Word Error Types
Substitutions: Words that may be appropriate in context, but are not the target word
Not counted as a correct script word
EX: “cut the hedges” instead of “trim the hedges”
Additions: Words that were added to the script, may be inappropriate
EX: I need to make an appointment for the doctor
Counted as a part of total words produced, but not included in number of correct script words
Rephrasing/Restarts: False starts, incomplete phrases and sentences, in addition to attempts at self-corrections
Extraneous Words/Phrases: Words and/or comments not related to the script topic
EX: “I can’t remember” or “I’m sorry, just a minute.”
Not included in the total word count or correct script count
Phonemic Paraphasia: Substitutions of phonemes within a target script word
EX: “talt” instead of “talk”
Not counted as a correct script word, but is included in the total word count
Verbal Paraphasia: Substitutions of related words
Not counted as a correct script word, was counted in the total word count
Circumlocution: Productions of words related to the target script word that eventually resulted in the production of the correct script word
Successful production of target word counted as a correct script production
Multiple production prior to the correct production were included in the total word count
Fillers: Words such as “um” and “uh”
Not counted in total word count or correct script word count
Paraphasias and Errors
Phonemic/Literal Paraphasia: Addition, substitution, or deletion of a phoneme in a word
“Candan” for “Canadian”
Semantic Paraphasia: Saying a word in the same category as the target word
“Train” for “Bus”
Random Paraphasia: Saying a word that is nothing related to the target words
“September” for “hungry”
Circumlocution: Describing a target word without actually saying it
“It’s red and it grows on trees” for “apple”
Indefinite Substitution: Saying a general word instead of a specific word
“there” for “my house”
Neologism: Saying a made-up word in place of the target word
“banertine” for “soccer”
Silent Pauses: When someone pauses without talking between words
False Starts: When someone starts saying a phrase before changing it to something else
“He had…the girl had the wrong number.”
Abandoned Utterances: When a sentence stops in the middle
“He was drawing…”
Metalinguistic Comments: When someone makes a comment on their language deficits