Resurrection: When Jesus rose from the dead three days after the Crucifixion
Sacred Scripture: The Bible, The Ten Commandments
Parable: A simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels.
All Powerful: Gods omnipotence, and limitless power.
Heaven: The state of eternal happiness in union with the blessed trinity, the Virgin Mary, and all the angles and saints, including all deceased. “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard… what god has prepared for those who love him.
Purgatory: Is the name for the state if being for those who died in God’s grace and friendship without grave sin on their souls that would deprive them of enteral life, but who are still in need of purification from venial sins.
Hell: Is separation from God forever due to one’s own free choice to commit, and not repent of mortal sin. More, hell is a place of complete loss of God and human fellowship. It is a replete with everlasting physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering and filled with absolute hate; interminable anger, and boundless rage. And it lasts forever.
Physical Illness: Many thought that when someone fell ill they were being punished by God for sinning.
Jesus’ Suffering: Jesus’ suffering was for our sins, and with his death on the cross, came the death of our sins, and forgiveness from original sin.
Venial Sin: Deprives a person of some of God’s grace and requires temporal punishment.
Mortal Sin: Deprives a person of sanctifying grace and brings about the debt of eternal punishment.
Criteria for Mortal Sins: Grave matter, Full Knowledge, Deliberate (Full) consent.
“Poor in Spirit”: To have this quality to trust that God will take care of one’s needs
St. Patrick: Made the shamrock symbol that shows the Trinity.
St. Augustine: A man who sinned his whole life, until one day when holding the Bible he heard a voice telling him to open it. Once he read it he dedicated his life to Christ and became a bishop.
St. Monica: St. Augustine’s mother, who continually prayed that her son would change his sinful ways of living.
St. Athanasius: A fierce defender of the Christian faith against the heresy of Arianism.
St. Alphonsus: He wrote an essay about Divine Providence, titled “Uniformity with God’s will” He suggested when anything disagreeable happens, one should say, “This comes from God.”
Pontius Pilate: The Roman Governor that sentenced Jesus to death.
Suffering Servant: The Suffering Servant (Jesus) is a man who suffers greatly, is rejected by society, and takes on the punishment for the sins of others.
Abba: Translates directly to “Father”, used by Jesus.
(I AM) statements: Used in the gospel of John.
Ecumenical Council: a meeting of church authorities and bishops to address Christian dogmas, discipline, and heresies.
Symbols of the Trinity: Shield of the Trinity, Shamrock, Tree and Sun.
“The parable of the Tenants”: Tells the story of a landowner(God) who rents out his vineyard to tenants(Sinners), but they refuse to pay him his share of the harvest, mistreating and even killing the servants(Gospels) he sends to collect the rent; eventually, they kill the landowner's son (Jesus) when he comes to claim his due, resulting in the landowner taking the vineyard away from them.
“Prodigal Son:” A father has two sons, and the younger son asks for his inheritance early. He then leaves home and spends the money on a lavish lifestyle. When he runs out of money, he works for a pig farmer and eventually realizes he wants to return to his father. The father welcomes his son back with open arms and a feast
“Parable of the Lost Sheep:” A shepherd has 100 sheep, and one goes missing. The shepherd leaves the other 99 sheep in a safe place and searches for the lost sheep. When he finds the lost sheep, he rejoices more than he did over the 99 that didn't go astray.
“Judgement of Nations”: Jesus separates the people who fed and those who needed it when they hungry, when thirsty gave a drink, when ill cared for, and when naked clothed them.
“Rich Man and Lazarus”: A rich man lives in luxury while a beggar named Lazarus lies at his gate, covered in sores and longing to eat the rich man's leftovers. When both men die, Lazarus is carried to Abraham's side in heaven, while the rich man goes to Hell and is tormented. The rich man begs Abraham to send Lazarus back to earth to warn his family, but Abraham refuses.
The Blessed Trinity: A central dogma of the Christian Faith which hods that there are three divine Persons in the one God: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God: Father
Jesus: Son
Holy Spirit: Holy Spirit
Pentecost: Translates to “fiftieth”, and is when the Holy Spirit came into the world.
Transfiguration: The glorious transformation of Jesus that manifested his divine identity for Peter, James, and John on a high mountain. (Moses and Elijah appear as well.)
Ecumenical: Representing a number of different Christian Churches.
Council of Nicaea: A gathering of Christian bishops in 325 CE to resolve a dispute over the nature of Jesus Christ.
Ruah: A Hebrew word meaning wind or breath. It is often used in the Old Testament to speak of God’s mysterious, powerful, and life giving presence.
Advocate: A nickname of the Holy Sprit.
Paschal Mystery: Refers to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Charism: Graces of the Holy Sprit.
Immanence: Means that God is everywhere and always with us.
Monotheism: Belief in one god or supreme deity.
Polytheism: Belief in multiple gods or supreme deities.
Theophany: An encounter with a deity.
Prodigal: Reckless
Divine Mission: The divine mission is divided into 3 parts: Creation, Salvation, and Sanctification.
Immanent Trinity: Refers to “God’s inner life” or how God exists.
Salvific Trinity: Many works God has performed to reveal and communicate his divine life on behalf of our Salvation.
(Economic Expression): The actions of the Divine persons in Salvation history.
Salvation: Jesus performs all of his saving acts in accordance with his Father’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Substance: Means “that which stands under.”
Sanctification: The Father and the Son who pour out the Holy Spirit upon humankind as to transform men and women into the likeness of Jesus.
Relation: Peoples relationship with God.
Consubstantial: Having the same substance or essence.
Begotten: Not made or created, but comes forth from.
Religion: A set of beliefs and practices followed by those committed to the service and worship of God.
Theology: The study of God.
Paraclete: The Holy Spirit as advocate or counselor.
Symbols of the Holy Sprit: Shield, Shamrock, Sun & Tree.
Par Excellence: Mary is known as the first person to reach Par Excellence or perfection.
“New Eve”: A nickname for Mary, as she was born without sin like Eve, they both were ever virgin, they both were visited by an Angel, and both are known as “Mother of the all the living.”
Theotokos (God - bearer): Another name for Mary as she gave birth to Jesus Christ.
“Ever Virgin”: A name given to Mary, as she gave birth to Jesus, though she was a virgin and remained virgin throughout her life.
Mediatrix: Another name for Mary as she is known as a mediator and protector from evil.
Immaculate Conception: The Immaculate Conception is a Christian doctrine that states the Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin.
Annunciation: When the Angel Gabriel came and told Mary she would bear the son of God, Jesus Christ.
Assumption: The belief that Mary's body and soul were taken into heaven after her death, instead of decaying naturally.
Ascension: The belief that Jesus’ body and soul were taken into heaven after her death, instead of decaying naturally.
Apparitions: A heavenly being: Christ, Mary, another saint, or an angel makes themself known to human senses.
Protoevangelium: The first gospel, (God’s plan to send a savior.)
Visitation: The visit of the Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist, while Mary was pregnant with Jesus.
Elizabeth: Mary’s Cousin and Mother of John the Baptist.
Simeon: Told Mary that she would lose Jesus and she would have 7 swords stuck into her heart.
Original Sin: Original sin states that all humans are born into a state of sin due to the disobedience of Adam and Eve.
Wedding at Cana: Jesus, Mary, and his disciples are invited to a wedding in Cana, Galilee. When Mary notices the wine is running out, Jesus instructs the servants to fill large stone jars with water and turn it into wine.