Flashcard 1:
Term: Personality
Definition: An individual's unique set of consistent behavioral traits.
Flashcard 2:
Term: Personality Traits
Definition: Durable dispositions to behave in particular ways across various situations.
Flashcard 3:
Term: Psychodynamic Theories
Definition: Theories that emphasize unconscious mental forces and early childhood experiences.
Flashcard 4:
Term: Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
Definition: Suggests that behavior results from internal conflicts among the id, ego, and superego.
Flashcard 5:
Term: Defense Mechanisms
Definition: Unconscious strategies to reduce anxiety, such as repression and projection.
Flashcard 6:
Term: Behavioral Theories
Definition: Theories that suggest personality is shaped by environmental influences and learning.
Flashcard 7:
Term: Skinner's Operant Conditioning
Definition: The theory that behavior is determined by reinforcement and punishment.
Flashcard 8:
Term: Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory
Definition: Emphasizes observational learning and self-efficacy.
Flashcard 9:
Term: Humanistic Theories
Definition: Theories that focus on individual growth and self-actualization.
Flashcard 10:
Term: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Definition: A theory that suggests individuals are motivated by a series of hierarchical needs, culminating in self-actualization.
Flashcard 11:
Term: Rogers' Person-Centered Theory
Definition: Emphasizes the importance of unconditional positive regard in personal development.
Flashcard 12:
Term: Big Five Personality Traits
Definition: A model proposing that personality is composed of five broad dimensions:
Extraversion: Sociability and enthusiasm.
Neuroticism: Emotional instability and anxiety.
Openness to Experience: Imagination and curiosity.
Agreeableness: Compassion and cooperativeness.
Conscientiousness: Organization and dependability.
Flashcard 13:
Term: Projective Tests
Definition: Tests that require individuals to respond to ambiguous stimuli, revealing hidden aspects of personality.
Flashcard 14:
Term: Rorschach Inkblot Test
Definition: A projective test where participants interpret inkblot images.
Flashcard 15:
Term: Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Definition: A projective test where individuals create stories based on ambiguous pictures.
Flashcard 16:
Term: Self-Report Inventories
Definition: Questionnaires where individuals assess their own behaviors and traits.
Flashcard 17:
Term: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Definition: A self-report inventory that assesses personality traits and psychopathology.
Flashcard 18:
Term: Strengths of Personality Theories
Definition: Provide frameworks for understanding individual differences and have practical applications in therapy and employment.
Flashcard 19:
Term: Critiques of Personality Theories
Definition: Some theories lack empirical support, and personality assessments can be influenced by social desirability biases.