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Definition of Learning:
A systematic, relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience.
Major Forms of Learning:
Associative learning
Observational learning
Three Basic Types:
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Social Learning
Historical Figure:
Founder of Classical Conditioning
Notable for research on digestion and awarded Nobel Prize
A learning type where one stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response originally evoked by another stimulus.
Key Elements:
Neutral Stimulus (NS)
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
Unconditioned Response (UR)
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Conditioned Response (CR)
Before Conditioning:
US (Food) → UR (Salivation)
NS (Bell) → No Salivation
During Conditioning:
NS + US → UR
After Conditioning:
CS (Bell) → CR (Salivation)
Overview of Pavlov’s research on classical conditioning and its foundational experiments.
NS: Tone
UCS: Meat Powder → UCR: Salivation
After Conditioning:
CS: Tone → CR: Salivation
Trial Definition:
Presentation of NS and US
Generally a gradual process requiring several trials, but one-trial conditioning is possible.
Definition: Initial learning of association.
Example: Personal experience associating onion breath with happiness.
Decline of CR in absence of UCS demonstrated by Sally's cringing at the dental drill sound.
Spontaneous Recovery:
Reappearance of previously extinguished response.
Responding similarly to new stimuli resembling the original stimuli.
Learning to respond differently to similar types of stimuli, such as differentiating between edible and poisonous foods.
Commercial advertising
Phobias and anxiety
Overview: Watson's famous "Little Albert" study demonstrating the principles of classical conditioning.
Changes the rate of a response based on the consequences that follow.
Principle of Reinforcement:
Organisms repeat behaviors that yield favorable consequences.
Tendency to patronize Elmo's Bistro increases due to rewarding stimulus (good meal).
Humor improves with positive reinforcement (friends laughing).
Types of Reinforcement:
Positive Reinforcement
Negative Reinforcement
Immediate vs Delayed Reinforcers
Reinforcement of closer approximations to a desired behavior.
Reinforcer Types:
Primary reinforcers: Innately satisfying
Secondary reinforcers: Learned over time
Continuous Reinforcement:
Behavior reinforced every occasion (quicker acquisition/extinction).
Partial Reinforcement:
Behavior reinforced intermittently (slower acquisition/extinction).
Fixed vs Variable
Fixed: Predictable occurrences
Variable: Unpredictable occurrences
Ratio vs Interval:
Ratio: Based on behavior repetitions
Interval: Based on time passed
Positive vs Negative Reinforcement:
Both strengthen responses.
Positive Punishment: Adding an unpleasant outcome.
Negative Punishment: Taking away a pleasant outcome.
Immediate, clear messaging, recommend alternative behavior, consistency.
Differentiation of responses:
Positive reinforcement vs punishment outcomes.
Issues include inability to establish desired behaviors, escape, aggression, and learned helplessness.
Definition: Learning via observation without direct consequences.
Findings from Bobo doll studies:
Importance of observation and behavioral reproduction.
Current controversies and complexities in research findings regarding media consumption effects.
Definition: Neurons that activate during behavior performance or observation, linked to empathy.
Concept of biological preparedness leading to learning relevant experiences such as taste aversion.
Definition: Behavior pattern return to innate actions, illustrated by animal behavior research.
Importance of cognitive processes (thinking), focusing on Tolman's rat research revealing latent learning and cognitive maps.
Definition: The cognitive realization of solutions leading to "aha" moments.
Concept: A state where individuals feel powerless due to previous experiences, linked to depression studies.