Dispersed: A population that is spread out.
Population Distribution: Where people live in a geographic area.
Climate: Long-term patterns of weather.
Temperate Climate: An area with moderate temperatures and adequate precipitation amounts.
Landforms: The natural features of the earth’s surface.
Human migration: When people make permanent moves from one place to another.
Population Density: The number of people occupying a unit of land.
Arithmetic Density: The total number of people per unit area of land.
Physiological Density: The total number of people per unit of arable land.
Agricultural Density: The total number of farmers per unit of arable land.
Subsistence Agriculture: The practice in which farming provides crops and livestock for only the farmers’ families and close community.
Carrying Capacity: The maximum population size and environment can be sustained.
Dependency Ratio: The number of dependents in a population that each 100 working-age people (ages 15-64) must support.
→ The higher the dependency ratio, the heavier the burden of support.
Youth Dependency Ratio: The number of young dependents in a population (usually younger than 15) that every 100 working-age people must support.
High Child Dependency: Higher than 45% youth dependency ratio and lower than 15% elderly dependency ratio.
Moderate Child Dependency: Between 29-45% youth dependency ratio and lower than 15% dependency ratio.
Double Dependency: Between 25-45% youth dependency ratio and higher than 15% elderly dependency ratio.
Elderly Dependency Ratio: The number of elderly dependents in a population (usually older than 64) that every 100 working-age people must support.
High Elderly Dependency: Lower than 29% youth dependency ratio and higher than 15% elderly dependency ratio.
Low Overall Dependency: Lower than 29% youth dependency ratio and lower than 15% elderly dependency ratio.
Sex Ratio: The number of males per one hundred females.
→ Developed countries have more females than males since females live seven years longer.
Demographics: Data about the structures and characteristics of a human population.
Fertility: The ability to produce children.
Crude Birth Rate: The number of births in a given year per 1000 people.
Total Fertility Rate: The average number of children one woman in a certain area will have between the ages of 15-49.
Mortality: Deaths
Crude Death Rate: The number of people who die per year per 1000 people.
Infant Mortality Rate: The number of deaths under the age of 1 per 1000 live births.
Life Expectancy: The average number of years a person is expected to live
Population Pyramids: To interpret the implications of the changing structure in a population.
Generations: Groups of people born around the same time and share some common traits due to the cultural and social influence they shared as they grew up.
→ GI Generation
→ Silent Generation
→ Baby Boomers
→ Generation X
→ Gen Y
→ Generation Z
→ Gen Alpha
Population Pyramid: Bar graph representing the distribution of age and sex.
Shows % of total population in 5-year age groups.
youngest at bottom, oldest at the top.
Males on the left, females on the right
The shape is largely determined by CBR.
Helps us understand the dependency ratio.
Shows sex ratios.
Base: Birth Rates
Top: Death Rates
High Fluctuating: Stage 1
High CBR: Very fat Base
High CDR: A lot of children are born but not living long.
Zero population growth to little population growth
Low life expectancy.
Early Expanding: Stage 2
Still low life expectancy bit increasing
High CBR- Very fat base
CDR decreasing- base isn’t that much fatter than the rest of the population.
Fast population growth.
Late Expanding: Stage 3
Life expectancy increasing (a higher percentage of the population at older ages)
CBR dropping- base isn’t way wider than the rest of the pyramid
CDR dropping- babies being born aren’t dying right away, living to older ages
Slow population growth
Low Fluctuating: Stage 4
Life expectancy is high (pyramid stays fat up to age 65+)
CBR's low- base of the pyramid is even with or even smaller than older age categories
CDR low-pyramid stays even throughout
Zero population growth.
Population Decline-Ageing: Stage 5
Life expectancy is high (pyramid stays fat up to age 65+)
CBR is very low- the base of the pyramid is smaller than in older ages
CDR low (but potentially higher than CBR as the population ages)
Population decline!