Psychologist | Experiment/Research | Conclusion/Impact on Field |
Diana Baumrind | Studied and interviewed primary school children in their natural environment and conducted parental interviews to see how they went about it. | The Pillar Theory: 4 parenting styles - Authoritative: tender teacher (most optimal parenting style) - Authoritarian: Rigid Rulers (not good for children support but good for obedience) - Permissive: Indulgent (low self-regulation) - Uninvolved: indifferent (children lack self-control) - Changed the way psychologists view parenting. - Criticized the APA research and Milgram’s study of obedience. - Unfamiliarity causes more obedience this is why she took the naturalist observation route |
Sperry and Gazzaniga | Corpus Callosum (neurons that connect two hemispheres of the brain) - Split Brain Experiments Showed and image on both left and right sides of the brain | Left Hemispheres controls right side of the body. (Speech, mathematical, processing) Right Hemisphere controls the left side of the body (creativity) - Led to research on lateralization. - Chemoaffinity Hypothesis |
Darley and Latane | Social Psychologists Bystander Apathy Experiment - Understand bystander mentality - Focused on the Kitty Genovese case - IV: number of participants in discussion - DV: Response time to seek help - Separate rooms and prerecorded voices has a seizure to see how long it would take the group to help | 31% helped in the group 85% helped when in a one on one Diffusion of responsibility Pluralistic Ignorance Creation of the bystander affect |
Jane Goodall | - Ethology and anthropology - Behaviorism - Naturalistic Observation | - Witnessed chimpanzees using tools - Redefined relationships between humans and primates - Family relationships - G and F family - Influenced movement in conservation and animal research - Increase in women in the workplace - Discovery of primate behavior and how it connects to humans. |
Lawrence Kohlberg | 6 stages of moral development - Universal principle - Developmental psychology
The Heinz Dilemma - Wife is dying only one drug can save her life but he can’t afford it - Steal or don’t steal?
| Pre conventional morality - Avoid punishment Conventional morality - Law and order morality Post Conventional morality - Social contract
- Moral development is invariant - Cognitive development vs. ethical reasoning |
Albert Bandura | Bobo Doll Experiment - Researches exposed a group of kids to violence and verbally abused clown doll - Then shown a video of them being nice to doll - They showed aggressive tendencies towards the doll
| - Showed how kids mimic adults violent behaviors - Invalidated the saying “Do as I say, not as I do” - Let to a ban of violence demonstrated in advertisements - Created the idea of observational learning Four Conditions of Observational and Modeling Behaviors - Attention - Retention - Reproduction - Motivation |
Carl Wernicke | Aphasia and Encephalopathy - Impaired psychic processes in different regions of the brain - Sensory Aphasia of temporal lobe - One hemisphere dominant in brain functions - Reflex are model (sensory and motor centers) | “Wernicke’s area” |
Psychologist | Experiment/Research | Conclusion/Impact on Field |
Leon Festinger | - Connected to social psychology Cognitive Dissonance Experiment - Repetitive boring tasks - Were paid 20 or 1 dollar | - People payed less, were more likely to say the task was enjoyable - Changed their brains to believe the tests were enjoyable - Cognitive Dissonance Theory - Future studies began looking at attitudes and how people think |
Paul Broca | “Tan” Case Study - Patient had severe language defects - Lesion covering speech production - Investigates brain damage and language defects | - Damage to Broca’s Area results in language deficits - Brain regions play specific roles in cognitive functions - Impacted modern techniques in functional brain mapping - Brain lateralization |
Stanley Milgram | Human Social Behavior (Conformity and Social Pressure) Electric shock experiment - Learner and teacher - Shocks weren’t administered | More authority = more conformity - Type of authority and location affected compliance Behavior is controlled by situational factors Considered unethical |
Sigmund Freud | Father of Psychoanalysis - Unconscious mind’s influence on behavior and emotions - Defense Mechanisms - Id, Ego, Superego | - Developed talk therapy Impact on mental health disorders - Psychotherapy |
John Watson/ Rosalie Rayner | Father of Behaviorism The Little Albert Experiment - Based of Pavlov’s experiment - Conditioning children with fear - Conditioned to cry at the sight of the rat | - Fear can be learned and conditioned - Ethical and moral rules were put into place - Generalization |
Carol Gilligan | - Developmental Psychology - Moral Development of women - Worked with Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg - Theory of Moral Development Women prioritize ethics of care where morality is centered on interpersonal relationships and moral judgement is based on the context on an issue | Stages of Moral Development - Preconventional Morality - Conventional Morality - Postconventional Morality Men aren’t morally superior to women Criticized for generalization and not including factors in her experiment - Her theory is still studied today |
Muzafer Sherif | - Intergroup relations and social judgement Robbers Cave Experiment - Took 22 boys to summer camp and split them up into two groups - Researchers were camp councilors - Pinned the two groups and competition against the boys (ingroup bias and prejudice) - Created subordinate goals | Ingroup competition can lead to violent behavior, ingroup vias, and prejudice - Founders of social psychology - Studied group dynamics - |
Jean Piaget | - Stages of Cognitive Development - Cognitive Psychology - Schemas and Accommodation - Mental structures and modifying schemas - Children to adult progression - Intellectual growth in children (operational) - Children interaction with environment | - The Three Mountain Task - Test child egocentrism - Children shown a model with three dimensional mountains (map It from another person’s perspective) - Specific responses and behaviors (selection of correct pictures) - Younger children have more egocentrism than older children |
Elizabeth Loftus | - She has an experience with a false memory. - Misinformation Effect - Eyewitness Memory | - Traffic Accidents shown - When asked she changed the word and framed the question - She found the more violent the word or the speed the students remembered it differently - Surveys are hard because everyone has implicit bias - Similar experiment (Did you see broken glass) The diction changed the answer |
Edwin Kholman | - Used different animals to explore cognitive map - He built a simple maze that a rat had to navigate - Looked at the effects of a reward system - How does motivated learning impact animal learning | - Latent learning - They implicitly mapped out the maze in their mind and when motivated could compartmentalize |
Kenneth and Mami Clark | - Developmental Psychology - Race psychology - Researched the effects of segregation - Most children picked the white dolls over the black dolls - | - Segregation caused children to feel self hate and self degrading thoughts - By rejecting their race children tried to get over this self hate - Went on to testify in Brown v. Board of Education using these test results - Helped future psychologists help children understand their own identity |
Mary Ainsworth | - Separation vs. reunion episode - Look at the baby’s reaction - Secure Attachment - Insecure Attachment - Looked at different attachment styles | - |
Erik Erikson | - Developmental Psychology - Identity vs. Role confusion - Stages of Psychosocial Development | - Infancy, Adolescence, Late Adulthood - How humans face crisis - Introspection and identity understanding - Social and cultural influences |
Wolfgang Kohler | - Cofounder of Gestalt Psychology - Insight learning - Caged a chimpanzee with bananas outside the cage and sticks inside the cage - The monkey used the short stick to reach the longer stick to reach the bananas - The monkey showed cognition and discernment | - Insight learning - Aha moment - Learning can occur when we gain insight on the entire situation |
Pavlov | - Classical conditioning - Behaviorism - Dog salivation experiment - DV: Salavation - IV: Food and Bell | - After a stimulus has been conditioned the Subject will respond similarly to similar stimuli - Generalization |
Harlows | - Developmental and Behavioral psychology - Monkey Experiment - Social bonds and attachments of infant monkeys - Wire monkey vs cloth monkey | - Cloth Segregate mother was preferable - Contact comfort |
Wilhelm Wundt | - Separated psychology from physiology and philosophy - Humans response and feelings to a stimulus - Wanted to understand the brain structures - Structuralism - Reaction time equipment test | - Established psychology as a science - Could produce actual variables and numbers therefore it was a science - Mental process can be studied |
Vygotsky | - Scaffolding - Zone of optimal development - Sociocultural aspect of child environment - Not many experiments just observation | - IV: Positive reinforcement/Negative - DV: Child development |
Phillip Zombardo | - Social Psychologist - Stanford Prison experiment - (two groups; prisoners and guards) - The mock prison rules were to watch over the prisoners but without abusing anyone physically - Guards became cruel and the prisoners became distraught - Experiment was shut down due to emotional despair of prisoners and aggression of the guards | - Showed role play and submission - People can conform to roles especially ones that are stereotypical - Deindividuation due to a group norm - Dehumanization |
Fergus Craik and Tulving | - Cognitive Psychology - Study of memory and level of processing theory - Enrich our thinking of memory function - Semantic vs. Episodic memory - Series of words look structurally their order - Pneumatically look by sound | - Type of processing - Observe the depth of processing on memory retention - Semantic processing is the best deep processing for memory retention |