Week 10 | Day 2 | PSYA02
Access to Treatment
- Getting access to treatment is one of the biggest challenges in mental health
- 20% of Canadians suffer from a moderate to serious mental health disorder at some point in their lives
- Only ~40% of these individuals seek treatment
- â…“ of those that seek treatment are unsatisfied with the level of treatment they receive
Why do people fail to get treatment?
- People don’t realize they have a disorder
- Psychological beliefs prevent people from seeking treatment
- Structural barriers to seeking care (not knowing where to look, not enough clinicians, cost)
Differing Approaches to Treatment
- Biological treatments for the brain
- Eg. Psychopharacotherapy
- Used by psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners
- Psychological Intervationtions
- Eg. talk therapy
- Used by psychologistst and other therapists
- SocialEnvironmentt
The Basics of TreatmentDiagnosissPsychologicall treatment or biological treatment
Psychological Treatments
- Many types of psychotherapy
4 major movements of psychotherapy
- Psychodynamic therapy
- Humanistic therapy
- Behaviour therapy
- Cognitive therapy
- Psychodynamicc therapy
- In a session, topics being discussed could be
- Dream analysis
- Childhood events
- Subconscious thoughts & urges
- Projective techniques (eg. inkblot test)
- This therapy iscentredd on the belief that psychological problems come from
- Ineffective repressing urges (often starting in childhood) that leads to fixations
- Problematic use of defencee mechanisms
- Conflict between parts of the dynamic subconsious
- “What I want to do” vs “What I should do”
- Psychoanalysis attempts to give the patient insight into these conflicts → Insight is the goal
- Humanistic/Existential Therapies
- Humanistic Theory and psychologist emphasize: Thee importance of striving for personal improvement
- Free will
- The positive aspects of the human experience
- Person-centered therapy assumes that the individuals have a tendency toward growth, centers on acceptance and genuine reactions from therapist
- Congruence (word, body language, etc.)
- Empathy
- Unconditional positive regard (accepting no matter what)