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ap world unit 1 (copy)

Developments in Song China

  • They maintained and justified their rule by:

    • Neo-Confucianism: they carried over a revival of confucianism from the Tang Dynasty

      • It sought to rid of confucian thought of the influence of buddhism

      • Society is hierarchical

        • To achieve social harmony those below had to serve to those above and those above had to care those below

        • Filial Piety

    • Imperial bureaucracy: 

      • Bureaucracy: a gov. entity arranged in a hierarchical fashion that carries out the will of the emperor

      • civil service exam: bureaucratic jobs were earned on the basis of merit (most qualified)

        • Open to everyone but has to be rich enough to be able to study wo financial worries

  • Women:

    •  in song china were relegated to the subordinate position

    • Stripped of legal rights

      • Her property is her husband’s property

      • If she was widowed or divorced she could not remarry

    • Endured social restrictions compared to previous dynasties

      • Limited education

      • Elite women- foot binding

        • Status symbol among elite

  • Influenced Korea, Japan, and Vietnam

    • Korea: civil service exam, adopted buddhism

  • Buddhism

    • 4 noble truths:

      • Life is suffering

      • We suffer bc we crave

      • Cease suffering when we cease craving

      • The eight fold path will lead to cease of suffering

    • Similarities w hinduism:

      • Reincarnation

      • Ultimate goal to reach nirvana

    • New branches of Buddhism

      • Theravada Buddhism: 

        • Originated in Sri Lanka

        • Monks in monasteries do get enlightened 

        • Believed outsiders were too busy to fully absorb and get into the state of Nirvana

      • Mahayana Buddhism: East Asia

        • Made it a goal to help others reach nirvana 

  • Economy:

    • Increased the prosperity from the previous chinese empires

    • Under Song rule, China’s pop doubled

    • Commercialization of Economy:

      • Manufacturers and artisans began to produce more goods than they consume

      • Sold excess goods in chinese markets and other countries

      • Porcelain and Silk

    • Agricultural innovations

      • Champa Rice: 2 harvests, resisted drought, matured early

        • Population growth

    • Transportation Innovations

      • Grand Canal Expansion

Developments in Dar-al-Islam

  • All the places in world where Islam was main religion

  • There were 2 other religions heavily practiced in this region:

    • Judaism

    • Christianity

    • These religions were monotheistic and wherever those religions were practices, it shaped their society

  • Abbasid Caliphate:

    • Located in Baghdad

    • Ethnically arab

    • Started to break up and loose its power

      • New muslim empires started to rise who were ethnically Turkic, not arab

      • Muslim empires were still around but the dominant empires were led by turks, not arabs

  • Seljuk Empire:

    • Established by turkic pastoralists

    • The Abbasids got help from the seljuks to keep their empire in line but they later fought w them and established their own empire

    • Although it was the Abbasids who remained power and remained as the religious head of Islam, it was the seljuks were were actually in control

  • Turkic Empires: Continuity

    • Military administered their states

    • Established sharia law

      • Legal code based on the Quran

    • Nasir-al-din al- Tusi

      • Invented Trig

    • Preserved greek studies by translating them to Arab

      • House of Wisdom- baghdad

      • Golden age of Islam

  • Dar-al-islam represented the center of Scholars and wealth

  • Expansion of muslim rule

    • Military expansion

    • Muslim merchants

      • Mali

    • Muslim Missionaries

      • Sufi missionaries

South and Southeast Asia

  • Three belief systems

    • Hinduism

    • Buddhism

    • Islam

  • South Asia:

    • Buddhism was born here

    • Hinduism was the mode widespread

    • Islam was second most spread due to the Delhi Sultanate

    • Bhakti Movement:

      • Devotion to one hindu god

      • Mounted challenged to social and gender hierarchies

    • Delhi Sultanate: 

      • Ruled much of north india and had trouble holding onto that rule 

      • Rajput Kingdoms: warring hindu kingdoms that existed before the delhi sultanate and were able to keep muslim rule at bay

      • Vijayanagara Empire: South India 

        • Delhi sultanate sent emissaries who were hindus who converted to islam to spread islam to south india, but the emissaries converted back to hindu

  • Southeast Asia

    • Competition between Buddhism and Islam

    • Many sea based and land based empires

      • Majapahit kingdom:

        • Sea based

        • Buddhihist kingdom

        • Maintained influence by controlling sea routes for trade

      • Khmer Empire:

        • Land based

        • Hindu kingdom but converted to Buddhist

        • Angkor Wat

State Building in the Americas

  • The majority lived in Mesoamerica and Andean civilizations

  • Aztec Empire:

    • Capital city: Tenochtitlan

    • Established an empire with an agreement with two other empires

    • Tribute states

      • The people had to provide labor for the Aztecs and regular contributions of good like food, animals, building materials, etc

    • Enslaved people played a large role in their religious sacrifices

  • Incan Empire

    • Elaborate bureaucracy

    • Rigid hierarchy of officials spread throughout empire to ensure everyone was following them

    • Mit’a System

The aztecs were mostly decentralized in how they ruled while Inca were highly centralized

Developments in Europe

  • Dominated by christianity

    • Eastern orthodox

    • Roman catholicism

  • Byzantine Empire: represented the eastern half of the remaining roman empire

    • Eastern orthodox

  • Kevan Rus

    • Eastern orthodox united the people

  • Western Europe was dominated by the Roman Catholic Church

  • Muslims and jews also exerted influence in Europe

  • Political structure:

    • During this period, there were no empires. Decentralization and political fragmentation was the political flavor in Europe

    • Feudalism: A system of allegiance between powerful lords, monarchs, and knights

      • Vassals: received land from their lords in exchange for military service

    • Manorialism: 

      • Manor: piece of land owned by a lord in which was then rented out to peasants who worked the land

      • Peasants were bound to the land and worked on it in exchange of protection

        • Serfs: not personal property of the lord but were bound to the land and stayed their no matter what

      • The center of political and economic power was in the hands of landowning lords (nobility)


ap world unit 1 (copy)

Developments in Song China

  • They maintained and justified their rule by:

    • Neo-Confucianism: they carried over a revival of confucianism from the Tang Dynasty

      • It sought to rid of confucian thought of the influence of buddhism

      • Society is hierarchical

        • To achieve social harmony those below had to serve to those above and those above had to care those below

        • Filial Piety

    • Imperial bureaucracy: 

      • Bureaucracy: a gov. entity arranged in a hierarchical fashion that carries out the will of the emperor

      • civil service exam: bureaucratic jobs were earned on the basis of merit (most qualified)

        • Open to everyone but has to be rich enough to be able to study wo financial worries

  • Women:

    •  in song china were relegated to the subordinate position

    • Stripped of legal rights

      • Her property is her husband’s property

      • If she was widowed or divorced she could not remarry

    • Endured social restrictions compared to previous dynasties

      • Limited education

      • Elite women- foot binding

        • Status symbol among elite

  • Influenced Korea, Japan, and Vietnam

    • Korea: civil service exam, adopted buddhism

  • Buddhism

    • 4 noble truths:

      • Life is suffering

      • We suffer bc we crave

      • Cease suffering when we cease craving

      • The eight fold path will lead to cease of suffering

    • Similarities w hinduism:

      • Reincarnation

      • Ultimate goal to reach nirvana

    • New branches of Buddhism

      • Theravada Buddhism: 

        • Originated in Sri Lanka

        • Monks in monasteries do get enlightened 

        • Believed outsiders were too busy to fully absorb and get into the state of Nirvana

      • Mahayana Buddhism: East Asia

        • Made it a goal to help others reach nirvana 

  • Economy:

    • Increased the prosperity from the previous chinese empires

    • Under Song rule, China’s pop doubled

    • Commercialization of Economy:

      • Manufacturers and artisans began to produce more goods than they consume

      • Sold excess goods in chinese markets and other countries

      • Porcelain and Silk

    • Agricultural innovations

      • Champa Rice: 2 harvests, resisted drought, matured early

        • Population growth

    • Transportation Innovations

      • Grand Canal Expansion

Developments in Dar-al-Islam

  • All the places in world where Islam was main religion

  • There were 2 other religions heavily practiced in this region:

    • Judaism

    • Christianity

    • These religions were monotheistic and wherever those religions were practices, it shaped their society

  • Abbasid Caliphate:

    • Located in Baghdad

    • Ethnically arab

    • Started to break up and loose its power

      • New muslim empires started to rise who were ethnically Turkic, not arab

      • Muslim empires were still around but the dominant empires were led by turks, not arabs

  • Seljuk Empire:

    • Established by turkic pastoralists

    • The Abbasids got help from the seljuks to keep their empire in line but they later fought w them and established their own empire

    • Although it was the Abbasids who remained power and remained as the religious head of Islam, it was the seljuks were were actually in control

  • Turkic Empires: Continuity

    • Military administered their states

    • Established sharia law

      • Legal code based on the Quran

    • Nasir-al-din al- Tusi

      • Invented Trig

    • Preserved greek studies by translating them to Arab

      • House of Wisdom- baghdad

      • Golden age of Islam

  • Dar-al-islam represented the center of Scholars and wealth

  • Expansion of muslim rule

    • Military expansion

    • Muslim merchants

      • Mali

    • Muslim Missionaries

      • Sufi missionaries

South and Southeast Asia

  • Three belief systems

    • Hinduism

    • Buddhism

    • Islam

  • South Asia:

    • Buddhism was born here

    • Hinduism was the mode widespread

    • Islam was second most spread due to the Delhi Sultanate

    • Bhakti Movement:

      • Devotion to one hindu god

      • Mounted challenged to social and gender hierarchies

    • Delhi Sultanate: 

      • Ruled much of north india and had trouble holding onto that rule 

      • Rajput Kingdoms: warring hindu kingdoms that existed before the delhi sultanate and were able to keep muslim rule at bay

      • Vijayanagara Empire: South India 

        • Delhi sultanate sent emissaries who were hindus who converted to islam to spread islam to south india, but the emissaries converted back to hindu

  • Southeast Asia

    • Competition between Buddhism and Islam

    • Many sea based and land based empires

      • Majapahit kingdom:

        • Sea based

        • Buddhihist kingdom

        • Maintained influence by controlling sea routes for trade

      • Khmer Empire:

        • Land based

        • Hindu kingdom but converted to Buddhist

        • Angkor Wat

State Building in the Americas

  • The majority lived in Mesoamerica and Andean civilizations

  • Aztec Empire:

    • Capital city: Tenochtitlan

    • Established an empire with an agreement with two other empires

    • Tribute states

      • The people had to provide labor for the Aztecs and regular contributions of good like food, animals, building materials, etc

    • Enslaved people played a large role in their religious sacrifices

  • Incan Empire

    • Elaborate bureaucracy

    • Rigid hierarchy of officials spread throughout empire to ensure everyone was following them

    • Mit’a System

The aztecs were mostly decentralized in how they ruled while Inca were highly centralized

Developments in Europe

  • Dominated by christianity

    • Eastern orthodox

    • Roman catholicism

  • Byzantine Empire: represented the eastern half of the remaining roman empire

    • Eastern orthodox

  • Kevan Rus

    • Eastern orthodox united the people

  • Western Europe was dominated by the Roman Catholic Church

  • Muslims and jews also exerted influence in Europe

  • Political structure:

    • During this period, there were no empires. Decentralization and political fragmentation was the political flavor in Europe

    • Feudalism: A system of allegiance between powerful lords, monarchs, and knights

      • Vassals: received land from their lords in exchange for military service

    • Manorialism: 

      • Manor: piece of land owned by a lord in which was then rented out to peasants who worked the land

      • Peasants were bound to the land and worked on it in exchange of protection

        • Serfs: not personal property of the lord but were bound to the land and stayed their no matter what

      • The center of political and economic power was in the hands of landowning lords (nobility)