Add the method of arrival to the location if unique/unusual
To explain the delay in patient contact and care
Describe the status of the location/surroundings of the patient
Mention other first responders (police, fire) that are present
Mention family members that are present at the scene
What position the patient was found in
Prone, supine, left/right lateral, Fowler’s, Trendelenburg
Mention patient care performed by first responders before arrival
Presentation of patient
Physical assessment
History of medical conditions
Medication history and list
Pertinent negatives
Mention partial vitals to ensure that a conscious choice is obvious
Things/factors/conditions that are significant in their absence
Ex: dispatched for an asthma attack with no pertinent symptoms
Must always have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to support theories and treatment, important in case of future medical and legal issues.
Treatment provided to the patient
Ex: non-rebreather mask, nasal cannula, epinephrine, aspirin, Narcan
Changes that occur because of or independent of interventions
Ex: how a patient responds when put on oxygen → impact on their O2 saturation
Record how packaging or transport of patient was conducted
Mention how the patient was prepared to be transported
Mention any lifting and moving devices used
Ex: the process of the transfer of the patient from an armchair to a stair chair to a stretcher to the ambulance
Checking the patient’s vitals throughout the transport
Every 5 minutes if the patient is not stable
Every 15 minutes if the patient is stable
Must provide timestamps for all vital signs taken
Mention if ALS (paramedics) is canceled if not needed
Formally transfer care of the patient to the hospital system
Give verbal report to the person who has authority to take responsibility for the patient, must be a person with adequate authority and medical credentials
At WEFAS, the person must provide their name and initial a transfer form
Mention any delays such as mechanical issues or wait times that affected the transfer of care
At WEFAS, an EMT must enter patient information and create a chart before the end of a shift or departure.
Always mention errors made to protect oneself from future legal issues.
Charts are still created for patients who refuse medical attention (RMA).