Earthquakes II: Strain and Faults


  • faults: a large brittle fracture in a rock body

  • the point of origin for most earthquakes


  • movement range along a break in a rock body is fractions of an inch to miles

    • fractures: fractions of inches to inch movements

    • faults: feet to mile movements

  • plate boundaries: contacts between tectonic plates

Normal Fault

  • blocks move away from each other

  • hanging wall block moves down relative to foot wall

Reverse (or Thrust) Fault

  • blocks move towards each other

  • hanging wall block moves up relative to foot wall

Strike-Slip Fault

  • motion is lateral (like traffic driving)

  • fault itself is vertical (no hanging wall or foot wall blocks)

Types of Strike-Slip Faults

  • left-lateral: movement relatively to the left

  • right-lateral: movement relatively to right
