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Midterm Study Guide

Unit 1 - Characteristics of Life


  • Question: What is the difference between a theory and a hypothesis?

Experimental Design

  • Theory:

    • Statement based on multiple pieces of evidence.

  • Hypothesis:

    • Testable question or statement predicting an outcome.

  • Variables:

    • Independent, dependent, control.

  • Data, Results, Conclusion, Support, Refute:

    • Key components of experimental design.

Characteristics of Life

  • Multicellular vs. Unicellular:

    • Definitions and examples.

  • Response to Stimuli, Adaptation, Metabolism, Respiration, Transport, Regulation, Excretion, Growth, Synthesis, Reproduction, Nutrition:

    • Definitions and explanations.

  • Cell Hierarchy:

    • Cells → Tissues → Organs → Organ Systems → Organisms.

Plant vs. Animal Cells

  • Differences:

    • Centrioles, Cell Wall, Chloroplasts, Large Central Vacuole.

What are Viruses

  • Definition:

    • Non-living particles made up of genetic material.

  • Characteristics:

    • Need a host to reproduce, lack cellular machinery.

Unit 2 - Macromolecules

Monomer/Polymer Bellringer

  • Question: What is the difference between a monomer and a polymer?


  • Types:

    • Inorganic vs. Organic compounds.

  • The 4 Macromolecules:

    • Nucleic Acids, Lipids, Proteins, Carbohydrates.

Nucleic Acids

  • DNA and RNA:

    • Definitions, structure, and functions.

  • Lipids:

    • Functions and structure.


  • Functions and Structure:

    • Storage, transport, strength, regulation, structure.

  • Amino Acids and Enzymes:

    • Structure, types, and functions.


  • Types:

    • Monosaccharide, Disaccharide, Polysaccharide.

  • Dehydration Synthesis, Hydrolysis:

    • Definitions and processes.

Unit 3 - Cell Transport

Cell Membrane Structure

  • Phospholipid Bilayer:

    • Function and structure.

  • Proteins:

    • Peripheral vs. Integral.

Passive Transport

  • Diffusion, Facilitated Diffusion, Osmosis:

    • Definitions and processes.

  • Types of Solutions:

    • Hypertonic, Hypotonic, Isotonic.

Active Transport

  • Types:

    • Carrier protein pumps, Endocytosis, Exocytosis.

Unit 4 - Cell Division

Cell Division Overview

  • Cell Cycle:

    • Interphase (G1, S, G2) and Mitosis (PMAT).

  • Asexual Reproduction, Chromosomes:

    • Definitions and characteristics.

Cell Regulation and Cancer

  • Factors:

    • Chemical signals, Cyclins, Internal regulators.

  • Cancer:

    • Causes, types, features.

Unit 5 - Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis Introduction

  • Process Overview:

    • Reactants, products.

  • ROYGBIV and Photosynthesis:

    • Light spectrum and plant growth.

Photosynthesis Process

  • Light-Dependent and Light-Independent Reactions:

    • Processes, locations, and products.

  • Factors Affecting Photosynthesis:

    • Water, temperature, light.

Unit 6 - Cellular Respiration

Cellular Respiration Overview

  • Energy and Cellular Respiration:

    • Sources and processes.

  • Types:

    • Aerobic and Anaerobic.

Aerobic Respiration

  • Steps:

    • Glycolysis, Kreb's Cycle, Electron Transport Chain.

  • Summary:

    • ATP production and basic formula.

Anaerobic Respiration

  • Types:

    • Alcoholic and Lactic Acid.

  • Products and Comparisons:

    • ATP production and differences.

Unit 7 - DNA Structure and Replication

DNA Introduction

  • Structure and Components:

    • Nucleotides, nitrogen bases, backbone.

DNA Replication

  • Process Steps:

    • Helicase, DNA polymerase, Ligase.

  • Editing:

    • Cap, tail, splicing.

Unit 8 - Protein Synthesis

RNA Types

  • mRNA, tRNA, rRNA:

    • Functions and structures.


  • Process Steps:

    • Initiation, elongation, termination.

  • Editing:

    • Cap, tail, splicing.


  • Role of tRNA:

    • Amino acid transport and anticodons.

  • Process Steps:

    • mRNA attachment, amino acid binding, polypeptide chain formation.


  • Definition and Types:

    • Point mutations, mutagens.

  • Point Mutation Types:

    • Substitution, insertion, deletion.


Midterm Study Guide

Unit 1 - Characteristics of Life


  • Question: What is the difference between a theory and a hypothesis?

Experimental Design

  • Theory:

    • Statement based on multiple pieces of evidence.

  • Hypothesis:

    • Testable question or statement predicting an outcome.

  • Variables:

    • Independent, dependent, control.

  • Data, Results, Conclusion, Support, Refute:

    • Key components of experimental design.

Characteristics of Life

  • Multicellular vs. Unicellular:

    • Definitions and examples.

  • Response to Stimuli, Adaptation, Metabolism, Respiration, Transport, Regulation, Excretion, Growth, Synthesis, Reproduction, Nutrition:

    • Definitions and explanations.

  • Cell Hierarchy:

    • Cells → Tissues → Organs → Organ Systems → Organisms.

Plant vs. Animal Cells

  • Differences:

    • Centrioles, Cell Wall, Chloroplasts, Large Central Vacuole.

What are Viruses

  • Definition:

    • Non-living particles made up of genetic material.

  • Characteristics:

    • Need a host to reproduce, lack cellular machinery.

Unit 2 - Macromolecules

Monomer/Polymer Bellringer

  • Question: What is the difference between a monomer and a polymer?


  • Types:

    • Inorganic vs. Organic compounds.

  • The 4 Macromolecules:

    • Nucleic Acids, Lipids, Proteins, Carbohydrates.

Nucleic Acids

  • DNA and RNA:

    • Definitions, structure, and functions.

  • Lipids:

    • Functions and structure.


  • Functions and Structure:

    • Storage, transport, strength, regulation, structure.

  • Amino Acids and Enzymes:

    • Structure, types, and functions.


  • Types:

    • Monosaccharide, Disaccharide, Polysaccharide.

  • Dehydration Synthesis, Hydrolysis:

    • Definitions and processes.

Unit 3 - Cell Transport

Cell Membrane Structure

  • Phospholipid Bilayer:

    • Function and structure.

  • Proteins:

    • Peripheral vs. Integral.

Passive Transport

  • Diffusion, Facilitated Diffusion, Osmosis:

    • Definitions and processes.

  • Types of Solutions:

    • Hypertonic, Hypotonic, Isotonic.

Active Transport

  • Types:

    • Carrier protein pumps, Endocytosis, Exocytosis.

Unit 4 - Cell Division

Cell Division Overview

  • Cell Cycle:

    • Interphase (G1, S, G2) and Mitosis (PMAT).

  • Asexual Reproduction, Chromosomes:

    • Definitions and characteristics.

Cell Regulation and Cancer

  • Factors:

    • Chemical signals, Cyclins, Internal regulators.

  • Cancer:

    • Causes, types, features.

Unit 5 - Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis Introduction

  • Process Overview:

    • Reactants, products.

  • ROYGBIV and Photosynthesis:

    • Light spectrum and plant growth.

Photosynthesis Process

  • Light-Dependent and Light-Independent Reactions:

    • Processes, locations, and products.

  • Factors Affecting Photosynthesis:

    • Water, temperature, light.

Unit 6 - Cellular Respiration

Cellular Respiration Overview

  • Energy and Cellular Respiration:

    • Sources and processes.

  • Types:

    • Aerobic and Anaerobic.

Aerobic Respiration

  • Steps:

    • Glycolysis, Kreb's Cycle, Electron Transport Chain.

  • Summary:

    • ATP production and basic formula.

Anaerobic Respiration

  • Types:

    • Alcoholic and Lactic Acid.

  • Products and Comparisons:

    • ATP production and differences.

Unit 7 - DNA Structure and Replication

DNA Introduction

  • Structure and Components:

    • Nucleotides, nitrogen bases, backbone.

DNA Replication

  • Process Steps:

    • Helicase, DNA polymerase, Ligase.

  • Editing:

    • Cap, tail, splicing.

Unit 8 - Protein Synthesis

RNA Types

  • mRNA, tRNA, rRNA:

    • Functions and structures.


  • Process Steps:

    • Initiation, elongation, termination.

  • Editing:

    • Cap, tail, splicing.


  • Role of tRNA:

    • Amino acid transport and anticodons.

  • Process Steps:

    • mRNA attachment, amino acid binding, polypeptide chain formation.


  • Definition and Types:

    • Point mutations, mutagens.

  • Point Mutation Types:

    • Substitution, insertion, deletion.
