Achievement motivation is vital in education, influencing private and professional success (Forbes, 2015).
Recognized by Werdhiastutie et al. (2020) as crucial for enhancing organizational human resources.
Defined as an internal drive towards high goals and performance, correlating with individual needs.
Factors include:
Personal goals
Learning environment
Support systems
Strategies to enhance motivation:
Setting clear goals
Providing constructive feedback
Creating supportive environments
Implementing interactive learning methods (Haru, 2023)
Numerous difficulties, both inside and outside the classroom, result in low levels of achievement motivation:
Lack of long-term goals
Romantic relationships
Technology access
Peer pressure
Substance abuse
Family stress (Aippunny & War, 2021)
Students' poor performance linked to low achievement motivation (Chen, 2023).
Frustration from low marks and lack of guidance leads to further underperformance.
High stress levels correlate with low motivation, negatively affecting academic performance (Yogie et al., 2021).
Teacher-student and peer relationships can impede motivation (Efendy et al., 2023).
Pandemic introduced challenges like poor digital skills and online material preparation, further impacting motivation (Vrapi & Dervishi, 2023).
Disadvantaged students face specific challenges affecting aspirations and motivation (Sula, 2021).
Study by Tolero & Echaure (2021) found low motivation in Filipino students relying primarily on extrinsic factors.
Stress negatively affects subjective well-being and motivation (Galang, 2023).
Various domain challenges account for significant performance variance (Dagdag et al., 2019).
Personal issues and teacher quality also affect motivation levels (Visillas, 2022).
Parental attention is vital for motivation; both maternal and paternal engagement boosts academic outcomes (Nofrizal et al., 2020).
The study seeks to explore the relationship between study habits and achievement motivation among ABM students at Tagum City Regional Academy.
What is the level of study habits concerning:
Delay avoidance
Work method
What is the level of achievement motivation regarding:
Verbal rewards
Non-verbal rewards
Tangible rewards
Is there a significant relationship between study habits and achievement motivation?
Focuses on ABM students at Tagum City Regional Academy during the 2024-2025 academic year.
Participants must be bona fide students aged 16-21 in the ABM strand.
Students from Humanities and Social Sciences, General Academic Strand, and any non-ABM related groups are excluded.
Independent Variable: Study Habits
Indicators: Delay avoidance, work method
Dependent Variable: Achievement Motivation
Indicators: Verbal, non-verbal, tangible rewards
Study Habits: Decisions regarding learning processes (Zhou et al., 2020).
Delay Avoidance: Efficient study techniques, managing time to avoid procrastination (Tus, 2020).
Work Method: Completing tasks efficiently and systematically (Tus, 2020).
Achievement Motivation: Willingness to direct energy towards learning goals despite challenges (Andriani et al., 2018).
Verbal Rewards: Acknowledgment and praise for achievement (Zhao et al., 2022).
Non-verbal Rewards: Gestures or positive affirmations (Iriwati & Syafei, 2016).
Tangible Rewards: Non-cash incentives such as gifts or recognitions (Choi, 2020).
Ho: No significant relationship exists between study habits and achievement motivation among ABM students.
Study habits affect academic performance (Sharma & Vyas, 2016).
Demographic factors influence study habits and performance (Salva et al., 2022).
High-achieving students demonstrate superior study habits (Kaur & Pathania, 2015).
Research highlights various factors promoting good study habits:
Time management, note-taking skills, reading ability predict success (Looyeh et al., 2017).
Effective study habits significantly improve academic performance across age groups (Elango & Manimozhi, 2021).
Good study habits correlate with higher math achievement (Verma et al., 2022).
Importance of fostering effective study habits emphasized (Ahangar, 2021).
Difficulty studying and increased stress reported during the pandemic (Clarke et al., 2021).
Students with better study habits consistently outperform their peers (Sreelekha et al., 2016).
Delay avoidance strategies linked to improved academic results (Santelli et al., 2020).
Active delay versus procrastination behavior identified (Lindt et al., 2014).
Affects academic procrastination; self-regulation skills necessary (Bembenutty, 2015).
Efficient work methods are predictors of academic success (Tus, 2020).
High parental involvement positively correlates with student study habits (Rani, 2020).
The significance of achievement motivation in various contexts, emphasizing intrinsic values (McClelland's Theory).
Achievement motivation significantly enhances student learning (Muchlis & Muhlis, 2020).
The role of positive reinforcements in developing effective study habits (Siraj et al., 2021).
Strong positive effects of verbal reinforcement on motivation (Zhao et al., 2022).
Non-verbal cues have a powerful impact on student engagement and motivation (Irungu et al., 2019).
Material incentives drive academic motivation, emphasizing the importance of reward systems (Choi, 2020).
Tangible rewards are effective motivators for academic improvement.
Positive correlation between study habits and achievement motivation (Pearson r-value: 0.576).
Strong, effective study habits correlate to high motivation levels.
Enhance time management skills, utilize diverse reward types to support motivation.
A comprehensive understanding of how study habits and achievement motivation intertwine in educational contexts.