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Chapter 3 - Neurons & Nervous System

Biopsychology focuses on the biological mechanisms that underlie our behavior.

It studies Genetics and how inheriteid genes affect a person, Structure of the nervous system, and how the nervouse system interacts with the endocrine system.

Charles Darwin is a scientist that is known for his theroy of evolution.

Dominant traits are always going to be shown over a recessive trait.

We are foucsing onn 3 types of neurons

Sensory neurons carry information from the senses to the central nervous system. Also called afferent neuron.

Motor Neuron is a neuron that carries messages from the entral nervous system to the muscles of the body.

Internueron are neurons found in the center of the spinal cord that recieves information from the snesory neurons and sends commands to the muscles through motor neurons.

Axons are coverend in a fatty substance that insulates the axons and help signals travel down the axon quicker named the Mylelin sheath. At the end of Axons are terminal buttons whre the Axon sends information out, Axons recieve information through the Dendrite.


The synapse is the space inbetween a neurons terminal button to the next neurons dendrite.

The brain is composed of billions of interconnectioned nuerons anf glia

The brainn is 2 sided ( Bilateral )

Can be seperated into distinct lobes but all areas interact with each other

The corpus callosum connects the 2 sections of the brain (right & left)

The brain is divided into 3 main categories the Forebrain, Midbrain, and Hindbrain.

The Cerebral Cortex is the outer layer of the brain and deals with out mroe advanced mental functions lie thoughts emotions and more

The Occipital Lobe is associated with visual processing contains the primaay visual cortex and is responsiblle for interpreting incoming visual information.

The Temporal Lobe is asspcied woth hearaing memor, emotin, anf some aspects of language. And located on the side of the head. it contains the Auditory Cortex. it is split into 2 area the Wernicke area and Broca's area

The Wernicke's area is important for speech comprehension and If damaged can reult in diffuculty understanding language.

Broca's area is responsible for langauge productiona and if da maged problems communcatiing properly

The Parietal Lobe is involved in processing various sensory and perceptual information. It contains the primary Somatosensory Cortex

The Frontal Lobe is Involved executive functioing ( planning organizaation judgement, attention, reasoning) motor control, emotion, and language)

It contains the Motor Cortex which is involved in planning and coordinating movement.

The Prefrontal Cortex is responsible for higher level cognitive fucnctioning.

Broca's area region in the left hemisphere that is esential for language production.

The Thalamus is the relay station for sensory information

The Limbic System is involved in mediating emotional response and memory it is consturcted with multiple different sections.

The Amygdala is involved on our experience of emotion and tying emotional meaning to our memories. Involved in processing fear.

Hippocampus structure is associated with learning and memory ( Specifically spatial memory )

Hypothalamus regulates homeostasislike body temperatures appetite and blood pressure.

The Midbrain is made up off multiple different parts

The Substania Nigra is where dopamine is produced and involved in control of movement.

The Hind Brain contains the Pons is responsible for connecting the bain and the spinal cord, Medulla, Cerebelium is responsible for recieving messages from the motor skills controls balance and motor skills.


Delivers messages too and from the brain

Has its own system of reflexes

The top of the spinal cord mersges with you brain stem and ends bellow the ribs.


A series of glands that produces hormones to gegulate normal ody function.

The Hypothalamus links the nervous system and endrocine system by controlling the Pituitary glands

Pituitary Gland serves as the master gland controlling the secritions of all other glands

Thyroid secretes Thryoxine which regulate growth, metabolisma nd appetite.

Adrenal Gland secretes hormones involved in the stress response

Gonad secretes sex hormones which are important for sucessful eproduction and regulate sexual motivation.

Pancreas secretes hormones that regulate blood sugar

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Chapter 3 - Neurons & Nervous System

Biopsychology focuses on the biological mechanisms that underlie our behavior.

It studies Genetics and how inheriteid genes affect a person, Structure of the nervous system, and how the nervouse system interacts with the endocrine system.

Charles Darwin is a scientist that is known for his theroy of evolution.

Dominant traits are always going to be shown over a recessive trait.

We are foucsing onn 3 types of neurons

Sensory neurons carry information from the senses to the central nervous system. Also called afferent neuron.

Motor Neuron is a neuron that carries messages from the entral nervous system to the muscles of the body.

Internueron are neurons found in the center of the spinal cord that recieves information from the snesory neurons and sends commands to the muscles through motor neurons.

Axons are coverend in a fatty substance that insulates the axons and help signals travel down the axon quicker named the Mylelin sheath. At the end of Axons are terminal buttons whre the Axon sends information out, Axons recieve information through the Dendrite.


The synapse is the space inbetween a neurons terminal button to the next neurons dendrite.

The brain is composed of billions of interconnectioned nuerons anf glia

The brainn is 2 sided ( Bilateral )

Can be seperated into distinct lobes but all areas interact with each other

The corpus callosum connects the 2 sections of the brain (right & left)

The brain is divided into 3 main categories the Forebrain, Midbrain, and Hindbrain.

The Cerebral Cortex is the outer layer of the brain and deals with out mroe advanced mental functions lie thoughts emotions and more

The Occipital Lobe is associated with visual processing contains the primaay visual cortex and is responsiblle for interpreting incoming visual information.

The Temporal Lobe is asspcied woth hearaing memor, emotin, anf some aspects of language. And located on the side of the head. it contains the Auditory Cortex. it is split into 2 area the Wernicke area and Broca's area

The Wernicke's area is important for speech comprehension and If damaged can reult in diffuculty understanding language.

Broca's area is responsible for langauge productiona and if da maged problems communcatiing properly

The Parietal Lobe is involved in processing various sensory and perceptual information. It contains the primary Somatosensory Cortex

The Frontal Lobe is Involved executive functioing ( planning organizaation judgement, attention, reasoning) motor control, emotion, and language)

It contains the Motor Cortex which is involved in planning and coordinating movement.

The Prefrontal Cortex is responsible for higher level cognitive fucnctioning.

Broca's area region in the left hemisphere that is esential for language production.

The Thalamus is the relay station for sensory information

The Limbic System is involved in mediating emotional response and memory it is consturcted with multiple different sections.

The Amygdala is involved on our experience of emotion and tying emotional meaning to our memories. Involved in processing fear.

Hippocampus structure is associated with learning and memory ( Specifically spatial memory )

Hypothalamus regulates homeostasislike body temperatures appetite and blood pressure.

The Midbrain is made up off multiple different parts

The Substania Nigra is where dopamine is produced and involved in control of movement.

The Hind Brain contains the Pons is responsible for connecting the bain and the spinal cord, Medulla, Cerebelium is responsible for recieving messages from the motor skills controls balance and motor skills.


Delivers messages too and from the brain

Has its own system of reflexes

The top of the spinal cord mersges with you brain stem and ends bellow the ribs.


A series of glands that produces hormones to gegulate normal ody function.

The Hypothalamus links the nervous system and endrocine system by controlling the Pituitary glands

Pituitary Gland serves as the master gland controlling the secritions of all other glands

Thyroid secretes Thryoxine which regulate growth, metabolisma nd appetite.

Adrenal Gland secretes hormones involved in the stress response

Gonad secretes sex hormones which are important for sucessful eproduction and regulate sexual motivation.

Pancreas secretes hormones that regulate blood sugar