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Freud Notes


  • Dream analysis, hypnosis, and free association (“clear your mind and say it all”)

  • Used interviews with his clients to delve into the unconscious and map out their mental processes

  • He called this method psychoanalysis


  • Three levels of consciousness:

    • Conscious

    • Preconscious

    • Unconscious

  • Used these to create a personality structure of Id, Ego, and Superego

    • Id— immediate gratification, aims to satisfy basic sexual aggressive drives

    • Superego— internalized ideals, standards of judgment, and morals (“angel on your shoulder”)

    • Ego— mediator between the two personalities, the “realistic one”

      • “There are two sides in you. One is baser, one better.”

Stages of Psychosexual Development

  • Freud believed that personality developed from unresolved problems in early childhood

  • Children pass through a series of psychosexual stages, over or underdevelopment in each stage can result in a fixation

  • Id focuses libido on a different erogenous zone (zone of pleasure) in each stage

Oral Stage

  • 0-18 months

  • The pleasure center is on the mouth

    • Sucking

    • Biting

    • Chewing

  • Fixation can lead to smoking, chewing gum, biting nails, etc.

Anal Stage

  • 18-36 months

  • Pleasure focuses on bladder and bowel control

  • Fixation can result in obsessive tidiness (too harsh) or untidiness (too lax)

Phallic Stage

  • 3-6 years

  • The pleasure zone is in the genitals

  • Things get weird

    • The child develops Oedipus/Electra complex: Unconscious sexual desire for opposite-sex parent

    • They fear the same-sex parent or want them out of the way

    • Penis envy (girls) or fear of castration (boys)

    • Adopts characteristics of the same-sex parent

  • Failure to resolve the Oedipus/Electra complex fixation

  • Fixation can result in homosexuality, self-obsession, or exhibitionism

Latency Stage

  • 6-puberty

  • Dormant sexual feeling

  • “Cooties stage”— children tend to only spend time with same-sex children

Genital Stage

  • Puberty to death

  • The pleasure zone is in the genitals

  • Maturation of sexual interests

Criticisms of Freud

  • Only studied wealthy Austrian women

    • But then only applied his findings to males

  • His claims are difficult to test since these are unconscious stages

  • Sexist

Defense Mechanisms

  • The ego’s protective methods of reducing anxiety by distorting reality

  • Repression— Pushing thoughts into our unconscious

    • Your pet gets hit by a car but you don’t remember seeing it

  • Denial— Not accepting the ego-threatening truth

    • “I didn’t study but I’m sure I’ll do fine on the test”

  • Displacement— Redirecting feelings toward another, usually weaker, person/object

    • You do badly on the test so now you bully your younger siblings

  • Projection— Believing the feelings one holds for someone are actually the feelings that person holds for them

    • Liking someone and thinking they like you back

  • Reaction Formation— Expressing the opposite of how we feel

    • You hate someone but are extra nice to them to make up for it

  • Regression— Returning to an earlier, comforting form of behavior

    • Acting childish when you don’t get your way

  • Rationalization— Coming up with a good result of a bad outcome

    • You didn’t get into the college you wanted to so you say it was too far away or too big or something

  • Sublimation— Channeling frustrations toward a different goal

    • The only healthy one

  • Identification— Identifying with a group or set of values

    • Pride parade

  • Compensation— Making up for a lack of something in one area by making extra effort in another

    • You failed a math test so you work harder in English


  • Alfred Adler

    • Childhood does determine personality, but the focus should be on social factors and not sexual ones

    • Our behavior is caused by trying to overcome inferiority

  • Erik Erikson

    • The different stages of major conflicts

  • Karen Horney

    • Our behavior is caused by trying to overcome helplessness

    • Penis envy is sexist

  • Carl Jung

    • We all have a collective unconscious

    • 12 archetypes (universally understood symbols/personalities)

    • Created the Meyers-Briggs test


Freud Notes


  • Dream analysis, hypnosis, and free association (“clear your mind and say it all”)

  • Used interviews with his clients to delve into the unconscious and map out their mental processes

  • He called this method psychoanalysis


  • Three levels of consciousness:

    • Conscious

    • Preconscious

    • Unconscious

  • Used these to create a personality structure of Id, Ego, and Superego

    • Id— immediate gratification, aims to satisfy basic sexual aggressive drives

    • Superego— internalized ideals, standards of judgment, and morals (“angel on your shoulder”)

    • Ego— mediator between the two personalities, the “realistic one”

      • “There are two sides in you. One is baser, one better.”

Stages of Psychosexual Development

  • Freud believed that personality developed from unresolved problems in early childhood

  • Children pass through a series of psychosexual stages, over or underdevelopment in each stage can result in a fixation

  • Id focuses libido on a different erogenous zone (zone of pleasure) in each stage

Oral Stage

  • 0-18 months

  • The pleasure center is on the mouth

    • Sucking

    • Biting

    • Chewing

  • Fixation can lead to smoking, chewing gum, biting nails, etc.

Anal Stage

  • 18-36 months

  • Pleasure focuses on bladder and bowel control

  • Fixation can result in obsessive tidiness (too harsh) or untidiness (too lax)

Phallic Stage

  • 3-6 years

  • The pleasure zone is in the genitals

  • Things get weird

    • The child develops Oedipus/Electra complex: Unconscious sexual desire for opposite-sex parent

    • They fear the same-sex parent or want them out of the way

    • Penis envy (girls) or fear of castration (boys)

    • Adopts characteristics of the same-sex parent

  • Failure to resolve the Oedipus/Electra complex fixation

  • Fixation can result in homosexuality, self-obsession, or exhibitionism

Latency Stage

  • 6-puberty

  • Dormant sexual feeling

  • “Cooties stage”— children tend to only spend time with same-sex children

Genital Stage

  • Puberty to death

  • The pleasure zone is in the genitals

  • Maturation of sexual interests

Criticisms of Freud

  • Only studied wealthy Austrian women

    • But then only applied his findings to males

  • His claims are difficult to test since these are unconscious stages

  • Sexist

Defense Mechanisms

  • The ego’s protective methods of reducing anxiety by distorting reality

  • Repression— Pushing thoughts into our unconscious

    • Your pet gets hit by a car but you don’t remember seeing it

  • Denial— Not accepting the ego-threatening truth

    • “I didn’t study but I’m sure I’ll do fine on the test”

  • Displacement— Redirecting feelings toward another, usually weaker, person/object

    • You do badly on the test so now you bully your younger siblings

  • Projection— Believing the feelings one holds for someone are actually the feelings that person holds for them

    • Liking someone and thinking they like you back

  • Reaction Formation— Expressing the opposite of how we feel

    • You hate someone but are extra nice to them to make up for it

  • Regression— Returning to an earlier, comforting form of behavior

    • Acting childish when you don’t get your way

  • Rationalization— Coming up with a good result of a bad outcome

    • You didn’t get into the college you wanted to so you say it was too far away or too big or something

  • Sublimation— Channeling frustrations toward a different goal

    • The only healthy one

  • Identification— Identifying with a group or set of values

    • Pride parade

  • Compensation— Making up for a lack of something in one area by making extra effort in another

    • You failed a math test so you work harder in English


  • Alfred Adler

    • Childhood does determine personality, but the focus should be on social factors and not sexual ones

    • Our behavior is caused by trying to overcome inferiority

  • Erik Erikson

    • The different stages of major conflicts

  • Karen Horney

    • Our behavior is caused by trying to overcome helplessness

    • Penis envy is sexist

  • Carl Jung

    • We all have a collective unconscious

    • 12 archetypes (universally understood symbols/personalities)

    • Created the Meyers-Briggs test
