Intertransverse muscles function to draw the tail sideways and originate from the transverse processes of the caudal vertebrae then insert into the middle and last caudal vertebrae. They are especially well-developed in which animal species? Ruminants and Horses
Digastric muscle functions to draw the mandible downwards and opens the mouth. This is a single-bellied muscle in domestic animals, except in the horse, where it has a caudal and rostral belly.
Describe the brachiocephalicus muscle of domestic animals.
Carnivores: additional cleidocervical muscle
Ruminants and Pigs: additional cleido-occipital muscle
All domestic species: cleidomastoid is present
Which muscles are involved in joints? Identify muscles present in the joints of the different animal species.
Ulnar flexor muscle functions as a flexor of the carpus and acts as a supinator of the limb in which animal species? Carnivores
Muscle of the deep layer of the girdle which is absent in the dog.
Subclavian Muscle
Subclavian muscle functions to fix the scapula. It originates from the first costal cartilage and blends with the tendon of insertion of the brachiocephalic muscle. It is a narrow band in the ruminants.
Describe the subclavian muscles of the different animal species.
RUMINANTS- narrow band; takes origin from the first costal cartilage and blends with the tendon of insertion of the brachiocephalic muscle
PIG AND HORSES - arises from the second to fourth costal cartilage, passes over the shoulder joint and unites with the aponeurosis of the supraspinatus muscle
The deltoid muscle of this animal species originates from the spine of the scapula through an aponeurosis.
Horse and Pig
Describe the deltoid muscle of the different animal species.
Animal Species | Deltoid Muscle Description |
Horse | One head of origin arising from the spine of the scapula by means of an aponeurosis. The aponeurosis is partly fused to the infraspinatus muscle. Inserts on the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus. Functions as a flexor of the shoulder joint and supports abduction and rotation. |
Pig | One head of origin arising from the spine of the scapula by means of an aponeurosis. Inserts on the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus. |
Ruminants | Two heads of origin: arising from the spine of the scapula with an aponeurosis and from the acromion. Inserts on the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus. Functions as a flexor of the shoulder joint and supports abduction and rotation. |
Carnivores | Two heads of origin: arising from the spine of the scapula with an aponeurosis and from the acromion. Inserts on the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus. Functions as a flexor of the shoulder joint and supports abduction and rotation, especially. |
Dog | Two heads of origin: arising from the spine of the scapula with an aponeurosis and from the acromion. Inserts on the deltoid tuberosity. Functions as a flexor of the shoulder joint; abductor of the upper arm. |
Cat | Two heads of origin: arising from the spine of the scapula with an aponeurosis and from the acromion. Inserts on the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus. Functions as a flexor of the shoulder joint and supports abduction and rotation. |
Which muscle does not cover the femoral triangle in the carnivores?
Sartorius Muscle
What muscles are involved in the femoral triangle?
Sartorius muscle, Gracilis muscle, and Pectineal muscle
Describe the gluteal muscles in the different animal species.
Popliteal muscle lies directly over the caudal aspect of the stifle joint. In the horse, it is a flat, triangular muscle covered by the gastrocnemius and the superficial digital flexor tendon.
Pectoral muscle in the bird which arises from the keel of the sternum and the clavicle and passes directly to the ventral surface of the dorsal tubercle of the humerus. Its contraction produces the powerful downstroke of the wing. This is the largest in birds.
Supracoracoid muscle in the bird which lies deep to and is covered entirely by the pectoralis muscle. This muscle is used mainly for upstroke. Is it employed in flight?
The medial and lateral heads of this muscle enclose the fabellae in cats.
Gastrocnemius Muscle
Familiarize yourself with the different nerves innervating the muscles.
Muscle Name | Innervating Nerve(s) |
Quadrate muscle of the thigh | Femoral nerve |
Straight muscle of the thigh | Femoral nerve |
Lateral vastus muscle | Femoral nerve |
Medial vastus muscle | Femoral nerve |
Intermediate vastus muscle | Femoral nerve |
Popliteal muscle | Tibial nerve |
Gastrocnemius muscle | Tibial nerve |
Soleus muscle | Tibial nerve |
Superficial digital flexor muscle | Tibial nerve |
Deep digital flexor muscle (Caudal tibial muscle) | Tibial nerve |
Deep digital flexor muscle (Medial digital flexor muscle) | Tibial nerve |
Deep digital flexor muscle (Lateral digital flexor muscle) | Tibial nerve |
Sternomandibular muscle | Ventral branch of accessory nerve |
Sternomastoid muscle | Ventral branch of accessory nerve |
Sterno-occipital muscle | Ventral branch of accessory nerve |
Latissimus dorsi (Broadest muscle of the back) | Thoracodorsal nerve |
Trapezius muscle | Dorsal branch of accessory nerve |
Omotransverse muscle | Accessory nerve |
Superficial pectoral muscle | Cranial and caudal thoracic nerves |
Transverse superficial pectoral muscle | Cranial and caudal thoracic nerves |
Descending superficial pectoral muscle | Cranial and caudal thoracic nerves |
Brachial muscle | Musculocutaneous nerve, Radial nerve |
Biceps muscle of the arm | Musculocutaneous nerve |
Triceps muscle of the forearm (Long head) | Radial nerve |
Triceps muscle of the forearm (Lateral head) | Radial nerve |
Triceps muscle of the forearm (Medial head) | Radial nerve |
Anconeus muscle | Radial nerve |
Tensor muscle of the antebrachial fascia | Radial nerve |
Common digital extensor muscle | Radial nerve |
Lateral digital extensor muscle | Radial nerve, Superficial fibular nerve |
Long digital extensor muscle of the first and second digits | Radial nerve |
Long abductor muscle of the first digit | Radial nerve |
Superficial digital flexor muscle of the forearm | Ulnar nerve, Median nerve |
Deep digital flexor muscle of the forearm | Ulnar nerve, Median nerve |
Proximal digital interflexor muscles | Ulnar nerve, Median nerve |
Major dorsal straight muscle of the head | Dorsal branch of 1st cervical nerve |
Minor dorsal straight muscle of the head | Dorsal branch of 1st cervical nerve |
Lateral straight muscle of the head | Ventral branch of 1st cervical nerve |
Thoracic and cervical parts of the spinal muscle (pig/horse) | Dorsal branches of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar nerves |
Thoracic and cervical parts of the spinal and semispinal muscle (carnivores/ruminants) | Dorsal branches of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar nerves |
Multifidus muscle | Dorsal branches of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar nerves |
Rotator muscles | Dorsal branches of the thoracic nerves |
Interspinal muscles | Dorsal branches of the thoracic nerves, dorsal branches of the lumbar nerves |
Intertransverse muscles | Dorsal branches of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar nerves |
Internal oblique abdominal muscle | Ventral branches of the thoracic and lumbar nerves |
Transverse abdominal muscle | Ventral branches of the thoracic and lumbar nerves |
Straight abdominal muscle | Ventral branches of the thoracic and lumbar nerves |
Lateral dorsal sacrococcygeal muscle | Sacral and caudal nerves |
Medial dorsal sacrococcygeal muscle | Sacral and caudal nerves |
Lateral ventral sacrococcygeal muscle | Sacral and caudal nerves |
Medial ventral sacrococcygeal muscle | Sacral and caudal nerves |
Intertransverse muscles of the tail | Sacral and caudal nerves |
Coccygeal muscle | Sacral and caudal nerves |
Iliocaudal muscle (only carnivores) | Sacral and caudal nerves |
Internal obturator muscle | Sciatic nerve |
External obturator muscle | Obturator nerve |
Gemellus muscles | Sciatic nerve |
Quadrate muscle of thigh | Sciatic nerve |
Articular muscle of the hip joint | Sciatic nerve |
Orbicular muscle of the eye | Facial nerve, zygomatic branch |
Levator muscle of the medial angle of the eye | Facial nerve, zygomatic branch |
Retractor muscle of the lateral angle of the eye | Facial nerve, zygomatic branch |
Brachiocephalic muscle | Accessory nerve |
Rhomboid muscle | Dorsal and ventral branches of cervical and thoracic spinal nerves |
Ventral serrate muscle (thoracic part) | Long thoracic nerve |
Major teres muscle | Axillary nerve |
Subscapular muscle (caudal third) | Axillary nerve |
Capsular muscle | Axillary nerve |
Teres minor muscle | Axillary nerve |
Deltoid muscle | Axillary nerve |
Cleidobrachial muscle | Axillary nerve |
Extensor muscles of the thoracic limb (except shoulder joint) | Radial nerve |
Pronator teres muscle | Median nerve |
Flexor muscles of the forearm and carpus (most) | Ulnar nerve, Median nerve |
Interosseous muscles (palmar) | Ulnar nerve |
Superficial pectoral muscle | Cranial pectoral nerve |
Subclavian muscle (ungulates) | Cranial pectoral nerve |
Deep pectoral muscle | Caudal pectoral nerves |
Subscapular muscle (cranial and middle part) | Subscapular nerves |
Supraspinatus muscle | Suprascapular nerve |
Infraspinatus muscle | Suprascapular nerve |
Coracobrachial muscle | Musculocutaneous nerve |
Semitendinosus muscle (partly) | Caudal femoral cutaneous nerve |
Biceps femoris muscle | Caudal gluteal nerve |
Gluteobiceps muscle | Caudal gluteal nerve |
Superficial gluteal muscles (depending on species) | Caudal gluteal nerve |
Vertebral heads of the hamstring muscles (depending on species) | Caudal gluteal nerve |
Middle gluteal muscle | Cranial gluteal nerve |
Piriform muscle | Cranial gluteal nerve |
Deep gluteal muscle | Cranial gluteal nerve, Sciatic nerve |
Tensor of fascia lata | Cranial gluteal nerve |
Semitendinosus muscle | Tibial nerve |
Semimembranous muscle | Tibial nerve |
Gastrocnemius muscle | Tibial nerve |
Soleus muscle | Tibial nerve |
Popliteal muscle | Tibial nerve |
Superficial digital flexor muscle (hindlimb) | Tibial nerve |
Deep digital flexor muscle (hindlimb) | Tibial nerve |
Cranial tibial muscle | Deep fibular nerve |
Long digital extensor muscle (hindlimb) | Deep fibular nerve |
Lateral digital extensor muscle (hindlimb) | Deep fibular nerve, Superficial fibular nerve |
Long fibular muscle | Deep fibular nerve |
Short fibular muscle | Deep fibular nerve |
Third fibular muscle | Deep fibular nerve |
Short digital extensor muscle (hindlimb) | Deep fibular nerve |
Gemelli muscles | Sciatic nerve |
Internal obturator muscle | Sciatic nerve |
Quadriceps muscle of the thigh | Sciatic nerve, Femoral nerve |
Pectineal muscle (part in) | Obturator nerve |
Gracilis muscle (part in) | Obturator nerve |
Adductor muscles | Obturator nerve |
Sartorius muscle (in part) | Saphenous nerve (branch of femoral nerve) |
Inner lumbar muscles | Femoral nerve |
Abdominal muscles | Iliohypogastric nerve, Ilioinguinal nerve |
Internal oblique abdominal muscle | Genitofemoral nerve |
Cremaster muscle | Genitofemoral nerve |
Brachiocephalic muscle | Dorsal branch of accessory nerve |
Trapezius muscle | Dorsal branch of accessory nerve |
Omotransverse muscle | Dorsal branch of accessory nerve |
Sternocephalic muscle | Ventral branch of accessory nerve |
Cleidomastoid muscle | Ventral branch of accessory nerve |
Cleido-occipital muscle | Ventral branch of accessory nerve |
Lingual musculature | Hypoglossal nerve (XII) |
Superficial levator muscle of eyelid | Oculomotor nerve (III) |
Muscles of the eyeball (apart from dorsal oblique and lateral straight) | Oculomotor nerve (III) |
Dorsal oblique muscle of the eyeball | Trochlear nerve (IV) |
Masticator nerve muscles (Masseter, Temporal, Pterygoideus) | Mandibular nerve (V3) |
Mylohyoid muscle | Inferior alveolar nerve (branch of Mandibular nerve V3) |
Rostral part of digastric muscle | Inferior alveolar nerve (branch of Mandibular nerve V3) |
Lateral straight muscle of eyeball | Abducent nerve (VI) |
Lateral quarter of retractor muscle of eyeball | Abducent nerve (VI) |
Stapedius muscle | Stapedius nerve (branch of Facial nerve VII) |
Muscles for the pinna of the ear | Caudal auricular nerve (branch of Facial nerve VII) |
Muscles for the eyelids | Auriculopalpebral nerve (branch of Facial nerve VII) |
Muscles for the skin on the neck | Cervical branch (branch of Facial nerve VII) |
Caudal part of the digastric muscle | Digastric branch (branch of Facial nerve VII) |
Facial muscles (mimic) | Buccal branches (branch of Facial nerve VII) |
Caudal stylopharyngeal muscle | Pharyngeal branch (branch of Glossopharyngeal nerve IX) |
Pharynx muscles | Pharyngeal branch (branch of Glossopharyngeal nerve IX), Vagus nerve (X) |
Levator muscle of soft palate | Lingual branch (branch of Glossopharyngeal nerve IX) |
Tensor muscle of soft palate | Lingual branch (branch of Glossopharyngeal nerve IX) |
Muscles of larynx | Vagus nerve (X) |
Muscles of pharynx | Vagus nerve (X) |
Brachiocephalic muscle | Dorsal branch of Accessory nerve (XI) |
Trapezius muscle | Dorsal branch of Accessory nerve (XI) |
Omotransverse muscle | Dorsal branch of Accessory nerve (XI) |
Sternocephalic muscle | Ventral branch of Accessory nerve (XI) |
Cleidomastoid muscle | Ventral branch of Accessory nerve (XI) |
Cleido-occipital muscle | Ventral branch of Accessory nerve (XI) |
Lumbar and iliac parts of the iliopsoas muscle are fused in which animal species?
Which muscle of the rump is only present in the cat?
Gluteofemoral Muscle
During surgery, this muscle is commonly dissected in dogs suffering from hip dysplasia. What’s the function of this muscle?
Pectineal Muscle - adduction
Describe the articulation of the hyoid apparatus in the different animal species.
Species | Articulation Point with Skull | Components Involved in Articulation (Suspensory Apparatus) | Joint Type |
Carnivores | Mastoid process of the petrous temporal bone | Tympanohyoid | Syndesmosis or Synchondrosis |
Ruminants | Styloid process of the tympanic part of the temporal bone | Tympanohyoid | Syndesmosis or Synchondrosis |
Horse | Styloid process of the tympanic part of the temporal bone | Tympanohyoid | Syndesmosis or Synchondrosis |
Pig | Nuchal process of the squamous temporal bone | Tympanohyoid | Synchondrosis |
Differentiate the atlantoaxial joint of the different animal species.
Feature | Carnivores | Ruminants | Horse | Pig |
Joint Cavity | Shares a common joint cavity with the atlanto-occipital joint. | Atlanto-occipital joint cavities communicate ventrally. | Atlanto-occipital joint cavities communicate ventrally. | |
Ligaments | Transverse ligament of the atlas present. Alar ligaments attach to medial surface of the condyles. | Ventral atlantoaxial ligament present. Longitudinal ligaments present. Alar ligaments attach to inner surface of the ventral arch of the atlas. | Ventral atlantoaxial ligament present. Longitudinal ligaments present. Alar ligaments attach to inner surface of the ventral arch of the atlas. | Transverse ligament of the atlas present. Alar ligaments attach to the rim of the foramen magnum. |
Additional Structures | ||||
Movement | Rotation around the longitudinal axis of the dens. | Rotation around the longitudinal axis of the dens. | Rotation around the longitudinal axis of the dens. | Rotation around the longitudinal axis of the dens. |
Dorsal Atlantoaxial Membrane | Strengthens the joint capsule externally. | Strengthens the joint capsule externally. | Strengthens the joint capsule externally. | Strengthens the joint capsule externally. |
Elastic Dorsal Axial Ligament | Extends between dorsal tubercle of atlas and spinous process of axis. | Extends between dorsal tubercle of atlas and spinous process of axis. | Extends between dorsal tubercle of atlas and spinous process of axis. | Extends between dorsal tubercle of atlas and spinous process of axis. |
What’s the function of transverse ligaments?
Provide stability and connection across anatomical structures.
What’s the function of the following ligaments? How are they unique among the different animal species?
Ligament Name | Function | Species-Specific Differences |
Longitudinal ligaments | ||
Dorsal longitudinal ligament | Passes along the floor of the vertebral canal, attached to each intervertebral disc. | Extends from the dens of the axis to the sacrum. |
Ventral longitudinal ligament | Follows the ventral aspect of the vertebrae, attached to each intervertebral disc. | Extends from the eighth thoracic vertebra to the sacrum. |
Transverse ligaments | ||
Transverse ligament of the atlas | Straps the dens to the atlas, prevents undue movement, protects the medulla oblongata. | Present in pigs and carnivores. |
Transverse ligament of the stifle | Connects the cranial angles of the two menisci. | Present in carnivores and some bovine individuals. |
Intertransverse ligaments | Extend between the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae, tensed during lateral flexion and rotation. | Located in the lumbar vertebrae. |
Transverse humeral ligament | Bridges the bicipital groove and holds the like-named tendon in place. | Present in carnivores. |
Transverse acetabular ligament | Bridges the acetabular notch and keeps the ligament of the head of the femur and the joint capsule in place. | (No specific species differences mentioned for its presence, but hip joint anatomy varies). |
Short transverse ligament (carpal) | Joins the neighbouring bones of the same row. | Located in the carpus. Anatomy of carpal bones varies. |
Transverse bands (dewclaws) | Join the second and fifth digits to the cannon bone proximally and to the main digits distally. | Formed by fasciae in animals with dewclaws. |
Atlantoaxial ligaments | ||
Ventral atlantoaxial ligament | Reinforces the joint capsule ventrally. | Extends between the ventral tubercle of the atlas and the ventral spine of the axis in ruminants and horses. |
Dorsal axial ligament | Extends between the dorsal tubercle of the atlas and the spinous processes of the axis. | Elastic. |
Elastic dorsal axial ligament | Extends between the dorsal tubercle of the atlas and the spinous processes of the axis. (Likely the same as Dorsal axial ligament) | Elastic. |
Give examples of long and short ligaments.
Category | Ligament Name | Source(s) |
Short | Short ligaments (bridge successive vertebrae) | |
Short | Interarcuate ligaments (ligamenta flava) | |
Short | Intertransverse ligaments (ligamenta intertransversaria) | |
Short | Interspinous ligaments (ligamenta interspinalia) | |
Short | Var. short ligaments (of the Tarsal joint or hock) | |
Short | Short ligaments, joining neighbouring bones of the same row or adjacent rows (of carpal joints) | |
Short | Vertical, horizonal, short lig. (of carpal joints) | |
Short | Short transverse ligament (carpal) | |
Short | Middle ligaments of the fetlock | |
Short | Distal sesamoid ligaments | |
Short | Oblique sesamoid ligaments | |
Short | Interdigital intersesamoid ligaments | |
Short | Collateral sesamoid ligaments | |
Short | Interdigital phalangeosesamoid ligaments | |
Short | Interdigital sesamoidean ligaments | |
Short | Straight sesamoid ligament (ligamentum sesamoideum rectum) | |
Short | Cruciate sesamoid ligaments (ligamenta sesamoidea cruciata) | |
Short | Short sesamoid ligaments (ligamenta sesamoidea brevia) | |
Short | Ligaments of the distal sesamoid bone (elastic axial and abaxial, collateral) (of coffin joint) | |
Short | Ligaments of the cartilages of the distal phalanx (of coffin joint) | |
Short | Impar distal sesamoid ligament (ligamentum sesamoideum distale impar) | |
Short | Short lateral collateral ligament (ligamentum collaterale tarsi laterale breve) | |
Short | Short medial collateral ligament (ligamentum collaterale tarsi mediale breve) | |
Short | Various short ligaments bridge the joint spaces (ligamenta tarsi interossea) (of tarsal joint) | |
Short | Proximal sesamoid ligaments (implied by the category of distal sesamoid ligaments in fetlock) | |
Long | Ventral atlantoaxial ligament (ruminants & horse) | |
Long | Longitudinal ligaments of the vertebral canal (horse & ruminants) | |
Long | Long ligaments (sev. Vert. forming fxnal units) | |
Long | Dorsal longitudinal ligament (ligamentum longitudinale dorsale) | |
Long | Ventral longitudinal ligament (ligamentum longitudinale ventrale) | |
Long | Nuchal ligament (nuchal funiculus; nuchal lamina) | |
Long | Supraspinous ligament (ligamentum supraspinale) | |
Long | Nuchal funiculus (funiculus nuchae) | |
Long | Nuchal lamina (lamina nuchae) | |
Long | Long lateral collateral lig. (of Tarsal joint or hock) (ligamentum collaterale tarsi laterale longum) | |
Long | Long medial collateral lig. (of Tarsal joint or hock) (ligamentum collaterale tarsi mediale longum) | |
Long | Dorsal tarsal ligaments (of Tarsal joint or hock) | |
Long | Long plantar ligament (of Tarsal joint or hock) | |
Long | Long lateral and medial carpal collateral lig. (of carpal joints) (ligamenta collateralia carpi) | |
Long | Axial and abaxial collateral ligaments (bridge each fetlock joint) | |
Long | Dorsal ligament of the coffin joints (ligamentum dorsale) |
Which ligaments of specific joints are only present in a specific group of animals or animal species?
Animal Group/Species | Joint | Ligament(s) Present Only In This Group/Species |
Ruminants & Horse | Atlanto-axial joint | Ventral atlantoaxial ligament |
Horse & Ruminants | Vertebral canal | Longitudinal ligaments of the vertebral canal (fan out from the basilar part of the occiput) |
Carnivores & Pigs | Atlas | Transverse ligaments of the atlas (strap the dens) |
Dog | Nuchal ligament | Paired nuchae (as a subdivision of the nuchal ligament) |
Ruminants | Nuchal ligament | Paired funiculus, paired cranial lamellar part (as subdivisions) |
Horse | Nuchal ligament | Paired nuchal funiculus and a lamellar part (as subdivisions) |
Ruminant & Pig | Sternum | Sternal ligament (lies on the dorsal surface of the sternum) |
Horse | Sternum | Sternal ligament (divides into three branches) |
Some Carnivores | Sternum | Sternal ligament (absent) |
Ruminants | Tibiofibular joints | No proximal tibiofibular joint (head of fibula fused to tibia) |
Horse | Tibiofibular joints | Only the proximal tibiofibular joint exists (distal end of fibula fused to tibia) |
Dog | Distal radioulnar joint | Distinct radioulnar ligament |
Cat | Distal radioulnar joint | Radioulnar ligament consists of fibers embedded in joint capsule |
Carnivores | Carpal joints | Absence of long continuous collateral ligaments (only antebrachiocarpal joint bridged) |
Ruminants | Fetlock joint (MCP joint) | Proximal interdigital ligament (joins proximal phalanges to axial sesamoid bones) |
Dog | Distal interphalangeal joints | Two long elastic cord-like dorsal ligaments |
Cat | Distal interphalangeal joints | Short single dorsal ligament (in addition to two long dorsal ligaments) |
Ruminants | Coffin joint (DIP joint) | Dorsal ligament of the coffin joints (elastic band) |
Ruminants | Coffin joint (DIP joint) | Elastic axial and abaxial ligaments of the distal sesamoid bone |
Ruminants | Coffin joint (DIP joint) | Lateral and medial chondroungular collateral ligaments |
Familiarize yourself with the different common names of joints.
Anatomical Joint Name | Common Name(s) |
Pedal joints | Tarsal joint or hock |
Metacarpophalangeal joints | Fetlock |
Proximal interphalangeal joints | Pastern joint |
Distal interphalangeal joints | Coffin joint |
Which joint/s are absent in specific groups of animals or animal species?
Animal Group/Species | Absent Joint(s) |
Some Carnivores | Sternal ligament |
Ruminants | Proximal tibiofibular joint |
Intermetacarpal joints between the fused 3rd and 4th MC bones (functionally) | |
Horses | Distal tibiofibular joint |
Adult Ungulates | Synovial proximal radioulnar joint (limited/absent due to synchondrosis) |
Which muscle/s are present only in specific groups of animals or animal species?
Animal Group/Species | Muscle(s) Present Only In This Group/Species |
Carnivores | Superficial sphincter muscle of the neck |
Cervical superficial sphincter muscle | |
Supramammary muscles (female) | |
Extensor muscle of the first and second digits | |
Quadrate pronator muscle | |
Short digital flexor muscle (thoracic limb) | |
Abductor muscle of the thigh | |
Ruminants | Depressor muscle of the upper lip |
Horse | Digastric muscle (with caudal and rostral belly) |
Articular muscle of the shoulder joint | |
Cat | Gluteofemoral Muscle |
Describe the masseter muscles of the different animal species.
Animal Species | Description of Masseter Muscle |
Carnivores | Separated into three layers by tendinous sheets. |
Pig | Three layers are firmly fused and difficult to dissect. |
Ox | Pronounced tendinous intersections forming five distinct parts. |
Horse | Up to fifteen tendinous intermuscular strands, forming multiple layers. |
Familiarize yourself with the different bones or structures of bones which make up a joint.
Identify which ligaments are absent/present in the animal species.
Example: this ligament is present among the different animal species except in ______
Muscles & joints – Focus on the species-specific differences.
Functions and innervations – Which muscles are present or absent in the different animal species?
Groupings of muscles and ligaments
Ex. Long vs. short ligaments
Ex. Extensors vs. flexors
Which structures are involved in the stay apparatus of the horse?
The stay apparatus of the horse involves the following structures:
Thoracic Limb:
Suspensory ligament
Collateral sesamoid ligaments
Palmar ligaments
Distal sesamoidean ligaments
Biceps brachii
Superficial digital flexor muscle
Superior check ligament
Deep digital flexor muscle
Inferior check ligament
Pelvic Limb:
Patellar ligaments
Third fibular muscle
Superficial digital flexor muscle
Gastrocnemius muscle
Other ligaments/tendons in the pelvic distal limb