Jamestown and The Southern Colonies

==The Charter of the Virginia Company==

  • Says Colonists have the same rights as Englishmen
  • Embedded into the documents of colonists
  • Made colonists feel that their rights were secure

@@Chesapeake Region Geography@@

  • The warm climate in this region helps have a longer growing season
  • Even though the soil was more fertile, the English weren’t used to working with it
  • The colonists were forced to experiment until they could find a feasible way to work with it

Problems of Jamestown

  • Jamestown was near the swamp and ocean, causing there to be a lot of mosquitoes carrying malaria
  • The water caused people to fall ill, and only 38 colonists survived out of the original 108
  • 800 colonists were later brought in
  • People in Jamestown concentrated more on gold than on trying to survive
  • Since they didn’t build houses, hunt, or grow food, they weren’t prepared for the winter and only 60 people lived
  • John Smith took control of the colony and said, “He that will not work, shall not eat.”


  • She temporarily brought peace between colonists and natives by preventing the execution of John Smith
  • Powhatans and the English were friendly until the English started stealing from them

^^Indentured Servitude^^

  • Indentured servants agreed to work for someone if they paid to get them into America
  • They had to work for 5 to 7 years, weren’t allowed to marry, and were promised freedom dues
  • Only 1 of 10 outlived their contract


  • They were taken by force into America through the Middle Passage
  • Half of the people died on the way

@@Maryland and other Chesapeake@@

  • Maryland was a safe haven for Catholics created by Lord Baltimore
  • The Maryland Act of Toleration allowed religious freedom

Southern Colonies

  • South and North Carolina were created in 1663
  • Georgia was created by James Oglethorpe for debtors

%%Bacon’s Rebellion%%

  • Rebels would attack Indians and even tried to burn down the capitol

  • After Bacon died, the Governer Berkeley, was able to shut the rebellion down

  • These issues caused discrimination, the creation of classes, and influenced issues with royals

