trade and exchange wk 1 flashcards!

Introduction to Marketing

  • Definition: Marketing is fundamentally about buying and selling.

  • Business Role:

    • Producing goods for sale

    • Engaging in various marketing functions

      • Selling, advertising, promotion, PR, distribution, market research

Marketing Decision-Making

  • Evidence-Based Marketing: Marketers must make informed decisions affecting business outcomes:

    • Product or service offers

    • Market targeting strategies

    • Pricing strategies

    • Advertising platforms and timings

    • Customer communication strategies

  • Considerations: The necessity of supporting evidence for marketing decisions.

Changing Marketing Landscape

  • Market Characteristics:

    • Competitive, global, and complex.

    • Increasing consumer wealth and education lead to higher expectations.

Historical Perspective on Trading

  • Origin of Trade: Trading dates back thousands of years and evolved significantly over time, including the establishment of trade routes like the Silk Road (114 BCE to 1450 CE).

  • Trade encouraged specialization and productivity within populations as surplus goods were exchanged.

Marketing Metrics

  • Importance: Marketers utilize metrics to assess brand health and performance:

    • Sales (occasion, value, volume)

    • Brand awareness (%)

    • Profit contribution per sale

    • Market share (occasion, volume)

    • Total advertising expenditure

    • Number and engagement of customers

Marketing Interventions and Strategies

  • Marketing Mix: Actions taken to achieve strategic goals, often encompassing the 4Ps: Product, Price, Promotion, Place.

  • Market-Based Assets:

    • Mental Availability: Likelihood of being noticed in purchasing situations.

    • Physical Availability: Frequency of product presence in buying scenarios.

Understanding Customer Needs

  • Role of Marketers: To identify customer needs and develop corresponding wants through market research, observing, and surveying consumers.

Sustainable Marketing

  • Definition: Marketing that is maintainable and benefits society's long-term interests while addressing economic and environmental impacts.

Buyer Behaviour Insights

  • Key Concepts:

    • High vs. Low involvement purchases

    • Habitual buying patterns

    • Consumer loyalty and its implications

  • Importance of memory: Brands must retain mental availability to ensure consumers recall them during decision-making.

Differences among Consumers

  • Heterogeneous Motivations: Understanding that consumers have different preferences and motivations, leading to diverse buying behaviors and brand interactions.

  • Target Marketing: Focuses marketing efforts on specific consumer segments to address varied needs effectively.

Marketing Communication and Consumer Response

  • Marketers often misinterpret their roles, focusing on altering buyer attitudes rather than influencing buying behaviors directly.

Assessment Overview

  • Internal Students:

    • Continuous Assessment (15%), Assignment (35%), Examination (50%)

  • Assignment Details: Individual analysis, major reports, participation.

  • External Students: Similar structure and assessments with slight variations in task requirements.

Resources and Support

  • Access Plans: Encourage students with specialized needs to reach out early.

  • Counselling Services: Offer confidential support for personal issues impacting studies.
