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2024 AP Bio_Gene Regulation Eukaryotic

Gene Regulation & Expression in Eukaryotes

Page 1

  • Complexity of Gene Expression

    • Eukaryotic gene expression is more complex and regulated at multiple levels compared to prokaryotes.

Page 2

  • Eukaryotic Genome Characteristics

    • Eukaryotic genomes are larger than prokaryotic genomes.

    • DNA organization allows specific segments to be accessed as needed.

    • DNA is wound around histone proteins, influencing accessibility.

    • Histones can move along the DNA, altering its structure based on signals.

Page 3

  • Epigenetic Regulation

    • Histone Methylation

      • Causes coiling of DNA, making genes inaccessible and inactive.

    • Histone Acetylation

      • Opens up DNA, making genes accessible and active.

Page 4

  • Epigenetic Changes

    • Alter nucleosome spacing and gene expression.

    • Influenced by development, environmental factors, drugs, aging, and diet.

    • Linked to diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disorders, mental disorders, and diabetes.

Page 5

  • Regulation of Protein Synthesis at DNA Level

    • Gene regulation is influenced by internal and external signals.

    • Key components include:

      • Regulatory Genes: Code for regulatory proteins or RNA.

      • Transcription Factors: Regulatory proteins that interact with DNA.

      • Regulatory Sequences: DNA stretches that interact with regulatory proteins.

Page 6

  • Eukaryotic Promoter Structure

    • Most promoters contain the TATA Box.

    • RNA polymerase requires transcription factors to bind to the promoter first.

    • Larger promoters allow more transcription factors to bind, enhancing control.

    • Eukaryotes have three RNA polymerases (I, II, III) for different genes.

Page 7

  • Transcription Factors & Regulatory Sequences

    • Activator Proteins: Increase transcription speed by interacting with enhancers.

    • Repressor Proteins: Slow or block transcription by interacting with silencers or blocking transcription factors.

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  • Activator and Repressor Dynamics

    • Gene expression depends on the presence of activators and absence of repressors.

    • Different combinations of activators and repressors lead to varied transcription levels.

Page 9

  • Levels of Gene Regulation

    • Pre-transcriptional Level: Chromatin accessibility and transcription factors.

    • Post-transcriptional Level: RNA processing and stability.

    • Post-translational Level: Protein modifications and degradation.

Page 10

  • Post-transcription Regulation

    • Allows rapid adjustment of gene expression in response to environmental changes.

    • Alternative Splicing: Produces different mRNAs from the same pre-RNA.

    • RNA Interference (RNAi): Small RNAs can degrade mRNA or block translation.

Page 11

  • Variation in Gene Regulation

    • Within Similar Cells: Cells in a tissue can behave differently.

    • Between Different Cell Types: Different responses to the same signals.

    • Between Organisms: Gene regulation accounts for differences in organisms with similar genes.

Page 12

  • Coordinating Gene Expression

    • Genes located far apart can be regulated together if they share transcription factors.

    • Transcription factors can lead to sequential gene expression.

Page 13

  • Cell Differentiation

    • All cells are genetically identical, but only certain genes are active.

    • Different gene expression combinations lead to cell specialization.

Page 14

  • Signaling and Development

    • Homeotic Genes: Control body segment formation and organ development.

    • Hox Genes: A type of homeotic gene that regulates body segmentation.

Page 15

  • Hox Genes Structure

    • Contain a homeobox segment coding for a transcription factor.

    • Highly conserved across species, indicating a common evolutionary ancestor.

Page 16

  • Mutations in Homeotic Genes

    • Hox genes are expressed in patterns that dictate body segment identity.

    • Mutations can lead to significant changes in body structure (e.g., fruit fly with two thoraxes).

Page 18

  • Hox Genes in Vertebrates

    • Determine vertebrae types and numbers in animals.

    • Example: Hoxc-6 in chickens and snakes influences


2024 AP Bio_Gene Regulation Eukaryotic

Gene Regulation & Expression in Eukaryotes

Page 1

  • Complexity of Gene Expression

    • Eukaryotic gene expression is more complex and regulated at multiple levels compared to prokaryotes.

Page 2

  • Eukaryotic Genome Characteristics

    • Eukaryotic genomes are larger than prokaryotic genomes.

    • DNA organization allows specific segments to be accessed as needed.

    • DNA is wound around histone proteins, influencing accessibility.

    • Histones can move along the DNA, altering its structure based on signals.

Page 3

  • Epigenetic Regulation

    • Histone Methylation

      • Causes coiling of DNA, making genes inaccessible and inactive.

    • Histone Acetylation

      • Opens up DNA, making genes accessible and active.

Page 4

  • Epigenetic Changes

    • Alter nucleosome spacing and gene expression.

    • Influenced by development, environmental factors, drugs, aging, and diet.

    • Linked to diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disorders, mental disorders, and diabetes.

Page 5

  • Regulation of Protein Synthesis at DNA Level

    • Gene regulation is influenced by internal and external signals.

    • Key components include:

      • Regulatory Genes: Code for regulatory proteins or RNA.

      • Transcription Factors: Regulatory proteins that interact with DNA.

      • Regulatory Sequences: DNA stretches that interact with regulatory proteins.

Page 6

  • Eukaryotic Promoter Structure

    • Most promoters contain the TATA Box.

    • RNA polymerase requires transcription factors to bind to the promoter first.

    • Larger promoters allow more transcription factors to bind, enhancing control.

    • Eukaryotes have three RNA polymerases (I, II, III) for different genes.

Page 7

  • Transcription Factors & Regulatory Sequences

    • Activator Proteins: Increase transcription speed by interacting with enhancers.

    • Repressor Proteins: Slow or block transcription by interacting with silencers or blocking transcription factors.

Page 8

  • Activator and Repressor Dynamics

    • Gene expression depends on the presence of activators and absence of repressors.

    • Different combinations of activators and repressors lead to varied transcription levels.

Page 9

  • Levels of Gene Regulation

    • Pre-transcriptional Level: Chromatin accessibility and transcription factors.

    • Post-transcriptional Level: RNA processing and stability.

    • Post-translational Level: Protein modifications and degradation.

Page 10

  • Post-transcription Regulation

    • Allows rapid adjustment of gene expression in response to environmental changes.

    • Alternative Splicing: Produces different mRNAs from the same pre-RNA.

    • RNA Interference (RNAi): Small RNAs can degrade mRNA or block translation.

Page 11

  • Variation in Gene Regulation

    • Within Similar Cells: Cells in a tissue can behave differently.

    • Between Different Cell Types: Different responses to the same signals.

    • Between Organisms: Gene regulation accounts for differences in organisms with similar genes.

Page 12

  • Coordinating Gene Expression

    • Genes located far apart can be regulated together if they share transcription factors.

    • Transcription factors can lead to sequential gene expression.

Page 13

  • Cell Differentiation

    • All cells are genetically identical, but only certain genes are active.

    • Different gene expression combinations lead to cell specialization.

Page 14

  • Signaling and Development

    • Homeotic Genes: Control body segment formation and organ development.

    • Hox Genes: A type of homeotic gene that regulates body segmentation.

Page 15

  • Hox Genes Structure

    • Contain a homeobox segment coding for a transcription factor.

    • Highly conserved across species, indicating a common evolutionary ancestor.

Page 16

  • Mutations in Homeotic Genes

    • Hox genes are expressed in patterns that dictate body segment identity.

    • Mutations can lead to significant changes in body structure (e.g., fruit fly with two thoraxes).

Page 18

  • Hox Genes in Vertebrates

    • Determine vertebrae types and numbers in animals.

    • Example: Hoxc-6 in chickens and snakes influences
