The skeletal system

Functions of skeletal system:

  1. support and shape - support and shapes the body/ endoskeleton (inside)

  2. Protection- Protects the organ inside

  3. Movement- Helps make movement possible/ contraction of muscles pull on the bone causing movement

  4. Storage of minerals and lipids- Moves quickly from blood to bones then moves slowly from bones into body

  5. Hemopoiesis- production of red and white blood cells/ Myeloid tissue (red bone marrow) transforms into yellow marrow


Yellow marrow- Lipid Reserves

Hole- A opening or a groove of the bone that allows blood vessels and nerves to enter

Rib tubercles-

Articulation- where the bones meet



Projection- area that is protecting the surface of your body (depression)

shial tuberosity-


Osseus Tissue

  • Contains CT (connective tissue)

  • between cell spaces: Hard; have minerals salts in them

  • 67% inorganic

  • 33% organic

Classification of Bones:


long shaft curved for strength

exp: humerus or femur


spongy texture, small and boxy (wide)

exp: 16 carpal bones (wrist)


thin parallel surfaces, broad surface for muscle attachment

exp: cranium


complex, irregular shape

exp: vertebrae or ossicles

Sutural (Wormian)

found in the sutures of the skull, individual variations like size number, and position

exp: skull lining (looks like stiches)


small, flat, develops within the tendons

exp: patella at the knee joint

Bone surface features

  • Neck- narrow part of the bone (when shaft meets end)

  • Ramus- extension of bone that makes an angle

  • Head- rounded end of bone that help form a joint/ a smooth surface

  • Condyle- knuckle like articular process (will be smooth)

  • Trochanter- large projection for a tissue attachment (rough)

  • Crest- raised ridge for a CT to a bone (rough + bumpy)

  • Spinous process- (spine) sharp and slender process, stick out away from bone.

  • Tuberosity- large rough projection for tissue attachment

  • Trochlea- smooth, grooved surface, shaped like a pulley

  • Tubercle- small, rounded projection (rib tubercles)

  • Facet- smooth and flat articular surface

  • Sulcus- groove for nerve, blood vessels or tendon

Bone Openings and Depressions

  • Foramen- Opening or a hole in the bone for the nerves and blood vessels largest in skull: foramen magnum

  • Meatus- tube like canal in the bone, auditory meatus- ear canal

  • Fissure- Narrow, irregular slit between parts of a bone

  • Fossa- Shallow depression on the bone surface

  • Sinus-(antrum) chamber within a bone and usually air filled

Bone structure

  • Diaphysis- long shaft

  • Epiphysis- articular end

  • Metaphysic- middle part

  • Medullary cavity-

  • Spongy bone-

  • Compact Bone- Dense bone

Bone Cells

  1. Osteo blast

    ~ Bone that forms cells

    ~forms the bone matrix/ stuff around the cells (osteogenesis)

    ~ To remember: Bone Builders

  2. Osteocytes

    ~maintain healthy bone tissue

    ~ To remember: Care takers

  3. Osteoprogenitor (osteogenic)

    ~ found lining outside of your bone, marrow cavity, passageways, for blood vessels.

    ~ To remember: PRepairing to build but not there yet

  4. Osteoclast

    ~bone that destroys cells

    ~removes and recycles bone matrix

    ~To remember: osteo Crash- to break

Structure of Bone

  • Periosteum

    • the outside lining (membrane) surrounding the bone

    • repairs the nutrients of the bone

  • Haversion canal

    • Runs length wise (up and down) the central canal

    • forms small blood vessels in bone

  • Volkmann’s canal

    • Runs horizontally (left-right)

    • canal for small blood vessels in bone

  • Endosteum

    • Membrane that lines the inside marrow cavity and central canals

  • Lacuna

    • spaces that contain osteocytes

    • “Little Lakes”

  • Canaliculus

    • system of canals

  • Lamella

    • concentric rings of hardened bone

Bone Marrow

  • Red Marrow- the production the RBC
