List 23 L
1.) patience/patients
patience — innocent and unsuspecting
patients — clever, original, and inventive
2.) mono – one ex/ monologue, monotonous
3.) mit- – to send ex/ transmit, admit
4.) trans- – across ex/ transmit
5.) -ous, -eous, -ious – having qualities of ex/ riotous, courageous, gracious
6.) amicable — friendly
7.) coherent— logically connected; consistent; expressing yourself clearly
8.) digress — to leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing
9.) enumerate — to list or count off one by one
10.) fabricate — to make, build, or construct; to devise, invent, or concoct (a story, lie, etc)
11.) sedition — conduct or speech inciting people to rebel
12.) tawdry — showy but cheap