Historical Economics

Adam Smith: Father of Capitalism

  • The Invisible Hand: Market regulated themselves through competition and self interest. 

  • Laissez Faire: Limited government interference

  • Competition benefits everyone. 

  • Division of Labor: Specialization increases productivity and efficiency.

Karl Marx: Father of Communism

  • Co-wrote The Communist Manifesto

  • Criticized capitalism as exploitative and unfair. 

  • Wanted a classless, stateless society where wealth is shared equally. 

  • Argued workers create value, but capitalists profit from labour

  • Predicted capitalism would collapse due to internal conflicts and instability.

John Maynard Keynes: Father of Modern Macroeconomics

  • British who reshaped economic thought during Great Depression

  • Claimed government intervention through spending and taxes could offset recessions. 

  • Keynesian economics emphasized government policies to stabilize the economy.  

Milton Friedman: Leader of Monetarism

  • American supporting free markers

  • Developed Monetarism: Controlling money supply is best way to manage economy

  • Opposed keynesian arguing government spending leads to inflation

  • Criticized government welfare, advocating for freedom and personal responsibility.
