Producer =
-Autotroph; gets energy from nonliving sources like the sun
•Consumer =
-Heterotroph; gets energy from living or once-living sources
•Detritivore =
-Type of consumer that gets energy/nutrients from dead matter
•Carnivore =
-Type of consumer that gets energy from eating meat
•Omnivore =
-Type of consumer that gets energy from eating meat and vegetation
Photosynthesis =
-The overall process by which sunlight, water and carbon dioxide are chemically converted into chemical energy stored in glucose.
•Grana =
-Stacks of thylakoid membrane in the chloroplast.
•Stroma =
-The fluid part of the chloroplast.
•Chlorophyll =
-The pigment in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts that allows plants to capture sunlight.
•Photosystems =
-Clusters of chlorophyll and proteins that trap energy from the sun.
•Chemosynthesis =
-The process some producers use to make food from chemicals.
•Stomata =
-The pores on the underside of a leaf where CO2 enters, O2and excess water exit.
•Photorespiration =
-When CO2 levels drop and O2 increases, causing oxygen to be added to the Calvin Cycle rather than carbon dioxide, resulting in no sugar made.
Cellular respiration =
-The overall process by which glucose is chemically converted into usable chemical energy in the form of ATP.
•Inner membrane =
-The folded membrane within the mitochondria.
•Matrix =
-The fluid that fills the mitochondria.
•Aerobic =
-With oxygen
•Anaerobic =
-Without oxygen
•Fermentation =
-Anaerobic respiration
Lactic Acid Fermentation:
-Uses pyruvate from glycolysis
-Makes lactic acid and 2 ATP
-Done by some bacteria and animal cells
•Alcohol Fermentation:
-Uses pyruvate from glycolysis
-Makes alcohol, carbon dioxide, and 2 ATP
-Done by yeast
Key points of the Krebs cycle
2 pyruvates from glycolysis are used.
•Carbon dioxide is released as waste.
•2 ATP, some NADH, and FADH2 are made.
•Electrons and hydrogens will move on to the next stage.
•Occurs in the mitochondrial matrix.
The Electron Transport Train
Electrons and hydrogens are used to charge up ATP.
•Oxygen is used.
•Water and a lot of ATP are made.
•Occurs in the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
Aerobic respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen and produces a lot more ATP (up to 36-38!)
•Anaerobic respiration occurs in the absence of oxygen and produces a lot less ATP (2-4).
•Glucose is split in half.
•Glucose is used.
•2 pyruvates are made and will move on to the next step.
•2 ATP and 2 NADH are also made.
Occurs in the cytoplasm.
Factors of Photosynthesis
•Light intensity
-Excites more e- causing light reactions to happen faster
•Amount of CO2
-More ingredients to work with and process through cycle
Increased temperature accelerates chemical reactions to a degree
Formula for phototsythesis = 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
Significant events of Light Dependent reactions
•Light energy from the sun is captured and stored in ATP and NADPH.
•Water is broken apart.
•Oxygen is released as waste.
•ATP, NADPH, and H+ move on to next stage.
Occurs in the grana/thylakoid membrane.