Adam Smith: Father of Capitalism
The Invisible Hand: Market regulated themselves through competition and self interest.
Laissez Faire: Limited government interference
Competition benefits everyone.
Division of Labor: Specialization increases productivity and efficiency.
Karl Marx: Father of Communism
Co-wrote The Communist Manifesto
Criticized capitalism as exploitative and unfair.
Wanted a classless, stateless society where wealth is shared equally.
Argued workers create value, but capitalists profit from labour
Predicted capitalism would collapse due to internal conflicts and instability.
John Maynard Keynes: Father of Modern Macroeconomics
British who reshaped economic thought during Great Depression
Claimed government intervention through spending and taxes could offset recessions.
Keynesian economics emphasized government policies to stabilize the economy.
Milton Friedman: Leader of Monetarism
American supporting free markers
Developed Monetarism: Controlling money supply is best way to manage economy
Opposed keynesian arguing government spending leads to inflation
Criticized government welfare, advocating for freedom and personal responsibility.