ap bio unit 3 review


Enzyme Structure and Function

Structure Overview

  • enzymes: biological catalysts; used to speed up biological processes

    • ribozymes: biological catalysts made of RNA
  • active site: this part of an enzyme interacts with the substrate (reactant)

    • shape of the active site on an enzyme is specific to the enzyme and its function
    • substrate and active site shapes must match in order for enzyme to work
    • any charged r-groups on the amino acids within an active site of an enzyme must have compatible charges on the substrate

    function of enzymes

Environmental Factors that Affect Enzyme Functions

  • enzymes catalyze at the most optimal temperature and pH levels

    • temp. is too low = less frequent collisions between enzyme and substrate; reaction slows down
    • temp. is too high = enzyme can denature; bonds between substrate and enzyme can be affected; enzyme shape can alter
    • pH levels are different = bonds in enzyme can be disrupted and tertiary structure of enzyme can change
  • denaturation: changes to an enzyme’s structure; can limit an enzyme’s ability to catalyze chemical reactions

    • denaturation can sometimes be reversed if the reaction returns to optimal conditions
  • competitive inhibitors: compete with substrates for the active site of the enzyme

    • competition lowers the rate of enzyme-substrate reactions occurring
    • effects of competitive inhibitors can be reduced by increasing the concentration of the substrate (reactant)
  • non-competitive (allosteric) inhibitors: do not bind to active site and they bind to a different site on the enzyme; the binding changes the shape of the enzyme, which changes the shape of the active site and reduces the amount of enzyme-substrate bonding

    • higher concentration of substrate does not affect non-competitive inhibitors
    • non-competitive inhibitors function in feedback mechanisms by adjusting the rate of chemical reactions in the cell to suit changing environmental conditions

    competitive inhibitor vs. non-competitive inhibitor

  • cofactors: inorganic molecules and coenzymes (organic molecules): increase the efficiency of enzyme-catalyzed reactions

    • they usually increase efficiency by binding to the active site or the substrate to enhance the binding of the substrate to the active site

Activation Energy in Chemical Reactions

  • all molecules have a given amount of free energy (G); chemical reactions in biological processes involve changes in molecules
  • chemical reactions can be endergonic or exergonic
    • endergonic reaction: has products with higher free energy levels than its reactants; considered energetically unfavorable
    • exergonic reaction: has products with lower free energy levels than its reactants; considered energetically favorable
  • all chemical reactions require an input of energy to reach a transition state/start the reaction
    • activation energy (Ea): the difference between the energy level of the reactants and the energy level of the transition state of the reaction
    • higher Ea: results in slower rate of chemical reactions
    • lower Ea: results in faster rate of chemical reactions
  • enzymes can lower activation energy (Ea) in multiple ways:
    • bringing the substrates together in proper orientation for a reaction to occur
    • destabilizing chemical bonds in the substrate by bending the substrate
    • forming temporary ionic or covalent bonds with substrate
  • enzymes can lower activation energy but they cannot change an endergonic reaction (energetically unfavorable) to an exergonic reaction (energetically favorable)

Energy and Metabolism/Coupled Reactions

  • energy input into cell must be higher than energy requirements for cellular systems
  • processes that release energy can be paired (coupled) with processes that require energy
    • coupled reactions: occur in multiple steps to allow for the controlled transfer of energy between molecules (leads to more efficiency)
  • coupling exergonic reaction with endergonic reaction: allows the energy released by the exergonic reaction to “drive” the endergonic reaction
    • example:
    • exergonic step: breakdown of ATP into ADP and a phosphate group (Pi (inorganic)); releases approx. 30 kilojoules of energy per mole of ATP
    • endergonic reaction: the reaction that combines glucose with fructose to form sucrose requires approx. 27 kilojoules of ATP per mole of sucrose formed
    • exergonic and endergonic reaction profiles



  • heterotrophs: consume other organisms to obtain energy required for biological processes

  • autotroph: produce their own organic molecules from inorganic molecules

    • photo-autotrophs: autotrophs that use light energy to power the process photosynthesis equation


  • light-dependent reactions: use energy from sunlight to split water to produce oxygen gas, protons, and high-energy electrons

    • oxygen gas: released into atmosphere
    • protons and high-energy electrons: used to power the production of ATP and NADPH
    • ATP and NADPH are sent to the light independent reactions
  • light-independent reactions: use ATP, NADPH, and carbon dioxide to produce sugars

    • ATP, Pi (inorganic phosphate group), and NADP+: sent back to light-dependent reactions
  • plants: photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts

    • chloroplasts:
    • outer membrane: filled with liquid called stroma
    • stroma: has floating stacks of membranous sacs called grana; location of light-independent reactions
    • thylakoid: each individual membranous sac from the grana stack; location of light-dependent reactions
  • prokaryotes: also perform photosynthesis (ex. cyanobacteria); do not contain chloroplasts

    • light-dependent reactions: occur on infoldings of plasma membrane
    • light-independent reactions: occur in the cytosol

Light-Dependent Reactions

  • photophosphorylation: conversion of ADP to ATP using the energy of sunlight by activation of PSII
    • light energy excites the electrons in the chloroplasts to a higher energy level; energy is released as excited electrons move through chloroplasts
    • NADP+ accepts the electrons to form NADPH
    • NADPH: source of reducing power for light-independent reactions
  • chlorophyll: light-absorbing pigment that captures the energy of photons from the sun; found in photosystems 1 and 2
    • photosystem: composed of proteins, chlorophyll, and accessory pigments; PSI and PSII contain different types of chlorophyll that absorb most light energy at slightly different wavelengths (PSI = 700 nm; PSII = 680 nm)
    • photosystems are located in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast; they are connected by an electron transport chain (ETC)
  • accessory pigment: other light-absorbing pigments besides chlorophyll

The Process of Light-Dependent Reaction

diagram of LD reactions

  • energy in p+ is used to boost e- in chlorophyll to higher energy level in PSII
  • e-s from PSII are passed from one protein carrier to another in a series of redox reactions (like falling down a hill)
  • the final e- donor in the ETC passes the e- to the PSI
  • as the e-s pass through the ETC, energy is released and used to create a proton (H+) gradient
    • H+ ions are actively transported against concentration gradient across the thylakoid membrane
  • electrons from PSII that fell down the ETC are now in PSI and need to be replaced in PSII
  • photolysis: the splitting or decomposition of a chemical compound by means of light energy or photons
    • occurs when splitting of water molecules takes electrons from hydrogen atoms and produces H+ ions, electrons from PSII, and oxygen gas
  • proton gradient generated by photolysis of water and the ETC powers the production of ATP by ATP synthase
    • chemiosmosis: process of using a proton gradient and ATP synthase to produce ATP; also used in mitochondria to generate ATP during cellular respiration
  • the electron from the ETC that is now on PSI is boosted by a photon of light energy from the sun; the electron passes again through a series of carriers (much shorter than ETC) where it is finally transferred (along with a proton) to NADP+ by the enzyme NADP+ reductase
    • this produces a molecule of NADPH, which will provide the reducing power for the light-independent reactions

Light-Independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle)

process of calvin cycle

  • light-independent reactions occur in stroma of chloroplast
  • the process can be broken down into 3 part:
    • fixation of carbon
    • reduction
    • regeneration of RuBP

Fixation of Carbon

  • fixation: to turn a biologically unusable form to a usable form
  • enzyme ribulose-biphosphate-carboxylase (rubisco) adds one molecule fo carbon dioxide to the 5-carbon molecule ribulose-biphosphate (RuBP)
    • this produces a 6-carbon intermediate that is unstable
  • the unstable molecule is then broken down further into two 3-carbon molecules


  • the ATP and NADPH from the light-dependent reactions are used to reduce the 3-carbon molecules into glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P)
  • G3P: can be used to make sugars; some of it is used during regeneration


  • 5-carbon RuBP must be regenerated for the calvin cycle to continue
  • for every 5 molecules of G3P, there are 15 carbon atoms present
  • ATP from light-dependent reaction in used to rearrange the five G3P (3-carbon molecule) molecules to form 3 molecules of RuBP (5-carbon molecule)
    • this process requires energy that comes from the light-dependent reactions

Cellular Respiration


  • cellular respiration includes the following processes:
    • glycolysis
    • oxidation of pyruvate
    • krebs cycle (citric acid cycle)
    • oxidative phosphorylation
  • the presence of oxygen determines whether the process will be anaerobic or aerobic
    • anaerobic: without oxygen; anaerobic organisms (don’t have access to oxygen) can perform glycolysis and fermentation
    • aerobic: with oxygen; aerobic organisms (have access to oxygen) can perform all processes in the presence of oxygen and only glycolysis and fermentation in the absence of oxygen
    • can perform more processes than anaerobic, meaning they can extract more energy from organic compounds
    • cellular respiration equation
cellular processanaerobic organisms (without oxygen)aerobic organisms (with oxygen)aerobic organisms (without oxygen)
oxidation of pyruvate
krebs cycle
oxidative phosphorylation


  • occurs in the cytosol of the cell (all organisms have cytosol, so all organisms can perform glycolysis)
  • a 6-carbon molecule enters glycolysis alone with two molecules of NAD+ (electron carrier)
    • each NAD+ is reduced (loses hydrogen atom and electrons) to NADH
  • two molecules of ATP are required for early steps of glycolysis
  • four molecules of ATP are produced by glycolysis (net gain of ATP)
  • at the end of glycolysis, the 6-carbon glucose molecule is split into two 3-carbon pyruvate molecules
    • glycolysis
cytosolglucose (6C)2 pyruvate (3C)

Oxidation of Pyruvate

  • occurs in the mitochondria

  • the 3-carbon pyruvate molecule is oxidized (loses hydrogen atom and electron) and NAD+ is reduced (gains a hydrogen and its electrons) to become NADH

    • as this happens one of the carbons of the pyruvate molecule is reduced as CO2 (leaving behind a 2-carbon acetyl group)
  • coenzyme A attaches to the 2-carbon acetyl group and delivers the acetyl group to the krebs cycle

  • each molecule of glucose that enters glycolysis generates 2 pyruvate so oxidation of pyruvate occurs twice for each molecule of glucose

    oxidation of pyruvate process

mitochondriapyruvate (3C)acetyl group (2C)
NAD+carbon dioxide (1C)

Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)

  • occurs in the matrix (liquid center) of the mitochondria

  • coenzyme A brings the 2-carbon acetyl group to the cycle (initially attached as 4-carbon intermediate but forms 6-carbon molecule)

  • the 6-carbon molecule goes through a series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions to regenerate the 4-carbon intermediate (and produces 2 molecules of CO2)

  • at the end, all the carbon that was originally in the glucose molecule (at the start of glycolysis) has been released as CO2

  • during the cycle:

    • one molecule of ATP is produced from substrate-level phosphorylation
    • phosphorylation: direct addition of a phosphate group to ADP without the use of an electron transport chain or chemiosmosis
    • three molecules of NAD+ are reduced to NADH
    • one molecule of FAD+ is reduced to FADH2

    krebs cycle diagram

matrix of mitochondriaacetyl group (3C)2 carbon dioxides (1 C each)
1 ADP + Pi1 ATP

Total Products of Glycolysis, Oxidation of Pyruvate and Krebs Cycle for Each Molecule of Glucose

moleculeglycolysisoxidation of pyruvatekrebs cycletotal
ATP2 (net)024
  • all 6 carbons in glucose molecule have been released as CO2
  • four molecules of ATP have been produced by substrate-level phosphorylation
  • a total of 12 high-energy electron carriers (10 NADH and 2 FADH2) have been produced and will enter oxidative phosphorylation

Oxidative Phosphorylation

  • involves the ETC and chemiosmosis (both of which occur in the membrane of the mitochondria)

  • this process yields the most production of ATP in cellular respiration

  • the electron carriers (NADH and FADH2) previously produced carry their electrons to the ETC

    • as they deliver their electrons they are oxidized to NAD+ and FAD+, which can be used earlier on in cellular respiration
    • as the electrons travel through the ETC their PE decreases and energy is released
  • the released energy is used to pump H+ out of the matrix and int the intermembrane space of the mitochondria to create a proton gradient

  • at the end of the ETC, molecular oxygen (O2) combines with four protons (H+) and four electrons (e-) to form 2 water molecules (2H2O)

    • this means oxygen is the final (terminal) acceptor of electrons in cellular respiration

    ETC diagram

  • the proton gradient created by the ETC is used to produce ATP through chemiosmosis

    • protons flow from areas of higher concentration in intermembrane space to areas of lower concentration in the matrix through a channel in the ATP synthase enzyme
    • this flow of protons leads to a change in the shape of the enzyme; the new shape of the enzyme allows for ATP synthase to catalyze the production of ATP

    chemiosmosis producing ATP diagram

  • (ideally) 34 total ATP molecules can be produced:

    • 10 NADH x 3 ATP = 30 ATP
    • 2 FADH2 x 2 ATP = 4 ATP
    • FADH2 has a lower potential energy than NADH, so it produces less ATP


  • when oxygen isn’t present, oxidative phosphorylation cannot occur (oxygen is the final electron acceptor)

  • anaerobic conditions require the use of fermentation to regenerate NAD+ needed to keep the process of glycolysis going

  • fermentation only occurs in the cytosol

  • alcohol fermentation: pyruvate is reduced to an alcohol (usually ethanol) and CO2; NADH is oxidized to NAD+

    • example: yeast undergoing fermentation for bread to rise
  • lactic acid fermentation: pyruvate is reduced to lactic acid (3-carbon molecule); NADH is oxidized to NAD+; no CO2 is produced

    • example: can occur in muscle cells if they do not have enough oxygen to carry out oxidative phosphorylation

    alcohol vs lactic acid fermentation