Goal: Understand different forms of business organizations and their roles in socio-economic development.
Definition: An entity involved in providing goods and/or services to consumers; also known as enterprise, agency, or firm.
For-profit enterprises.
Non-profit social enterprises.
State-owned public enterprises targeting social and economic objectives.
Definition: A place or country where government-managed resources bring benefits to society.
Third World Countries: Often developing economies.
Developing Economies: Characterized by lower average income, literacy rates, and health services than developed nations.
Definition: Exchange of goods or services without money.
Problems of Barter:
Lack of a common measure of value.
Double coincidence of wants may not exist.
Produce commodities/goods/services to meet market needs.
Act as producers, employing consistent advertising and sales promotions to maintain markets.
Manages the economy and establishes laws for households and businesses.
Provides essential services (e.g., roads, water, transportation).
Collects taxes from households and businesses.
Consume goods and services from firms; categorized as consumers.
Money emerged to address barter system challenges.
Definition: Anything acceptable for purchasing goods and services.
Forms of Money: Notes and coins; historical forms included shells, beads, and precious metals.
Acceptable: Universally recognized for transactions.
Convertible: Easily exchanged for goods/services.
Divisible: Can be broken down into smaller units.
Durable: Long-lasting quality.
Homogenous: Uniform appearance (e.g., all P100 bills identical).
Scarce: Limited supply to ensure value.
Portable: Convenient to carry.
Time and money as scarce resources.
Real-world examples:
Someone may have a lot of time but little money (e.g., unemployed).
An executive may have money but limited time (e.g., busy schedule).
Near Money: Easily turned into cash (quasi-money).
Bank Draft: Guarantee of payment from the issuing bank.
Bill of Exchange: Used for overseas credit payments.
Cheques: Instruction to banks for payment.
Credit/Debit Cards: Facilitate payments using cards.
Ecommerce: Buying and selling via the internet.
Electronic Transfer: Funds moved electronically.
Internet Banking: Online access to banking services.
Money Orders: Payment method for local and overseas transactions.
Tele-Banking: Banking via telephone service.
Service Business: Provides services to consumers.
Merchandising Business: Sells goods.
Manufacturing Business: Produces goods.
Conglomerates: A parent company with unrelated subsidiaries.
Cooperatives: Owned by members who purchase shares.
Franchise: Agreement allowing a franchisee to sell a parent's product/service.
Government Departments: Entities within government ministries.
Multinationals: Global organizations managed from a main office.
Nationalized Industries: Businesses owned and controlled by the government.
Partnership Business: Association of partners sharing profits and liabilities.