SA Notes

South Africa Notes

Nelson Mandela

7-18-1918 (MDY) - Mandela born

1944 - Year Mandela joins ANC

1952 - Year Mandela founded the law firm Mandela and Tambo

1960 - Year of the Sharpeville Massacre where 69 were killed

1960 - Year the white government banned the ANC and other anti-apartheid movements

1961 - Year Mandela co-founded Umkhonto we Sizwe (ANC’s armed wing)

1962 - Year Mandela was arrested for illegally leaving the country

1964 - Year Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment for treason

2-11-1990 (MDY) - Mandela was released from prison

1991 - Year Mandela was elected president of the ANC

12-10-1993 (MDY) - Mandela shared the Nobel Peace Prize with F.W. de Klerk

5-10-1994 (MDY) - Mandela was inaugurated as the first Black president of South Africa

1994 - Year Mandela published his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom

1996 - Year Mandela divorced Winnie Mandela

1998 - Year Mandela married his third wife, Graça Machel

Names & People

• Oliver Tambo - Mandela’s law firm partner

• F.W. de Klerk - Last white president of South Africa

• Winnie Mandela - Mandela’s second wife

• Morgan Freeman - Actor who portrayed Mandela in Invictus

• Clint Eastwood - Director of Invictus

• Graça Machel - Mandela’s third wife

• Rolihlahla - Mandela’s birth name

• Nelson - Name given to Mandela by his teacher


• Sharpeville Massacre (1960) - Massacre of unarmed Black protesters

• Pass Laws - Laws requiring Black South Africans to carry passes for travel

• Umkhonto we Sizwe - Armed wing of the ANC

• Treason - Crime Mandela was charged with

• Robben Island - Prison where Mandela spent 18 years

• Long Walk to Freedom - Mandela’s autobiography, published in 1994

• Mandela Day - July 18

• 27 - Total years Mandela spent in prison

• 69 - Number of people killed in the Sharpeville Massacre

• 5 - Year Mandela was sentenced for illegally leaving the country

• 18 - Years Mandela spent on Robben Island

• 77 - Age Mandela became president

• 95 - Age Mandela died

• Tuberculosis - Disease Mandela got in prison

• U2 - Irish band that wrote Ordinary Love for Mandela

• Invictus - 2009 film about South Africa’s Rugby World Cup

• 6 - Number of children Mandela had

Steve Biko

7-12-1977 (MDY) - Date Biko died in Pretoria

1969 - Year Biko founded the Black Consciousness Movement (BCM)

1973 - Year Biko’s movement was limited by the white government

8-18-1977 (MDY) - Date Biko was arrested with Peter Jones in Port Elizabeth

9-25-1977 (MDY) - Date Desmond Tutu gave Biko’s eulogy

1980 - Year Peter Gabriel released the song Biko

1987 - Year the film Cry Freedom was released

1997 - Year Biko’s case was re-examined by the TRC

Names & People

• Peter Jones - Biko’s driver who was arrested with him

• Desmond Tutu - Person who gave the eulogy at Biko’s funeral

• Denzel Washington - Actor who played Biko in Cry Freedom

• Donald Woods - Journalist who uncovered the truth about Biko’s death

• George Bizos - Biko’s family lawyer

• Pretoria - City where Biko died

Events & Terms

• Martyr - Term for people who died for their beliefs

• BCM - Movement Biko founded in 1969 to empower Black South Africans

• Eulogy - Funeral speech

• Cry Freedom - 1987 film about Biko

• TRC (Truth and Reconciliation Commission) - Group that investigated apartheid crimes

• Amnesty - Legal forgiveness

• 30 - Age Biko died

• 23 - Age Biko founded BCM

• 5 - Number of officers who beat Biko to death

• 700 - Number of miles Biko’s body was transported

Desmond Tutu

1952 - Pass laws enacted

1984 - Tutu won the Nobel Peace Prize

1986 - Tutu pushed for sanctions against South Africa

1993 - Mandela was released

1994 - Apartheid officially ended

1995-1998 - TRC investigated apartheid crimes

9-25-1977 (MDY) - Tutu gave a eulogy at Biko’s funeral

12-26-2021 (MDY) - Tutu died at age 90

Names & People

• Trevor Huddleston - White Anglican priest; Tutu named his son after him

• Trevor Tutu - Desmond Tutu’s only son

• Tutu’s mother - Housekeeper who taught him compassion

• Justice Kruger - White Minister of Justice who may have ordered Biko’s arrest

• Sugar Ray Robinson - African-American boxer

Events & Terms

• Amnesty - Term for legal forgiveness

• Nobel Peace Prize - Tutu won this in 1984 for fighting apartheid

• Sanctions - Economic penalties pushed by Tutu in 1986

• Pass Laws - Laws that prevented Black South Africans from freely traveling


• 90 - Age Tutu died

• 42 - Jersey number of Jackie Robinson

• Winnie Mandela - Mandela’s second wife

• Graça Machel - Mandela’s third wife

• Oliver Tambo - Served as ANC president from 1967 to 1991

• F.W. de Klerk - Last white president of South Africa

• Peter Jones - Biko’s driver who was arrested with him

• Justice Kruger - White Minister of Justice who may have ordered Biko’s arrest

• George Bizos - Biko’s family lawyer

• Donald Woods - White journalist who was Biko’s friend

Apartheid & South Africa History

• 1652 - First white European settlers (Dutch) arrived in Cape Town

• 1836 - Great Trek by Dutch settlers to move to NE South Africa

• 1879 - Diamonds discovered in South Africa

• 1886 - Gold discovered in South Africa

• 1899-1902 - Anglo-Boer War won by British over Dutch

• 1910 - Union of South Africa formed (first all-white government)

• 1912 - ANC founded in response to Union of South Africa

• 1934 - South Africa gained independence from Britain

• 1948 - Apartheid began with D.F. Malan as first white apartheid president

• 1976-1977 - Soweto protests over education where 575 people were killedd
