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Who became the Queen of England in 1558?  Elizabeth Tudor

In 1689 Parliament offered the throne to William and Mary and they agreed to become King and Queen of? England

The resulting exchange of plants and animals between Europe and the Americas is known as what? Columbian Exchange

In March of 1545, as part of the Catholic Reformation, Pope Paul III called for The Council of_______ to reaffirm traditional Catholic teachings in opposition to Protestant beliefs. Trent

What king of France fostered the myth of himself as the Sun King because he thought he was the source of light for all his people? Louis XIV

Who was considered the greatest figure of the Baroque period because of his work in architecture and sculpting? Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Which one of the Wars of Religions ended in 1648 with the signing of the Peace of Westphalia treaty? The Thirty Years' War

What was unique about the Globe Theatre? It had no roof and could hold 3,000 people for plays

To solve religious problems between Catholics and Protestants in France this French king issued the Edict of Nantes in 1598? Henry IV

In 1833 the British outlawed what throughout their empire? Slavery

What dynasty ruled Russia from 1613 to 1917? Romanov

Predestination, the belief that God has determined in advance who will be saved and who will be damned, was a concept thought up by this Protestant leader? John Calvin

Francis Drake - first Englishman to sail around the world

Juan Ponce de Leon named the U.S. state of Florida

Ferdinand Magellan - masterminded the first expedition to circumnavigate the world

Samuel de Champlain - founded Quebec in 1608

Francisco Pizarro - established Lima as a capital in 1535 and captured Atahualpa in 1531

Absolutism - a political system in which a ruler holds total power

Armada - a fleet of warships

Cavaliers - supporters of King Charles I during the English Civil War

Natural Rights - rights all humans are born such as life, liberty and property

Roundheads - supporters of Parliament in the English Civil War

Divine Right of Kings - the belief that the monarch gets his/her power from God and not

his/her subjects

Commonwealth - a nation, state or other political unit founded by law and united by agreement for and by the people

Puritans - Church of England members who believed the Church needed further reforms

The separation of powers is a form of government in which three branches limit and control each other through a system of checks and balances.  what are the three branches? Executive, legislative, judicial

In 1763 Britain became the world's greatest colonial power because they won what war against France? The Seven Years' War

On January 21, 1793, King Louis XVI was beheaded for what? Conspiring with the enemies of the French Revolution

Maximillion Robespierre started the Reign of Terror and led this group from 1793-1794. The Committee of Public Safety

In 1799, in France, who took part in the coup d'etat that overthrew the Directory and set up the new government the consulate? Napoleon

What was the Civil Code or Napoleonic Code? It was introduced in 1804 and created a single law code for the entire nation of France and preserved many of the principles that the revolution fought.

What were some of the principles? Equality of citizens, right to choose a profession, religious toleration and abolition of serfdom and feudal obligations

On May 5, 1789, Louis XVI called a meeting of the estates general which helped start what? The French Revolution

The middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people is known as? Bourgeoisie

The concept that the state should not impose government regulations but should leave the economy alone is called? Laissez-faire

Nicolaus Copernicus - a Polish astronomer that thought up the sun-centred concept of the universe

Isaac Newton - defined the three laws of motion that govern the planetary bodies, as well as objects on Earth

William Harvey - showed that the heart, not the liver, is the point for the circulation of blood

Rene Descartes - the father of rationalism stated that reason is the chief source of knowledge

Sir Francis Bacon - thought up the scientific method as a means to conduct research

Baron de Montesquieu - French noble that thought up the concept of separation of powers in which there are legislative, executive, and judicial branches of equal power to run a government

Mary Wollstonecraft - an English writer that promoted the rights of women, stated that women should have equal rights in education, politics and economic life just like men

Geocentric - Earth-centered, a system of planetary motion in which the sun, moon and

other planets revolve around the Earth

Heliocentric- Sun-centered, the system of the universe in which the earth and planets revolve around the sun

Estates - one of the three classes into which French society was divided before the revolution. The Clergy (First Estate), the Nobles (The Second Estate) and the peasants/townspeople (Third Estate)

Coup d'etat - a sudden overthrow of the government

Social Contract - the concert that an entire society agrees to be governed by its general will and all individuals should be forced to abide by it since it represents what is best for the entire community Popular Sovereignty- the right to govern through the consent of the people

Conservatism - a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, favoring obedience to political authority and organized religion

Nationalism - the unique cultural identity of a people based on a common language, religion, and national symbols

Liberalism- a political philosophy originally based largely on Enlightenment principles, holding that people should be as free as possible from government restraints and that civil liberties should be protected

What Belgian King was the driving force behind the colonization of Central Africa during the Age of Imperialism? Leopold II

In the Hindu religion, this animal is considered sacred and this is why the rifle cartridge rebellion took place in India? Cow

The British East India Company hired soldiers from India to protect their interests in IndiaThese soldiers were called? Sepoys

The British believed that this canal was their lifeline for trading in India and it connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea? Suez canal

In 1876 this Queen of England took the title "Empress of India"? Victoria

The artistic movement called Cubism was created by? Pablo Picasso

Which of the following territories did the United States NOT acquire when the USA defeated the Spanish in the Spanish-American War? Hawaii

This British person founded diamond and gold mining companies in South America? Cecil Rhodes

Florence Nightingale, Clara Barton and Emmeline Pankhurst advocated and supported women's rights such as entry into professional occupations and? Suffrage

In 1885 the Indian National Congress was formed their main goal was? Have a share in the governing process with the British government

Why was education stressed during the Industrial Revolution? Factories needed skilled typists and managers that had the education to run the factories

Having occupied Cape Town and surrounding areas since the seventeenth century in South Africa, what are the descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa called? Afrikaners

What countries make up the Triple Alliance? Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary

What countries make up the Triple Entente? Great Britain, France, Russia

By 1860 what form of transportation became the most important in the United States? Railroad

Why did the United States become involved in WWI?  The sinking of the Lusitania, unrestricted submarine warfare, The Zimmerman Note

WWI was triggered by the assassination of? Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Airplanes appeared in 1915 What were They used for? To spot enemy's positions and then moved on to attack ground targets

After WWI women in Germany, Austria and the United States gained the right to? vote

In what year did Russia leave the side of the Allies in WWI? 1917

What were the three slogans that summed up the Bolshevik program? "Peace,Love, Bread/Worker Control of Production"/All Power to the Soviets"

On March 15, 1917, Nicholas II abdicated his throne and ended? The 300-year-old rule of the Romanov Dynasty in Russia

The Russian Civil War of 1918-1921 consisted of the Communist or _____ and the anti-Communist or ______ army. Red and White

What are two things President Woodrow Wilson proposes for a truly just and lasting peace after WWI? Fourteen Points and the League of Nations

What did Germany have to do because of the Peace settlement that ended WWI? Give up land in Europe, accept a foreign military force on the Rhine River for 15 years, pay reparations of 3 billion dollars, accept responsibility for the war

Armistice - a truce or an agreement to end the fighting

War of Attrition - a war based on wearing down the other side with constant attacks and heavy losses, such as WWI

Propaganda - ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause

Trench warfare-fighting from ditches protected by barbed wire, as in WWI

This canal opened in 1914 and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are connected by this it? Panama Canal

What did the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 state? The Americas were off limits for any colonization effort and warned Europeans about intervening in the Americas

Training Indian children to serve in the Imperial government and army was the goal of? British government

What was the main goal of the explorer David Livingstone? Find a navigable river that would open Central Africa to European commerce and to Christianity

Who was the leader of the Haitian rebellion that made Haiti a free country in 1803? Toussaint Louverture

Leisure time was a new concert that came about during the Industrial Revolution. What are some activities people would partake in? Dance hall, amusement parks, organized sports teams

Oliver and Wilbur Wright - fixed-wing airplane

Henry Ford - assembly line Robert Fulton - steamboat

Alexander Graham Bell - telephone

Thomas Edison - lightbulb

Richard Trevithick - steam locomotive

Albert Einstein - Theory of Relativity

Sigmund Frued - psychoanalysis

Mohandas Gandhi - independence for India leader

Mary Shelley - author of Frankenstein

Marie Curie - discovered radium

Abolitionism - a movement to end slavery

Indigenous- native to a region

Cottage industry- a method of production in which tasks are done by individuals in the rural homes

Social Darwinism - based on Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection, "the survival of  the fittest" and applied to humans

Romanticism - stressed feelings, emotion, and imagination as sources of knowing



Who became the Queen of England in 1558?  Elizabeth Tudor

In 1689 Parliament offered the throne to William and Mary and they agreed to become King and Queen of? England

The resulting exchange of plants and animals between Europe and the Americas is known as what? Columbian Exchange

In March of 1545, as part of the Catholic Reformation, Pope Paul III called for The Council of_______ to reaffirm traditional Catholic teachings in opposition to Protestant beliefs. Trent

What king of France fostered the myth of himself as the Sun King because he thought he was the source of light for all his people? Louis XIV

Who was considered the greatest figure of the Baroque period because of his work in architecture and sculpting? Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Which one of the Wars of Religions ended in 1648 with the signing of the Peace of Westphalia treaty? The Thirty Years' War

What was unique about the Globe Theatre? It had no roof and could hold 3,000 people for plays

To solve religious problems between Catholics and Protestants in France this French king issued the Edict of Nantes in 1598? Henry IV

In 1833 the British outlawed what throughout their empire? Slavery

What dynasty ruled Russia from 1613 to 1917? Romanov

Predestination, the belief that God has determined in advance who will be saved and who will be damned, was a concept thought up by this Protestant leader? John Calvin

Francis Drake - first Englishman to sail around the world

Juan Ponce de Leon named the U.S. state of Florida

Ferdinand Magellan - masterminded the first expedition to circumnavigate the world

Samuel de Champlain - founded Quebec in 1608

Francisco Pizarro - established Lima as a capital in 1535 and captured Atahualpa in 1531

Absolutism - a political system in which a ruler holds total power

Armada - a fleet of warships

Cavaliers - supporters of King Charles I during the English Civil War

Natural Rights - rights all humans are born such as life, liberty and property

Roundheads - supporters of Parliament in the English Civil War

Divine Right of Kings - the belief that the monarch gets his/her power from God and not

his/her subjects

Commonwealth - a nation, state or other political unit founded by law and united by agreement for and by the people

Puritans - Church of England members who believed the Church needed further reforms

The separation of powers is a form of government in which three branches limit and control each other through a system of checks and balances.  what are the three branches? Executive, legislative, judicial

In 1763 Britain became the world's greatest colonial power because they won what war against France? The Seven Years' War

On January 21, 1793, King Louis XVI was beheaded for what? Conspiring with the enemies of the French Revolution

Maximillion Robespierre started the Reign of Terror and led this group from 1793-1794. The Committee of Public Safety

In 1799, in France, who took part in the coup d'etat that overthrew the Directory and set up the new government the consulate? Napoleon

What was the Civil Code or Napoleonic Code? It was introduced in 1804 and created a single law code for the entire nation of France and preserved many of the principles that the revolution fought.

What were some of the principles? Equality of citizens, right to choose a profession, religious toleration and abolition of serfdom and feudal obligations

On May 5, 1789, Louis XVI called a meeting of the estates general which helped start what? The French Revolution

The middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people is known as? Bourgeoisie

The concept that the state should not impose government regulations but should leave the economy alone is called? Laissez-faire

Nicolaus Copernicus - a Polish astronomer that thought up the sun-centred concept of the universe

Isaac Newton - defined the three laws of motion that govern the planetary bodies, as well as objects on Earth

William Harvey - showed that the heart, not the liver, is the point for the circulation of blood

Rene Descartes - the father of rationalism stated that reason is the chief source of knowledge

Sir Francis Bacon - thought up the scientific method as a means to conduct research

Baron de Montesquieu - French noble that thought up the concept of separation of powers in which there are legislative, executive, and judicial branches of equal power to run a government

Mary Wollstonecraft - an English writer that promoted the rights of women, stated that women should have equal rights in education, politics and economic life just like men

Geocentric - Earth-centered, a system of planetary motion in which the sun, moon and

other planets revolve around the Earth

Heliocentric- Sun-centered, the system of the universe in which the earth and planets revolve around the sun

Estates - one of the three classes into which French society was divided before the revolution. The Clergy (First Estate), the Nobles (The Second Estate) and the peasants/townspeople (Third Estate)

Coup d'etat - a sudden overthrow of the government

Social Contract - the concert that an entire society agrees to be governed by its general will and all individuals should be forced to abide by it since it represents what is best for the entire community Popular Sovereignty- the right to govern through the consent of the people

Conservatism - a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, favoring obedience to political authority and organized religion

Nationalism - the unique cultural identity of a people based on a common language, religion, and national symbols

Liberalism- a political philosophy originally based largely on Enlightenment principles, holding that people should be as free as possible from government restraints and that civil liberties should be protected

What Belgian King was the driving force behind the colonization of Central Africa during the Age of Imperialism? Leopold II

In the Hindu religion, this animal is considered sacred and this is why the rifle cartridge rebellion took place in India? Cow

The British East India Company hired soldiers from India to protect their interests in IndiaThese soldiers were called? Sepoys

The British believed that this canal was their lifeline for trading in India and it connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea? Suez canal

In 1876 this Queen of England took the title "Empress of India"? Victoria

The artistic movement called Cubism was created by? Pablo Picasso

Which of the following territories did the United States NOT acquire when the USA defeated the Spanish in the Spanish-American War? Hawaii

This British person founded diamond and gold mining companies in South America? Cecil Rhodes

Florence Nightingale, Clara Barton and Emmeline Pankhurst advocated and supported women's rights such as entry into professional occupations and? Suffrage

In 1885 the Indian National Congress was formed their main goal was? Have a share in the governing process with the British government

Why was education stressed during the Industrial Revolution? Factories needed skilled typists and managers that had the education to run the factories

Having occupied Cape Town and surrounding areas since the seventeenth century in South Africa, what are the descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa called? Afrikaners

What countries make up the Triple Alliance? Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary

What countries make up the Triple Entente? Great Britain, France, Russia

By 1860 what form of transportation became the most important in the United States? Railroad

Why did the United States become involved in WWI?  The sinking of the Lusitania, unrestricted submarine warfare, The Zimmerman Note

WWI was triggered by the assassination of? Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Airplanes appeared in 1915 What were They used for? To spot enemy's positions and then moved on to attack ground targets

After WWI women in Germany, Austria and the United States gained the right to? vote

In what year did Russia leave the side of the Allies in WWI? 1917

What were the three slogans that summed up the Bolshevik program? "Peace,Love, Bread/Worker Control of Production"/All Power to the Soviets"

On March 15, 1917, Nicholas II abdicated his throne and ended? The 300-year-old rule of the Romanov Dynasty in Russia

The Russian Civil War of 1918-1921 consisted of the Communist or _____ and the anti-Communist or ______ army. Red and White

What are two things President Woodrow Wilson proposes for a truly just and lasting peace after WWI? Fourteen Points and the League of Nations

What did Germany have to do because of the Peace settlement that ended WWI? Give up land in Europe, accept a foreign military force on the Rhine River for 15 years, pay reparations of 3 billion dollars, accept responsibility for the war

Armistice - a truce or an agreement to end the fighting

War of Attrition - a war based on wearing down the other side with constant attacks and heavy losses, such as WWI

Propaganda - ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause

Trench warfare-fighting from ditches protected by barbed wire, as in WWI

This canal opened in 1914 and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are connected by this it? Panama Canal

What did the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 state? The Americas were off limits for any colonization effort and warned Europeans about intervening in the Americas

Training Indian children to serve in the Imperial government and army was the goal of? British government

What was the main goal of the explorer David Livingstone? Find a navigable river that would open Central Africa to European commerce and to Christianity

Who was the leader of the Haitian rebellion that made Haiti a free country in 1803? Toussaint Louverture

Leisure time was a new concert that came about during the Industrial Revolution. What are some activities people would partake in? Dance hall, amusement parks, organized sports teams

Oliver and Wilbur Wright - fixed-wing airplane

Henry Ford - assembly line Robert Fulton - steamboat

Alexander Graham Bell - telephone

Thomas Edison - lightbulb

Richard Trevithick - steam locomotive

Albert Einstein - Theory of Relativity

Sigmund Frued - psychoanalysis

Mohandas Gandhi - independence for India leader

Mary Shelley - author of Frankenstein

Marie Curie - discovered radium

Abolitionism - a movement to end slavery

Indigenous- native to a region

Cottage industry- a method of production in which tasks are done by individuals in the rural homes

Social Darwinism - based on Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection, "the survival of  the fittest" and applied to humans

Romanticism - stressed feelings, emotion, and imagination as sources of knowing