GLOBALIZATION- process of expanding various socio-cutural and socio-ecological process from international and transparency cultural level.
Extent (Extended) Globalization- communication through modern technologies
Global Connected Index- those are the flows and interconnection of a through exchanges in trade, capital, people an information.
Socio-Economic Changes in Globalization:
Growth of trans and Supra-International Connectivity.
The shift from capitalism to hyper-capitalism focus on production.
A move form nationalism toward identifying pluralism and hybridity.
From nationalism toward knowledge flexibility.
5 Different focuses on Globalization:
Scholte (2005)- identifies the 4 keys shifts in society.
Kriesler and Nevile- highlight the positive Economic impact of globalization such as on the level of employment and balance trade.
Hebron and Stack(2016)- noted thermostat definitions of globalization focused on the Economic and trade dimensions of the concept.
Husain (2011)- identified the modern technology developments as a key driver of Globalization and access data or information
Sub-saharan- were almost of the world’s poor population.
The common characteristics in Globalization
GATT (General Agreement Tariff and Trades)
WTO (World Trade Organization)
Beck(2018)- m