Quiz Announcement:
Take Quiz 5 on Male Reproductive Behavior.
Administer during the first 15 minutes of class on iCollege.
Female Sex Behavior Concepts:
Mention of Dr. Kinsey and the Kinsey Report.
Pricing mention indicates it might be a reference material.
Today's Outline:
Focus on Mammalian sexual behavior and reproductive cycles.
Successful Sexual Behavior:
Leads to pregnancy through 4 key steps:
Successful ovulation.
Sexual intercourse and stimulation.
Successful fertilization of the egg.
Successful implantation in the uterus.
Distinguish between estrus (the state of being in heat) and anestrus (the state of being out of heat).
Behavior of Estrous Females:
Will actively seek males, initiate copulation, and prefer proximity to males.
Attractiveness to males increases during estrus.
Key Differences:
Estrous females are receptive and permit mating.
Anestrous females do not engage in these behaviors and are not attractive to males.
Estrous Cycle Stages in Canines:
Estrous cycle consists of 4 stages.
Estrus is the stage where dogs can become pregnant.
Detection of estrus is vital for effective swine breeding programs.
Male aggression increases in the presence of estrous females.
Rodents’ estrous cycle lasts about 4 to 5 days.
Precopulatory Behaviors:
Include various ways females gain access to males.
Courtship or proceptive behaviors are defined.
Proceptivity quantifies female's initiation of copulation, influenced by gonadal hormones.
Ovulatory Shifts in Human Female Behavior:
Women exhibit changes in clothing styles and behavior near ovulation for increased attractiveness.
Statistical analysis of differences in clothing choices between high and low fertility phases.
Female Sexual Interest:
Increased sexual interest and fantasies about non-primary partners near ovulation.
No significant increase in interest towards primary partners.
Notable increase in attentiveness from primary partners.
Copulatory Behaviors:
This occurs when the female displays receptivity, enabling fertile copulation.
In rodents, receptivity is quantified by specific behaviors such as lordosis.
Pacing Behavior:
Models natural behavioral patterns and is used to measure female sexual motivation.
Quantified through the frequency of approaches and withdrawals from males.
No Key Information Provided.
Paced Mating:
Enhances reproduction significantly.
Comparison between paced and non-paced mating outcomes shows higher pregnancy rates with paced mating.
Meerkat Social Structure:
Cooperative breeders with groups of 20-50.
Only one breeding couple; other members act as subordinates, which may be influenced by social environment.
Reproductive Suppression in Meerkats:
Study points to dominant females controlling breeding success through aggression and eviction of subordinates.
Social Environment's Impact on Mouse Reproduction:
Factors include chemical signaling from males and social hierarchy impacting reproductive function.
Notable effects include estrous cycle length alteration and puberty acceleration.
Mouse Social Reproductive Effects:
Lee-Boot effect: Extended estrous cycles without males.
Whitten effect: Cycle acceleration by male presence.
Bruce effect: Pregnancy interruption due to exposure to unfamiliar males.
Vandenbergh effect: Influences on juvenile female mice's puberty in relation to housing.
Key Drivers of Female Sexual Behavior:
Discussion on hormonal influences and behavioral outcomes.
Hormonal Influences:
Injections demonstrating the role of Estrogen in generating estrus and Progesterone in sustaining gestation.
Today's Outline Recap:
Focus on Mammalian sexual behavior and reproductive cycles reiterated.
Rodent Estrous Cycle Stages:
Stages including Estrus, Metestrus, Diestrus, and Proestrus discussed alongside hormones and LH roles.
Endocrine Control:
Social factors influencing receptivity are questioned, particularly in primates.
Birth Control and Mate Choice:
Study findings on hormonal contraceptive effects on women’s relationship satisfaction upon cessation.
Female Reproductive Anatomy:
Diagram overview of human reproductive system including oviducts, ovaries, uterus, etc.
Cyclic Reproduction in Female Vertebrates:
Describes the stages and events leading to ovulation and hormone production.
Comparison of Mammalian Uteri:
Overview of differences in reproductive anatomy among various species, including marsupials.
Events in the Ovaries:
Discusses phases including follicular and luteal phases and related hormonal changes over the menstrual cycle.
Graphical Representation of the Human Cycle:
Overview of hormonal cycling, with highlighting of LH surge leading to ovulation.
Estrous Cycle Lengths in Species:
Table providing details on the cycle lengths of various common species under optimal conditions.
Homework Assignment:
Assignment 7 on male sexual behavior due via iCollege.
Presentation Instructions:
Guidelines on discussion and multiple choice questions for approval two days prior to the presentation.
Structure and timing for the final presentation.
Presentation Tips:
Recommendations for effective delivery, including practicing, eye contact, and engagement techniques.