Blues is to jazz what yeast is to bread—essential for flavor and depth.
Presentation by Carmen McRae, created by A. John De La Paz.
African, African American, and European musical traditions.
Key Genres:
Ragtime: No improvisation.
Example: Ragtime Video
Traditional Jazz (Dixieland): High levels of improvisation.
Example: Dixieland Jazz Video
Purposes of music in society:
Work: Songs sung during labor to boost morale and teamwork.
Religion: Spirituals and hymns played a role in worship.
Ceremony: Music used in rituals and celebrations.
Major musical influences include:
Work Songs: Captured the struggles and stories of laborers.
Signifying Songs: Clever wordplay and storytelling, often with social commentary.
Religious Music: Spirituals that shaped the musical landscape.
The Blues: A direct ancestor to jazz, characterized by emotional expression.
Minstrel Shows: A performance style that popularized various musical forms.
Timeline: Late 1890’s to early 1900s.
Rhythmic Syncopation: An essential feature creating a lively feel.
Home Entertainment: Played primarily in homes for leisure.
European March Format: Structurally similar to certain European music forms.
Example of Ragtime: Ragtime Development Video
Lifespan: 1868-1917.
Major creator of the Ragtime style, elevating it to new heights.
Known for pieces beyond Ragtime, illustrating a diverse talent.
Featured work: "Treemonisha", referenced in studies.
Example: Scott Joplin Video
Definition: Highly skilled piano players who were pivotal in the evolution of Ragtime and Early Jazz.
Social Engagement:
Played at social functions, dances, bars, and houses of ill-repute.
Cutting Contests: Competitive performances showcasing skill.
Known for outrageous tempos and radical embellishments in their playing.
Notable figure: Ferdinand “Jelly Roll” Morton.
Example: Jelly Roll Morton Video
Important figure: John Philip Sousa.
World-renowned band leader, notably associated with the Marine Corps Band (The President’s Own).
Composed traditional marches like "The Stars and Stripes Forever" and "The Liberty Bell March."
Influenced social occasions around Washington D.C. through his music.
Civilian bands played marches, classical music, and American popular music.