The primary focus of seeking the kingdom goes beyond prayer; it emphasizes action, specifically how one uses external goods.
External goods include money, food, property, etc.
Jesus warns against storing treasures on earth due to potential loss (e.g., theft, decay).
A better approach is to store treasures in heaven, which refers to charitable actions rather than accumulating material wealth.
The saying "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" emphasizes that one’s priorities and concerns reflect how one uses their material possessions.
A person's heart and actions are connected to their financial choices.
Storing up treasures in heaven is not about earning favor with God; it relates to how one uses resources to help those in need.
Charitable Giving:
Almsgiving is emphasized in Jewish tradition as a means of building true treasures in the spiritual sense.
The Book of Tobit:
Tobit advises his son Tobias to give alms and share wealth in proportion to personal abundance.
Almsgiving protects against adversity and is seen as a worthy offering to God.
Wisdom Saying from Tobit:
"Almsgiving with righteousness is better than wealth with wickedness."
It highlights moral righteousness over material gain.
Ben Sira's Teachings:
Advises one to share their treasure rather than hoard it and equates almsgiving with safety from evil.
Jesus uses the metaphor of the eye to describe perception: a good eye means proper vision, leading to actions reflecting the kingdom; a bad eye leads to darkness.
The condition of one’s eye (or perception) influences the individual's actions regarding wealth and resources.
Jesus teaches that one cannot serve both God and mammon (material wealth).
Mammon refers to external goods, suggesting that accumulation leads to serving possessions instead of God.
Jesus instructs not to worry about material needs (food, drink, clothing).
His argument connects anxiety about material goods with a misunderstanding of God’s provision.
Observations of nature (birds, flowers) illustrate that life consists of more than mere material possessions.
The expectation is that community members would provide for each other’s needs.
Jesus concludes with the directive to prioritize seeking God’s kingdom and His righteousness.
If individuals actively pursue kingdom values, their needs will be met through the community and God’s provision.
True deeds involve sharing resources and community support.
There is a strong link between one’s thoughts (perception of needs) and actions (how to seek the kingdom through sharing possessions).
This teaching culminates in the broader context of community living in accordance with the principles of the Kingdom of God.