widespread in the western world
easy to get a degree
but becomes more rigerous and standerdized
women in medical school
generally not allowed
science and the study of society
natural flow
auguste comte
system of postitive philospphy
system of positive knowlage
math as foundation
top is soscilogy
task was to discover general laws of society
realism in lituralture
belif that the world should be viewed realsitcally
genral attempt to depict subjects thruthfully in differnt forms of art
deliberate rejection of romanticism
just ordinary charicaters and accuarate descriptions
realism in art
depicting everyday life of ordinary poeple
factory workers, peasents, and wives
the stonebreakers
science from rual life
some aspects of romanticsm
the gleaners
music : the twilight of romantiscm
emotional content
expressing ideas
romatinc with more ordered music
rise of opera and avant-grade music