Unit 2: Measuring the Economy
Focus on GDP, Unemployment, and Inflation
Definition: Study of an entire country’s economy (big picture).
All consumers instead of one.
All businesses instead of one firm or industry.
Origin: Born during the Great Depression.
Measure the health of the whole economy.
Guide government policies to fix problems.
Promote Economic Growth
Limit Unemployment
Keep Prices Stable (Limit Inflation)
Economic growth measured through national income accounting.
Key Measure: Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Definition: Value of all final goods and services produced within a country's borders in one year.
Measured in dollars (for the US).
Excludes intermediate goods.
Only includes new goods produced within the year.
Purpose: Similar to personal income, GDP reflects financial health of the U.S.
Uses of GDP:
Comparison to previous years (growth assessment).
Evaluation of policy changes.
Comparison with other countries.
Highest GDP Countries (2023):
United States: $27,720,709 million
China: $17,794,783 million
Germany: $4,525,703 million
Japan: $4,204,494 million
% Change in GDP = (Year 2 - Year 1) / Year 1 * 100
Winterfell: 2014 GDP: $4000; 2015 GDP: $5000; % Change?
Transylvania: 2014 GDP: $2000; 2015 GDP: $2100; % Change?
Standard of Living: Adjusted for population size to find GDP per capita.
GDP Per Capita: Best measure of standard of living by averaging product output per person.
Most Populated Countries:
India: 1,438,069.60 Thousand
China: 1,410,710.00 Thousand
United States: 334,914.90 Thousand
Highest GDP Per Capita:
Monaco: $256,580.50
Liechtenstein: $186,400.20
Luxembourg: $128,678.20
Bermuda: $125,841.60
Productivity: More capital leads to greater production capabilities.
Economic Systems: Capitalist nations tend to grow more.
Property Rights: Necessary for innovation and investment.
Capital: Machinery and tools essential for production.
Human Capital: Knowledge resources affect productivity.
Natural Resources: Availability impacts GDP.
Nonproduction Transactions: Financial actions or second-hand goods.
Intermediate Goods: Components used in final products.
Non-Market and Illegal Activities: Household production, unpaid work.
Expenditures Approach: Total spending on final goods.
Income Approach: Total income from selling goods.
Output/Value-Added Approach: Sales minus intermediate costs.
Consumer Spending: 70% of GDP (final goods purchased by individuals).
Investment: 15% of GDP (business tools/equipment).
Government Spending: 20% of GDP (public services).
Net Exports: Exports minus imports.
Analyze various transactions (examples given) to determine if included in GDP.
Example: Movie Tickets = Included (C)
New Factory = Included (I)
Used Textbook = Not Included
Identification of components leading to GDP increases and examination of various economic indicators.
Nominal GDP: Current prices, doesn’t factor inflation.
Real GDP: Adjusted for inflation, best measure of growth.
Example: Measurement of real vs. nominal GDP in years reveals actual economic shifts.
GDP may increase without actual goods/services uptick due to inflation.
Importance of recognizing real vs. nominal GDP in understanding economic realities.
Business Cycle: Describes the fluctuations in economic activity over time, including phases like recession and recovery.
Peak and Trough: Highest and lowest points in the business cycle, respectively.