Preconventional morality (before age 9):Self-interest; obey rules to avoid punishment or gain concrete rewards.

Conventional morality

(early adolescence)This stage involves upholding laws and rules to gain social approval or maintain social order, as individuals begin to value the perspectives of others and the importance of societal norms.

Postonventional mortality: Actions reflect belief in basic rights and self-defined ethical principles.

·      Stage One: Trust vs Mistrust(birth to 1 year) - Is my world supportive or unpredictable? → attachment to caregiver

·      Stage Two: Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt(1 to 3 years old) - Can I do things for myself or must I rely on others? → potty training

·      Stage Three: Initiative vs Guilt(3 to 6 years old)- Am I good or bad? → preschool

·      Stage Four: Competence vs. Inferiority(6 years to puberty) - Am I capable of success? → elementary school

·      Stage Five: Identity vs Role Confusion(teen years into 20s) - Who am I? → high school

·      Stage Six: Intimacy vs Isolation(20s vs early 40s) - Will I go through my life alone or share it with others? → college, independence, marriage, children

·      Stage Seven: Generativity vs Stagnation(40s to 60s) - What do I want to do before I die? → middle adulthood, possibly midlife crisis

·      Stage Eight: Integrity vs Despair(60s to rest of life) - Have I lived a good life? → retirement
