Early European Approaches to SW
> England After Feudalism Demise
Front: Exploitation of labor for profit
Back: In the 19th century, large plantation owners relied on impoverished workers to cultivate their land. These laborers were often paid meager wages, barely enough to survive, while the owners profited significantly from the crops produced. This system perpetuated poverty among the workers, ensuring a continuous supply of cheap labor for the wealthy landowners.
Hospitals/churchs help these individuals
Trade increase
technology bloom
( this what affect the demise of feudalism) people wanted a centralized governement.
> What do we do with people who keep moving? They started to look for resources for those who need it. Black plague kill a third of the english population leasding to a shortage of labor people.
1st laws Stautue of Labors this restricted the employee from moving about
>establish maximize wages
>The English Elizabeth Poor Law of 1601
A coherent consistent public support for needy people
establish catagories of eligiable participants
>dependent children no realtives
> were taught some trade(boys)
> were house helpers(girls till they got married)
Impentent poor ( any pyschical or mental disablity) given some type of indoor relief
> provided food or shelter, medication etc that they needed
Able body poor
> anyone who was living in proverty were given substandard employment
1662 law of settlement adding a residency requirement ( must be living there to get the help)
> The Speenhamland system
1795 develop in Speenhamland England
initated policys by supplementing income of poor people ( everyone had minimum necessarcy icome for survival)
the companys decided not to pay them more bc they knew governement was paying them more ( leading to more proverty)
>The England Poor Law Reforms of 1834
Created a dependennt population who never wanted to get out of poverty
reducing outdoor relief and brought back indoor jobs putting people back to work so they can recieve benefits
>result in people having really poor attitudes to the poor (resentment)
> goverenment blame the poor for being poor
U.S. Social Welfare History
Early Conization to the Mid-1800s
> Focus on Mental health & Mental Illness ( Dorothy Dix :Mental Health Advocate)
Dorothy was an advocate for mental health issues
>Focus on American Indian (1St Nations People) History : Treaties & Federal Control
>Treatys & federal control that were populated pushing out colonizes that were alreay here
>Eurpeanos used there guns to remove the 1st people that were here making the people loose there culture >1778 Delaware nation
>1781 articles of conderation ( gave authority over indian affairs)
indian removal 1830 ( moving them smaller areas)
>Focus on Chicano & Chicana History:The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Address the rights of Mexicans who were living in these regions gave them right to retain there land by being U.S. citizens majority chose to move south into Mexico and the one who stayed were pushed put by taken there land . they couldn afford to fight for there lands.
The Civil War Era
>Focus on African Americans: The Freedmenās Bureau
Focusing on mental healthy by Felipe Pinel he felt people with mental healthy issues should be treated in a empathatic way.
Mental hygiene 1900-1945 during this time they started developmentof psychiatric units saw begins of psycho therapy .
The D institutionalization they allow people to leave the institution
> there will be patient who canāt leave will live in the instution
Were able to go to outpatient therapy and find jobs, shelter on there own
U.S. Social Welfare History
The 1870 to 1900
> Focus on Children :Early Policies
>Settlement House,Charity Organizations Societies, & Generalist Social Work
Ā»example of why Social worker step in & made a difference Mary Ellen was stabbed tied to her bed. Mary c. & Mr. Conally were here abusers,NY society step in the founder to help get a warrent to found out what happen to the child & child could be removed
Eda wheeler & Founder of Animals stood up for her & got her removed from that abusive home, they got one year of jail time.
After that case had finally establish Prevention of cruelty to children was established , early 1900 was childrens beauru was created
Settlement Houses
>Pioneer name James Addam (made sure to help women ,children , people in poverty)
>settlement houses were based neighbor hood (people who were in need lived here)
Ā»1). Settlement approached addreses the problems of the people environmental context (question what if its the environment not the person itself ,mental health such as cant cope or focus)
Ā»2).Environmental focus lead naturally to an emphasized on advocay & social reform (how to change legislation )
Ā»3). Effect Ā»emphasized the power of people ( she taught them how to advocate for themselves)
Charity Organization Socities
>Agencies that emphasize cooperation among organizations
Provided assistance
They provided efficency
focus on elimination of fraud
Mary Richman another pioneer known for writting the 1st book called social diagnoses
Focus on American Indian :Attempts at Assimilation
1970 to 1900 Simulation The Governement was recognize the cultural of American Indian
Ā»Indian General Allotment act (Law) DAWES
Ā» The intent was to assimilated become productive citizens to adopt the American culture (Indians) That did not work was a slap in the face to Indian Americans
Ā»NWACP 1901 National Association for advancment of Color People
African American Migration:
In 1911, there were movements of African Americans from Northern states like New York to Southern states, often seeking better opportunities or escaping discrimination. This migration was part of a larger trend that would culminate in the Great Migration during the 1910s and 1920s.
1920 The 19th adment to the cositutuion giveing women right to vote
Ā»Voting Rights: Legal entitlements that allow individuals to participate in elections, which were expanded to include women with the 19th Amendment.
The Progessive Period of 1900 to the 1920s
Focus on Mental History Healthy Policy
Ā»Hygental movement 1945 (instutinalization if it was te best place for people)
Focus on Asian Immigration
Focus ON Chicano & Chicana & Perto Rican Immigration
Ā»1924 Immigration law haulted immigration
The Great Depression & the 1930s
Ā»Was a shock to wealthy people
Ā»1920 for 10 years the givernment had to control and manage for wealthy people because they needed social services.
Ā»Producativity and wages went down high unemplymetn rates occured during this time
Ā»Banks closed ,farmers lost eveything & poverty spread
-Early Initiatives of the New Deal
Ā« 1933 new deal was a plan that created a wide range of social programs ( one of the programs wereĀ»
The federal Emergency Relief Act
The civilian Works Admistration Ā»
but the biggest peace of legistion was the social security act
The civilian Conservation Corps
The public Works Administration
The works Progress Administration
An end to the Programs
>The Social Security Act of 1935
Ā»Highlight 6.8 -Public assistance for children & families
Ā»Social Insurance
Ā»Public Assistance (examples are aid to the blind, old age assistance)
War & Wealth: The 1940ās
Peace & Complacency : The 1950s Ā»
Ā»Amendments to the social security act
Ā»the end of school segeration
Ā»focus on mental health : The Deinstitutionalization Movement ( people were instiution can leave and get outpatient services w/o being institutionalized
Civil Right in the 1960s
Focus on Mexican Americans: The Chicano & Chicana Movement
Ā» ( voter registration requirements) Oulaw segregation in restraunts and hotels, schools empowerment agencies to withhold funds from places the encourage segregation created equal employment opportunity commission
Ā»Focus on American Indians:Striving for Self-Determination
A Return to Conservatism in the 1970s Ā»
Ā»Old Age,Survivors,Disablility,Health Insurance
>Supplementary income for individuals who are disabled who can get income so they are not suffering from any type of disability they may have and not fall into proverty
Ā»Focus on Social Welfare Policies concerning chid & family welfare (child abuse act was passed)
Conservative Extremes in the 1980 & early 1990s
Ā«Focus on People with Disabilites :1990s legislation
Ā« bill of rights in 1990 grants for people with disbalities
Welfare Reform in the Clinton Era
Ā« aid to dependent children his admistration decided it was not good enought came up with the personal responsibilty work opportunity act 1996
Ā«it affected SSI ,immigrants impact ability to recieve benefits,childcare, nutritional food programs were affected
aka Temp. assistance for needy families (TANF)
The conservatism of George W. Bush
The Great Recession Ā»
The āFringe Economyā
The Presidency of Barack Obama
Ā»The Stimulus Plan
Ā»Health- care Reform ( has helped w/individuals to have asses to health care & less mortality rate)
Ā»Foreign Policy
Development of the Social Work Profession
Early Developemt of Social work Education
Ā»Highlight 6.11- Social w. Accrediation at the Baccalaureate & Masterās Level
Social work during the Great Depression
Social Work in the 1950s
Formation of the National Assocaition of Social W
1960 -1980 how could we fix the environment? How can we help individuals problems & how are they affected.
S.W Today you can bachelors then your masters in one year if you graduat from accreditate from a program
S.W Accreditation at the Baccalaureate & masters Level
**Question on exam chapter 5-6 : What are the types of therapy groups?
what are types of task groups?
civial & security act
social work pioneers dorthy dicks, aadms ,richmen and wheeler
CHAPTER 7 {Policy ,Policy analysis,Policy practice & Advocacy etc.}
Laws & regulation that govern :Social welfare programs,catergory of clients served ,qualification to join a program
What is a policy? Rules that govern peoples lives , and dictate expectations or behaviors Policys tell our governement,organizations how to run things
What is social welfare policy is? The laws and regualtions that govern which social welfare programs exisit what catergorys of clients are served and who qualifys for a given program.
policy aka welfare programs are the implimintation
1965 Social Security Act
Address question how does the agency runs, hours staff memeber works, how are they are they evalated .
How does a policy develop? Recognization , identification of problems and needs, indentification of public opinion , formulation of social welfare policy(mulitple persetive is a comn for this policy ) ,implementation through a social welfare prgram , agency service delivery (within the service agency)
Structural Components of Social Welfare Programs
What are the peoples needs and programs goals?Goals need to be formal ,and clearerly stated.
what kind of benefits are provided ? Anything a client receves through a soul welfare program , cash, and inkin benfits, Any benefit other then cash , medical insurance
What are the elgibility crtiteria for the program ?
the conditon where by people meet the designated criteria or requirements to recieve benefits , a means test in order to see if they qualtify( an evaluation of all the resources that you have at your disposal (house,car ,stocks etc) (do you have dependents)
Who pays for the program? National,state,local taxes
taxes that are designated to finance specific progrmas
Who is the program Administered and run? coule be national,state or local Ā»>
runs by state government but over seen by the gov.
TANF this provides financially , run by the federal gov.
Social program such as food bank its finance by private businesss
Run by organization that distributed food items
some food banks are finance or run by the city government
5 E-approach to policy analysis for social welfare policy
Effetiveness(The extenet to which a policy achives its goals (strength and weekness of the poicy , is there to show the effectivness of this program
Do the workers who admister the program do they think its effective .
Efficency to which a policy and its implimintation through a programming economicol
,Ethical Cosiderations is the policy ethically sound , extent of the policy and prigram to respect people right to digninty and confidentiality
,Evaluation of alternatives what does potential reveal
Establishment of recommendations for positive change
What recommentations can be establish , policy can me amended so policy can be efficent and ethically sound
Approaches to policy Practice & Policy Advocacy
Advocacy is to help on behalf of the clients & get what they need
Modify or influence policys
promoting legislation or policys that will result in serives to the client
Empowering the client to advocate for themselves
Chapter 8 Policies and Programs
Interdependence among nations increase risk of a domino effect during global crisis
26.6% living provery african americans
12.3% asian and pacfific islanders
11.8 % of asian americans
25.3% hispanics living in proverty
46.2 million people are poor
poverty line- annual cash income level
family size is look at to conclude poverty (minimual substitance )
how much $ do you need to live off they take into account if you have a vehicle
33.7 % of children under age of 18 live in poverty
33.6% african american children
quality of living for majority of americans has been decreasing
in 2024 medium household income is 50,000 dollars
25% had less then 25000 income
21% had 100,000 or more
1% household have more then 1/3 of the wealth
poverty- the condition of having inadequate money to buy things that are considered necessary or desirable
culture of poverty- a conditon characterized by lack of income resources but also by deprivation,low expectations for what life can give , lack of hope for the future and dispair
wealth - is the accumalted wealth of money and other assets that make up a persons total worth
poverty in the U.S
73.2% single women who work outside of the home
67.3% women outside of the home
men are found in higher payer jobs like managers , skilled blue collar workers , engineers ,doctors ( men dominate occupations that require math)
females are usually discourage from stem (science) jobs usually discourage by teachers & it affects them,self-esteem .
women are less likely to reach there profession
make sure we are teaching clients to empower them by motivation
examly questions like what are my needs,who am i , what is the source of my defination ,who benefits putting the work on the individual to get them change there life , it helps her understand how she should be treated
poverty and social class- look at the catergories of our social position also call it social stratisfication
social class - is a category of people who have similar assess to resources and oppurtunities
social status- is your social stance in comparison to others
how much power do you have , the ability to move people
privilege-special rights or benefits,enjoyed because of elevated social ,political, or economic status
upper middle class-attorneys,oweners of business,physicans etc
white collar people- management,medical tech. ,
working classĀ»blue collar peopleĀ»
working poor- unskilled postions that may be seasonal Ā»agriculture workers,hotel ,lawn maintaince workers
chronical poor-seldomly employed usually in long term deprivation
structural causes of poverty reasons people are in poverty- usually shape by economics and politics , discremination , gender discremination
individual factors that can cause poverty - every individual is different ex. nboth parents in home? were you homeless? etc.
HUMAN CAPITAL- skills, education and credientals people bring with themselves
individuals that are low income likely have a disability
important having postive role models
importance of empowerment Ā» making sure we refer them resources that are available in there community, getting job training , hiring paying jobs, better housing in safer neighberhood
poverty has consequences:
health care
education & jobs (outdated textbooks,lower test scores,kids likely to drop out bc education is told its not important or they need to work to help there family)
Housing( poor housing conditions,homlessness)
Criminal Justice Issues ( injustice to individuals who are living in poverty, homless person gets arrested just bc sleep under the bridge)
social welfare policies & programs
Social insurance policy
old age,survivors,disability,& health insurance
unemployment insurance
workers compensation
The diversity of families
gay and lesbian families : a population at risk
gay & lesbian families and single parent families are risk for poverty, plus gay and lesbian are likely to be discremenated , such as denial fundamental rights such as adoption
common residents , move out make your own family ( nuclear family) important to us
single parent family (one parent is present)
step family ( one or both bring a child into a home) ,may decided to have there own biological child
blended family if they dont have children of there own
intergenerational or multigenerational families that have tree generations living together , example grandparents that are living with parental children , or grandparents canāt live on there own
Major Thrusts of services for children and families
child welfare- a historical social work field of practice
basic needs :shelter,clothing,food,water
Self actualization,self esteem,love & belonging, safety & security ,physiological needs
policys and programs that hve been design to promote a healthier enviroments & to meet childrens needs
meet vulnerable childrens unmet emotional behavioral & health needs
by having adequate resources available & by empowering familys
child welfare can improve interal family conditions
interpersonal dynamics look at there communication
types of problems there dealing with , rather ifs alchol abuse,
how do you handle conflect?
child welfare safe guards children from abuse and negelect
permanent family living conditons become familiar
for example if child is removed if its un safe if the parent donāt want to make changes but judge may determine that the parental rights must be severed