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AP Psychologists



Conclusion/Impact on Field

Diana Baumrind

Studied and interviewed primary school children in their natural environment and conducted parental interviews to see how they went about it.

The Pillar Theory: 4 parenting styles

- Authoritative: tender teacher (most optimal parenting style)

- Authoritarian: Rigid Rulers (not good for children support but good for obedience)

- Permissive: Indulgent (low self-regulation)

- Uninvolved: indifferent (children lack self-control)

- Changed the way psychologists view parenting.

- Criticized the APA research and Milgram’s study of obedience.

- Unfamiliarity causes more obedience this is why she took the naturalist observation route

Sperry and Gazzaniga

Corpus Callosum (neurons that connect two hemispheres of the brain)

- Split Brain Experiments

Showed and image on both left and right sides of the brain

Left Hemispheres controls right side of the body.

(Speech, mathematical, processing)

Right Hemisphere controls the left side of the body (creativity)

- Led to research on lateralization.

- Chemoaffinity Hypothesis

Darley and Latane

Social Psychologists

Bystander Apathy Experiment

- Understand bystander mentality

- Focused on the Kitty Genovese case

- IV: number of participants in discussion

- DV: Response time to seek help

- Separate rooms and prerecorded voices has a seizure to see how long it would take the group to help

31% helped in the group

85% helped when in a one on one

Diffusion of responsibility

Pluralistic Ignorance

Creation of the bystander affect

Jane Goodall

- Ethology and anthropology

- Behaviorism

- Naturalistic Observation

- Witnessed chimpanzees using tools

- Redefined relationships between humans and primates

- Family relationships

- G and F family

- Influenced movement in conservation and animal research

- Increase in women in the workplace

- Discovery of primate behavior and how it connects to humans.

Lawrence Kohlberg

6 stages of moral development

- Universal principle

- Developmental psychology

The Heinz Dilemma

- Wife is dying only one drug can save her life but he can’t afford it

- Steal or don’t steal?

Pre conventional morality

- Avoid punishment

Conventional morality

- Law and order morality

Post Conventional morality

- Social contract

- Moral development is invariant

- Cognitive development vs. ethical reasoning

Albert Bandura

Bobo Doll Experiment

- Researches exposed a group of kids to violence and verbally abused clown doll

- Then shown a video of them being nice to doll

- They showed aggressive tendencies towards the doll

- Showed how kids mimic adults violent behaviors

- Invalidated the saying “Do as I say, not as I do”

- Let to a ban of violence demonstrated in advertisements

- Created the idea of observational learning

Four Conditions of Observational and Modeling Behaviors

- Attention

- Retention

- Reproduction

- Motivation

Carl Wernicke

Aphasia and Encephalopathy

- Impaired psychic processes in different regions of the brain

- Sensory Aphasia of temporal lobe

- One hemisphere dominant in brain functions

- Reflex are model (sensory and motor centers)

“Wernicke’s area”



Conclusion/Impact on Field

Leon Festinger

- Connected to social psychology

Cognitive Dissonance Experiment

- Repetitive boring tasks

- Were paid 20 or 1 dollar

- People payed less, were more likely to say the task was enjoyable

- Changed their brains to believe the tests were enjoyable

- Cognitive Dissonance Theory

- Future studies began looking at attitudes and how people think

Paul Broca

“Tan” Case Study

- Patient had severe language defects

- Lesion covering speech production

- Investigates brain damage and language defects

- Damage to Broca’s Area results in language deficits

- Brain regions play specific roles in cognitive functions

- Impacted modern techniques in functional brain mapping

- Brain lateralization

Stanley Milgram

Human Social Behavior (Conformity and Social Pressure)

Electric shock experiment

- Learner and teacher

- Shocks weren’t administered

More authority = more conformity

- Type of authority and location affected compliance

Behavior is controlled by situational factors

Considered unethical

Sigmund Freud

Father of Psychoanalysis

- Unconscious mind’s influence on behavior and emotions

- Defense Mechanisms

- Id, Ego, Superego

- Developed talk therapy

Impact on mental health disorders

- Psychotherapy

John Watson/ Rosalie Rayner

Father of Behaviorism

The Little Albert Experiment

- Based of Pavlov’s experiment

- Conditioning children with fear

- Conditioned to cry at the sight of the rat

- Fear can be learned and conditioned

- Ethical and moral rules were put into place

- Generalization

Carol Gilligan

- Developmental Psychology

- Moral Development of women

- Worked with Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg

- Theory of Moral Development

Women prioritize ethics of care where morality is centered on interpersonal relationships and moral judgement is based on the context on an issue

Stages of Moral Development

- Preconventional Morality

- Conventional Morality

- Postconventional Morality

Men aren’t morally superior to women

Criticized for generalization and not including factors in her experiment

- Her theory is still studied today

Muzafer Sherif

- Intergroup relations and social judgement

Robbers Cave Experiment

- Took 22 boys to summer camp and split them up into two groups

- Researchers were camp councilors

- Pinned the two groups and competition against the boys (ingroup bias and prejudice)

- Created subordinate goals

Ingroup competition can lead to violent behavior, ingroup vias, and prejudice

- Founders of social psychology

- Studied group dynamics


Jean Piaget

- Stages of Cognitive Development

- Cognitive Psychology

- Schemas and Accommodation

- Mental structures and modifying schemas

- Children to adult progression

- Intellectual growth in children (operational)

- Children interaction with environment

- The Three Mountain Task

- Test child egocentrism

- Children shown a model with three dimensional mountains (map It from another person’s perspective)

- Specific responses and behaviors (selection of correct pictures)

- Younger children have more egocentrism than older children

Elizabeth Loftus

- She has an experience with a false memory.

- Misinformation Effect

- Eyewitness Memory

- Traffic Accidents shown

- When asked she changed the word and framed the question

- She found the more violent the word or the speed the students remembered it differently

- Surveys are hard because everyone has implicit bias

- Similar experiment (Did you see broken glass) The diction changed the answer

Edwin Kholman

- Used different animals to explore cognitive map

- He built a simple maze that a rat had to navigate

- Looked at the effects of a reward system

- How does motivated learning impact animal learning

- Latent learning

- They implicitly mapped out the maze in their mind and when motivated could compartmentalize

Kenneth and Mami Clark

- Developmental Psychology

- Race psychology

- Researched the effects of segregation

- Most children picked the white dolls over the black dolls


- Segregation caused children to feel self hate and self degrading thoughts

- By rejecting their race children tried to get over this self hate

- Went on to testify in Brown v. Board of Education using these test results

- Helped future psychologists help children understand their own identity

Mary Ainsworth

- Separation vs. reunion episode

- Look at the baby’s reaction

- Secure Attachment

- Insecure Attachment

- Looked at different attachment styles


Erik Erikson

- Developmental Psychology

- Identity vs. Role confusion

- Stages of Psychosocial Development

- Infancy, Adolescence, Late Adulthood

- How humans face crisis

- Introspection and identity understanding

- Social and cultural influences

Wolfgang Kohler

- Cofounder of Gestalt Psychology

- Insight learning

- Caged a chimpanzee with bananas outside the cage and sticks inside the cage

- The monkey used the short stick to reach the longer stick to reach the bananas

- The monkey showed cognition and discernment

- Insight learning

- Aha moment

- Learning can occur when we gain insight on the entire situation


- Classical conditioning

- Behaviorism

- Dog salivation experiment

- DV: Salavation

- IV: Food and Bell

- After a stimulus has been conditioned

the Subject will respond similarly to similar stimuli

- Generalization


- Developmental and Behavioral psychology

- Monkey Experiment

- Social bonds and attachments of infant monkeys

- Wire monkey vs cloth monkey

- Cloth Segregate mother was preferable

- Contact comfort

Wilhelm Wundt

- Separated psychology from physiology and philosophy

- Humans response and feelings to a stimulus

- Wanted to understand the brain structures

- Structuralism

- Reaction time equipment test

- Established psychology as a science

- Could produce actual variables and numbers therefore it was a science

- Mental process can be studied


- Scaffolding

- Zone of optimal development

- Sociocultural aspect of child environment

- Not many experiments just observation

- IV: Positive reinforcement/Negative

- DV: Child development

Phillip Zombardo

- Social Psychologist

- Stanford Prison experiment

- (two groups; prisoners and guards)

- The mock prison rules were to watch over the prisoners but without abusing anyone physically

- Guards became cruel and the prisoners became distraught

- Experiment was shut down due to emotional despair of prisoners and aggression of the guards

- Showed role play and submission

- People can conform to roles especially ones that are stereotypical

- Deindividuation due to a group norm

- Dehumanization

Fergus Craik and Tulving

- Cognitive Psychology

- Study of memory and level of processing theory

- Enrich our thinking of memory function

- Semantic vs. Episodic memory

- Series of words look structurally their order

- Pneumatically look by sound

- Type of processing

- Observe the depth of processing on memory retention

- Semantic processing is the best deep processing for memory retention


AP Psychologists



Conclusion/Impact on Field

Diana Baumrind

Studied and interviewed primary school children in their natural environment and conducted parental interviews to see how they went about it.

The Pillar Theory: 4 parenting styles

- Authoritative: tender teacher (most optimal parenting style)

- Authoritarian: Rigid Rulers (not good for children support but good for obedience)

- Permissive: Indulgent (low self-regulation)

- Uninvolved: indifferent (children lack self-control)

- Changed the way psychologists view parenting.

- Criticized the APA research and Milgram’s study of obedience.

- Unfamiliarity causes more obedience this is why she took the naturalist observation route

Sperry and Gazzaniga

Corpus Callosum (neurons that connect two hemispheres of the brain)

- Split Brain Experiments

Showed and image on both left and right sides of the brain

Left Hemispheres controls right side of the body.

(Speech, mathematical, processing)

Right Hemisphere controls the left side of the body (creativity)

- Led to research on lateralization.

- Chemoaffinity Hypothesis

Darley and Latane

Social Psychologists

Bystander Apathy Experiment

- Understand bystander mentality

- Focused on the Kitty Genovese case

- IV: number of participants in discussion

- DV: Response time to seek help

- Separate rooms and prerecorded voices has a seizure to see how long it would take the group to help

31% helped in the group

85% helped when in a one on one

Diffusion of responsibility

Pluralistic Ignorance

Creation of the bystander affect

Jane Goodall

- Ethology and anthropology

- Behaviorism

- Naturalistic Observation

- Witnessed chimpanzees using tools

- Redefined relationships between humans and primates

- Family relationships

- G and F family

- Influenced movement in conservation and animal research

- Increase in women in the workplace

- Discovery of primate behavior and how it connects to humans.

Lawrence Kohlberg

6 stages of moral development

- Universal principle

- Developmental psychology

The Heinz Dilemma

- Wife is dying only one drug can save her life but he can’t afford it

- Steal or don’t steal?

Pre conventional morality

- Avoid punishment

Conventional morality

- Law and order morality

Post Conventional morality

- Social contract

- Moral development is invariant

- Cognitive development vs. ethical reasoning

Albert Bandura

Bobo Doll Experiment

- Researches exposed a group of kids to violence and verbally abused clown doll

- Then shown a video of them being nice to doll

- They showed aggressive tendencies towards the doll

- Showed how kids mimic adults violent behaviors

- Invalidated the saying “Do as I say, not as I do”

- Let to a ban of violence demonstrated in advertisements

- Created the idea of observational learning

Four Conditions of Observational and Modeling Behaviors

- Attention

- Retention

- Reproduction

- Motivation

Carl Wernicke

Aphasia and Encephalopathy

- Impaired psychic processes in different regions of the brain

- Sensory Aphasia of temporal lobe

- One hemisphere dominant in brain functions

- Reflex are model (sensory and motor centers)

“Wernicke’s area”



Conclusion/Impact on Field

Leon Festinger

- Connected to social psychology

Cognitive Dissonance Experiment

- Repetitive boring tasks

- Were paid 20 or 1 dollar

- People payed less, were more likely to say the task was enjoyable

- Changed their brains to believe the tests were enjoyable

- Cognitive Dissonance Theory

- Future studies began looking at attitudes and how people think

Paul Broca

“Tan” Case Study

- Patient had severe language defects

- Lesion covering speech production

- Investigates brain damage and language defects

- Damage to Broca’s Area results in language deficits

- Brain regions play specific roles in cognitive functions

- Impacted modern techniques in functional brain mapping

- Brain lateralization

Stanley Milgram

Human Social Behavior (Conformity and Social Pressure)

Electric shock experiment

- Learner and teacher

- Shocks weren’t administered

More authority = more conformity

- Type of authority and location affected compliance

Behavior is controlled by situational factors

Considered unethical

Sigmund Freud

Father of Psychoanalysis

- Unconscious mind’s influence on behavior and emotions

- Defense Mechanisms

- Id, Ego, Superego

- Developed talk therapy

Impact on mental health disorders

- Psychotherapy

John Watson/ Rosalie Rayner

Father of Behaviorism

The Little Albert Experiment

- Based of Pavlov’s experiment

- Conditioning children with fear

- Conditioned to cry at the sight of the rat

- Fear can be learned and conditioned

- Ethical and moral rules were put into place

- Generalization

Carol Gilligan

- Developmental Psychology

- Moral Development of women

- Worked with Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg

- Theory of Moral Development

Women prioritize ethics of care where morality is centered on interpersonal relationships and moral judgement is based on the context on an issue

Stages of Moral Development

- Preconventional Morality

- Conventional Morality

- Postconventional Morality

Men aren’t morally superior to women

Criticized for generalization and not including factors in her experiment

- Her theory is still studied today

Muzafer Sherif

- Intergroup relations and social judgement

Robbers Cave Experiment

- Took 22 boys to summer camp and split them up into two groups

- Researchers were camp councilors

- Pinned the two groups and competition against the boys (ingroup bias and prejudice)

- Created subordinate goals

Ingroup competition can lead to violent behavior, ingroup vias, and prejudice

- Founders of social psychology

- Studied group dynamics


Jean Piaget

- Stages of Cognitive Development

- Cognitive Psychology

- Schemas and Accommodation

- Mental structures and modifying schemas

- Children to adult progression

- Intellectual growth in children (operational)

- Children interaction with environment

- The Three Mountain Task

- Test child egocentrism

- Children shown a model with three dimensional mountains (map It from another person’s perspective)

- Specific responses and behaviors (selection of correct pictures)

- Younger children have more egocentrism than older children

Elizabeth Loftus

- She has an experience with a false memory.

- Misinformation Effect

- Eyewitness Memory

- Traffic Accidents shown

- When asked she changed the word and framed the question

- She found the more violent the word or the speed the students remembered it differently

- Surveys are hard because everyone has implicit bias

- Similar experiment (Did you see broken glass) The diction changed the answer

Edwin Kholman

- Used different animals to explore cognitive map

- He built a simple maze that a rat had to navigate

- Looked at the effects of a reward system

- How does motivated learning impact animal learning

- Latent learning

- They implicitly mapped out the maze in their mind and when motivated could compartmentalize

Kenneth and Mami Clark

- Developmental Psychology

- Race psychology

- Researched the effects of segregation

- Most children picked the white dolls over the black dolls


- Segregation caused children to feel self hate and self degrading thoughts

- By rejecting their race children tried to get over this self hate

- Went on to testify in Brown v. Board of Education using these test results

- Helped future psychologists help children understand their own identity

Mary Ainsworth

- Separation vs. reunion episode

- Look at the baby’s reaction

- Secure Attachment

- Insecure Attachment

- Looked at different attachment styles


Erik Erikson

- Developmental Psychology

- Identity vs. Role confusion

- Stages of Psychosocial Development

- Infancy, Adolescence, Late Adulthood

- How humans face crisis

- Introspection and identity understanding

- Social and cultural influences

Wolfgang Kohler

- Cofounder of Gestalt Psychology

- Insight learning

- Caged a chimpanzee with bananas outside the cage and sticks inside the cage

- The monkey used the short stick to reach the longer stick to reach the bananas

- The monkey showed cognition and discernment

- Insight learning

- Aha moment

- Learning can occur when we gain insight on the entire situation


- Classical conditioning

- Behaviorism

- Dog salivation experiment

- DV: Salavation

- IV: Food and Bell

- After a stimulus has been conditioned

the Subject will respond similarly to similar stimuli

- Generalization


- Developmental and Behavioral psychology

- Monkey Experiment

- Social bonds and attachments of infant monkeys

- Wire monkey vs cloth monkey

- Cloth Segregate mother was preferable

- Contact comfort

Wilhelm Wundt

- Separated psychology from physiology and philosophy

- Humans response and feelings to a stimulus

- Wanted to understand the brain structures

- Structuralism

- Reaction time equipment test

- Established psychology as a science

- Could produce actual variables and numbers therefore it was a science

- Mental process can be studied


- Scaffolding

- Zone of optimal development

- Sociocultural aspect of child environment

- Not many experiments just observation

- IV: Positive reinforcement/Negative

- DV: Child development

Phillip Zombardo

- Social Psychologist

- Stanford Prison experiment

- (two groups; prisoners and guards)

- The mock prison rules were to watch over the prisoners but without abusing anyone physically

- Guards became cruel and the prisoners became distraught

- Experiment was shut down due to emotional despair of prisoners and aggression of the guards

- Showed role play and submission

- People can conform to roles especially ones that are stereotypical

- Deindividuation due to a group norm

- Dehumanization

Fergus Craik and Tulving

- Cognitive Psychology

- Study of memory and level of processing theory

- Enrich our thinking of memory function

- Semantic vs. Episodic memory

- Series of words look structurally their order

- Pneumatically look by sound

- Type of processing

- Observe the depth of processing on memory retention

- Semantic processing is the best deep processing for memory retention