Ap Lit Terms: Allegory, Antecedent, Aphorism, Archaism, Couplet, Dramatic Irony, Euphony, Foreshadowing, Gothic Novel, Inversion, Masculine Rhyme, Melodrama, Rhetorical Question, Theme, Utopia
AP Literature Terms
Allegory: A narrative with a hidden meaning, often moral or political.
Antecedent: The word, phrase, or clause referred to by a pronoun.
Aphorism: A concise statement expressing a general truth or principle.
Archaism: The use of outdated language or expressions.
Couplet: Two consecutive rhyming lines of poetry.
Dramatic Irony: When the audience knows something the characters do not.
Euphony: Pleasant, harmonious sound in language.
Foreshadowing: Hints about what will happen later in the story.
Gothic Novel: A genre characterized by mystery, horror, and the supernatural.
Inversion: Reversal of the normal order of words.
Masculine Rhyme: A rhyme that ends on a stressed syllable.
Melodrama: A dramatic work emphasizing sensational events and strong emotions.
Rhetorical Question: A question asked for effect, not requiring an answer.
Theme: The central idea or message in a literary work.
Utopia: An imagined perfect society or place.